

单词 suiting
释义 suit·ing 英ˈsuːtɪŋ美ˈsutɪŋAHDs›“tĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁴¹⁸¹BNC⁶⁸¹⁹⁶iWeb⁴⁹⁵⁶⁵
a fabric used for suitssuit,西装,套装,-ing,集合名词后缀。suit套装towel suiting毛巾布料tropical suiting薄型精纺呢vicuna suiting骆马绒花呢suiting measures to different conditions制宜
suit恰当-ing动名词⇒n.西装料;一套衣服;衣料;一身西服;商套头料;西服料用作名词Tweed is one of the best men'ssuiting.粗花呢是一种最好的男装衣料。
Are these clothes of yours made of uniformsuiting?你这件衣服的料子是制服呢的吗?
New artificial silksuitingfeel smooth and soft to the touch.仿真丝新面料,光滑柔软手感好。verb.be acceptable, appropriate
同义词 become,befit,conform,correspond,enhance,fit,flatter,go with,gratify,please,satisfy,serveaccord,agree,answer,benefit,beseem,check,do,fulfill,go,harmonize,match,square,suffice,tallyanswer a need,be proper for,be seemly,check out,cut the mustard,fill the bill,fit in,get by,go together,make the grade,pass muster
反义词 anger,annoy,differ,disappoint,disturb,frustrate,mismatch,offend,refuse,upset,disagree,fail,miss,neglect,oppose,questiondisplease,dissatisfy,rejectverb.adapt, tailor
同义词 satisfy,conform,fit,gratify,modify,amuse,please,accommodate,adjustfashion,reconcile,proportion,entertain,revise,readjust,quadrate,change,fill,tailor-makefit in,toe the mark
反义词 unsuitdisagreedisturb,upsetreject,dissatisfy,displeasedisarrange,annoy,refuse,frustrate,disappoint,anger As a result, power women's wear has often amounted to trimmer versions of men's suiting.
因此,身居要职的女性的着装经常可以看作是男性套装的改良版本。 neworiental

For suiting common platform of small satellite, a common software platform is designed based on the object-oriented programming OOP.
以小卫星共用平台相配套,以面向对象的程序设计方法 OOP为基础,提出软件共用平台的设计。 cnki

Graphics included the show’s checkerboard floor, check suiting fabric and monochrome Liberty- style prints.
并绘出了这场时装秀中的西洋棋盘地板,网格的时装和那些单色的自由风格的图案。 yeeyan

The essence of the educational system transformation is to establish the modern educational system suiting modern society, which has the functions of freedom, ethics and order.
教育制度转型的本质是要建立适应现代社会的现代教育制度,而现代教育制度具有自由功能、伦理功能和秩序功能。 cnki

The hand- calculated method is hardly suiting the needs of the cultivating sports people with professional skill.
体育统计教学中的手算法已难以适应培养高素质体育专门人才的需要。 cnki

The Methods are administrative regulations matched with the Tax Collection and Management Law and suiting the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy.
《办法》是与《征管法》配套的、适应社会主义市场经济发展要求的一项行政法规。 scientrans

The principle of suiting penalty to crime and criminal responsibility is one of the most important basic principle of criminal law.
罪责刑相适应原则是刑法的一项重要的基本原则, 是我国刑法实现立法公正和司法公正所必须遵循的原则。 iciba

The reason was very simple: she is kind, friendly, patient, helpful and loving, thus well suiting a position as class teacher.
理由很简单:她善良、友好、耐心、乐于助人、有一颗爱心,因此,非常适合做一名班主任。 iciba

Therefore, to seek the new marketing concept suiting the product of real estate is something worthy of being studies.
寻找适用于房地产产品特点的新的营销理念是值得我们研究的问题。 cnki

After analyzing data of real measure, part parameters of SCS was amended and the relationship of precipitation runoff suiting physical geography of small farmland in Shanghai was made.
根据实测资料对 SCS法的部分参数作了修正,使小块农田的降雨径流关系适合上海的区域自然地理条件; cnki

But for years, the study of proper floating agent suiting the induced air floatation has not gone far, which to some extent prevents the using of this method.
但多年来,由于诱导气浮配套使用的浮选剂研究进展缓慢,在一定程度上制约了这一技术的推广。 cnki

Development of sacrificial anodes, especially Al alloy anode for suiting the needs of corrosion protection in production was reviewed.
介绍了牺牲阳极,特别是铝合金阳极的开发,以适应生产中防腐蚀的需要。 cnki

Drift on water looks for a house, suiting to place the life house though this is a kind of to entertain wild hope to the oneself, suiting the house that the mind puts to fly.
漂泊是寻找家,适合把自己放置一生的家尽管这是一种奢望,适合心灵放飞的家。 bbs.scol.com.cn

If you want suiting that makes you to stand out and look like a gentleman, you’ll find a double- breasted suit to be the best choice.
如果你想要适合你使你看起来引人注目看起来更绅士,你将会发现双排扣会是你最好的选择。 yeeyan

It feels odd, as I mentioned earlier, but if you can get past it, it is a satisfying game to play, with its emphasis on puzzles and adventure perfectly suiting a horror title.
正如我之前提到的,它玩起来感觉有些怪异,不过如果你能适应它的话,它就会是一款令人愉悦的游戏了,其解谜和冒险情节完美贴合了惊悚主题。 fcctt

New artificial silk suiting feel smooth and soft to the touch.
仿真丝新面料,光滑柔软手感好。 jukuu

Objective To understand the current situation of common inhabitants about AIDS knowledge, attitude and behavior, to find health education methods of AIDS suiting for inhabitants.
目的了解普通居民艾滋病知识、态度、行为的现状;寻求适合居民区艾滋病健康教育的方式。 cnki

Thank you for your enquiry for suiting. Our prices are mentioned in the enclosure. We are waiting for your study and order.
谢谢你函询本公司衣料的售价。本公司的价目已列在附件中,请详加研究,欢迎订货。 iciba

The author describes the development of open property management information system suiting to national conditions by use of system integration technology in accordance with international standards.
根据我国物业管理行业的实际,运用系统集成技术,采用复合开发的系统开发策略,研制遵循国际标准,适合国情的开放的物业管理信息系统。 cnki

The New Multilateralism, suiting our times, is likely to be a flexible network, not a fixed system.
符合我们时代的一个全新的多边体系必须是一个灵活的网络,而不是一个僵化的制度。 worldbank

Therefore, it is important that the psychological consult in universities must be developed to help the university students improve the ability of suiting the society and develop in all round way.
加强高校心理健康教育与心理咨询工作,对于提高大学生的社会适应能力,促进学生全面发展,具有重要意义。 cnki

With the description of the problems about the economy function of the government, importance and necessity which China government adjust the economy function suiting itself are pointed out.
本文通过对我国政府经济管理职能存在的问题进行分析,指出对政府经济管理职能进行调整的重要性和必要性。 cnki

You can serve your country in other ways besides suiting up in combat.
除了走向战场,你可以通过更多其他的方法来帮助你的国家。 yeeyan




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