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Sulfur smoke 基本例句 硫熏 CNN) -- Scientists witnessed the eruption of the deepest underwater volcano and caught the entire event on film for the first time -- complete with molten lava and sulfur smoke clouds.环保行业设备汽车CNN---科学家首次通过胶片目睹与捕获到喷发着熔岩与硫烟云的最深水下火山喷发全过程。 Methods To process coltsfoot flower with the means of sulfur smoking, braising, washing, parching, air drying, insolating and stacking respectively.方法:对款冬花分别采取直接硫熏、水洗硫熏、蒸透、水洗等方法处理,然后分别同时进行炕干、阴干、晒干和堆放试验。 |