

单词 suitcase
释义 suit·case 英ˈsuːtˌkeɪs美ˈsutˌkesAHDs›tʹkās' ★★☆☆☆高四六GIT宝牛COCA⁷⁴⁵²BNC⁹⁸⁵⁴iWeb⁹⁰⁶³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

C 手提箱,衣箱

a flat bag for carrying clothes and possession when travelling

a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes;

he carried his small bag onto the plane with him





用作名词 n.
动词+~label the suitcase在手提箱上贴标签形容词+~black suitcase黑色的手提箱blue suitcase蓝色的手提箱red suitcase红色的手提箱介词+~in the suitcase在手提箱里on the suitcase在箱子上~+介词a suitcase of clothes一箱衣服
GRE红宝书suit一套衣服, case箱子
suit 衣服 + case 箱子
组合词suit一套衣服+ case箱子⇒手提箱钱博士suit套装+case箱子→衣箱⇒手提箱组合词:suit一套衣服+ case箱子⇒手提箱近义词 bag袋grip紧握case例子trunk树干travel旅行duffel粗呢luggage行李baggage行李valise手提箱holdall大旅行袋overnight在夜里carryall轻便马车travel bag旅行袋travel case旅行袋portmanteau旅行皮包traveling bag旅行袋travelling bag旅行包overnight bag过夜行李duffel bag防水的帆布行…
用作名词n.The suitcase is fairly heavy.这只衣箱子相当重。
Remember to label your suitcase before you go to the airport.记住在去机场以前在手提箱上贴上标签。
The suitcases were searched at the customhouse.这些手提箱在海关受检查了。
Her only possessions were ten suitcases of clothes.她仅有的财产是十箱衣服。
I'll have your suitcases sent forward to the hotel.我会叫人先把你的箱子送到旅馆去的。


用作名词My wife compacted my clothes in asuitcase.妻子把我的衣服紧塞在手提箱里。
We've got a sparesuitcasebut it's not very get-at-able.我们有个多余的手提箱,但是不太容易拿出来。
He stuffed thesuitcasewith his clothes.他把衣服塞满手提箱。noun.luggage
同义词 bag,carry-on,satchelgrip,portmanteau,valise
bagnoun container for one's possessions
carry onnoun small suitcase
bag,baggage,luggage,overnight bag,satchel,suitcase,valise
casenoun container;items in container
kitnoun provisions, equipment
overnight bagnoun bag for overnight stay
carry-on,overnight case,overnighter,suitcase
packagenoun bundle;whole
amalgamation,assortment,bag,baggage,bale,batch,bottle,box,bunch,bundle,burden,can,carton,combination,container,crate,kit,load,lot,luggage,pack,packet,parcel,pile,sack,sheaf,stack,suitcase,tin,trunk,unit And I packed my little suitcase and came home.
于是,我整理了我的小行李箱,回家来了。 yeeyan

By her side was a small nylon suitcase.
她身旁是一个小型的尼龙手提箱。 kekenet

Snowdrifts blocked the truck doors, so he heaved the suitcase and garbage bag out the window.
冰雪封住了卡车的车门,于是他不得不将提箱和塑料袋扔出窗外。 yeeyan

The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase. He was about to take out some drink when he noticed that the old lady looked hungry, so he offered her some cookie.
男孩在她身旁坐下,打开了他的手提箱,他正要拿出饮料,但身旁这位老婆婆看起来也已经饿了,于是便给了她一些饼干。 http://source.yeeyan.org

After takeoff, Cooper handed a flight attendant a note saying that he had a bomb in his suitcase.
飞机起飞后,库柏递给空乘人员一张便条,上面写着他的手提箱里有一个炸弹。 yeeyan

An Australian television channel reported that one of its reporters had successfully entered a stadium with a suitcase containing crude explosives.
澳大利亚一家电视台报道,他们的一名记者携带装有爆炸物的手提箱,成功进入了场馆。 ecocn

Can you lift this heavy suitcase?
你能提起这个沉重的衣箱吗? kekenet

Conversely, don't use a suitcase that is too large for its contents, as this can cause clothing to move every which way during travel and become wrinkled.
反之,也不要携带能装下你的所有东西还绰绰有余的太大的行李箱,因为这会使衣服在旅行过程中到处移动,产生褶皱。 hjenglish

Do you think I can jam all these clothes in this suitcase?

He grabbed his suitcase and gave the impression he was boarding the Tokyo plane.
他拿起了手提箱,给人的印象是他要登上飞往东京的飞机了。 ebigear

He jammed his clothes into a black suitcase.

I have a suitcase and a traveling bag.
我有一个手提箱和一个旅行包。 hxen

I want to check this suitcase through to Chicago.
我要托运这个手提箱到芝加哥。 kekenet

If you can pack a shirt into your suitcase with creases, you can do it without.
如果你把衬衫皱巴巴的叠进你的行李箱,你也可以把它平整的叠进去。 yeeyan

If you must sit on your suitcase to close it, it is too full.
假如你得坐在手提箱上才能合上它,那说明你带的太多了。 yeeyan

In a short time he was ordering it “ by the suitcase” and passing it round to his friends.
一时间,他开始了通过“手提箱”订购此货品,并向他的朋友圈推广。 ecocn

Is this your suitcase?
这是你的手提箱呢? ebigear

Listen to what the suitcase says.
要听听行李箱说什么。 yeeyan

My Chinese ceramic plate was a gift from an antiques collector in Shanghai and it came to America in my suitcase.
我的中国陶瓷盘是一位上海古董收藏家送给我的礼物,它随着我的行李箱来到了美国。 yeeyan

Over Easter, I lived a month out of a single suitcase because I only took a few pieces of clothing but I styled them by mixing and matching.
在复活节期间,我只是带着一个手提箱出去住了一个月,因为我只带了几件衣服,但是我把它们混搭了。 yeeyan

Please keep my suitcase while I leave for a ticket.

She checked her suitcase in at the service desk.

That was the last time I checked in a suitcase at the airport.
这是我最后一次我在机场检查我的手提箱。 yeeyan

Tommy Makem picked up those legends too and, in 1955, took them to America, together with his bagpipes and a suitcase patched up with tape.
1955年,汤米-麦克姆把这些传奇故事和他的风笛以及一个用胶带修补过的手提箱一并带到了美国。 ecocn

Up to now nobody has claimed the suitcase.
到现在还没人认领这个行李箱。 ebigear




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