

单词 suit
释义 suit 英suːt美sutAHDs›t ★★★★☆初高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁶⁸⁴BNC³⁹⁴⁶iWeb²¹²⁶Economist²⁰¹⁷

C 一套衣服

a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a short coat〔jacket〕 with trousers or a skirt

C 诉讼案件; 法律程序

case in a lawcourt; legal proceedings

vt. 适合于

look attractive on sb

vt. & vi. 对…方便,中…的意

be convenient for or acceptable to sb

vt. 对…合适或有利

be right or beneficial for sb/sth

a set of garments usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt for outerwear all of the same fabric and color;

they buried him in his best suit

a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;

the family brought suit against the landlord

slang a businessman dressed in a business suit;

all the suits care about is the bottom line

a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman usually with the hope of marriage;

its was a brief and intense courtship

a petition or appeal made to a person of superior status or rankplaying card in any of four sets of 13 cards in a pack; each set has its own symbol and color;

a flush is five cards in the same suit

in bridge you must follow suit

what suit is trumps?

be agreeable or acceptable to;

This suits my needs

be agreeable or acceptable;

This time suits me

accord or comport with;

This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!

enhance the appearance of;

Mourning becomes Electra

This behavior doesn't suit you!


❌ She is not suited by the red cap.

✔️ The red cap does not suit her.


suit, clothes, clothing, coat, dress, overcoat



He spent a lot of money on clothes when he was young.他年轻时花很多钱买衣服。


People of different climates wear different clothing.生活在不同气候条件下的人衣着也不相同。
This is a factory that makes children's clothing.这是一家童装厂。


I've bought a coat for my daughter.我替女儿买了一件大衣。
These coats are in the newest style.这些西装上衣都是最新款式的。


She wore a long, white dress for the wedding.她穿着一件长长的白色结婚礼服。


Men and boys wear overcoats in cold weather.天冷时,人们都穿大衣。


My brother wore a new suit for the party.我哥哥穿一身新西服去参加晚会。
suit, fit


1.fit在用于衣着、鞋帽等场合下的“适合”时,指的是大小、形状、宽松方面; 而suit则着重指颜色、款式、色调方面的合适。例如:

That colour doesn't suit her.那种颜色不适合她的肤色。
The suit fitted her nicely.这身衣服她穿正合适。


I love you in that dress, it really suits you.我很喜欢你穿的这件衣服,它使你看上去很有吸引力。adapt,adjust,conform,accommodate,suit,fit




















来自盎格鲁法语suit,跟随。来自古法语suite,跟随。来自通俗拉丁语*sequita。来自拉丁语sequi,追随,跟随,词源同sue, sequence。原指跟随的一群人,追随者,随从,后指配备给随从的统一的制服,最后演变成现在的套装,西服,以及相关词义匹配,适宜等。 suit来自盎格鲁法语suit,跟随。来自古法语suite,跟随。来自通俗拉丁语*sequita。来自拉丁语sequi,追随,跟随,词源同sue, sequence。原指跟随的一群人,追随者,随从,后指配备给随从的统一的制服,最后演变成现在的套装,西服,以及相关词义匹配,适宜等。 suite来自suit对词形式,用于指套间,成套等。 sue来自古法语suir,追踪,跟随,起诉。来自通俗拉丁语*sequere,跟随。来自拉丁语sequi,跟随,词源同suit, sequence, pursue。后词义限定为控告,起诉。 sequence来自拉丁语sequi,追随,按顺序,词源同second, pursue。-ence,名词后缀。引申诸相关词义。
用作名词 n.
动词+~make a suit制一套衣服order a suit订一套衣服put on a suit穿上西装take off a suit脱掉西装try on a suit试穿一套衣服bring a suit against sb控告某人conduct a suit起诉enter a suit起诉file a suit起诉gain a suit胜诉institute a suit against sb控告某人lose a suit败诉press a suit坚持诉讼win a suit胜诉follow suit跟牌,仿照前人的办法跟着做have a suit to对…有所求press one's suit强行求婚形容词+~striped suit一套条子衣服everyday suit便服civil suit民事诉讼strong suit长处,优点名词+~bathing suit游泳衣business suit〈美〉一套西装diving suit潜水服dress suit男式晚礼服flying suit飞行服gym suit运动服leisure suit休闲装man's suit一套男式衣服pants suit上衣与裤子相配的一种女子服装sailor suit水手服ski suit滑雪装space suit宇航服sports suit运动服tank suit女人穿的长浴衣two-piece suit两件式套装union suit连衫裤woman's suit一套女式衣服damage suit损害赔偿诉讼law suit诉讼案件介词+~in one's birthday suit〈谑〉一丝不挂,赤裸裸的all of one suit清一色~+介词suit for damages损害赔偿诉讼a suit of一套衣服a suit of armour一套盔甲a suit of grey clothes一套灰色衣服用作动词 v.~+名词suit landscape与景色相适合suit one's plans适合某人的计划suit one's tastes适合某人的喜好suit the needs of modernization适应现代化的需要~+副词suit quite非常适合suit well完全适合suit admirably极好地相配suit beautifully极好地相配suit definitely明确地相配suit exactly恰当地相配suit logically合乎逻辑地相配suit peculiarly特别相配suit perfectly完全适合suit precisely恰好相配suit rationally合理相配suit simply简单地相配suit specifically特有地相配suit superbly极好地相配suit up穿上制服~+介词suit for适合做…suit to使与…相适合,相符或相称,适合于…,中某人意suit the punishment to a crime使罪罚相当suit with与…协调,相称
用作名词n.follow suit

跟出同样花色的牌; 跟着做,照着做 act or behave in the way that sb else has just done

用作动词v.suit oneself

随自己的意愿行事 do as one likes

suit to v.+prep.

适合于…; 中某人意 have the right qualities to become sth such as a position or to please sb常用于 be ~ed 结构

suit up v.+adv.

〈主美〉穿上制服 put on special clothing, as for work

suit upWhen you've suited up, come into the machine room.穿好工作服到机房来。
suit with v.+prep.

与…协调〔相称〕 match sth well

suit with sthDoes the job suit with his experience?他的经历适于这一工作吗?
The hours of work don't suit with his lifestyle.工作时间与他的起居方式不合。钱博士su=sequ-,跟随+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成名词表结果→跟随的人,随从→随从穿的套装→套装,西装,一套外衣→转作动词能成为一套→适合,使合适;或者suit=su=sequ-,追+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成名词表行为本身→追究法律责任⇒诉讼
词根sequ-跟随,追来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为secut-, 常见变体形式:su-/sec-。
su=sequ-,跟随+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成名词表结果→跟随的人,随从→随从穿的套装→套装,西装,一套外衣→转作动词能成为一套→适合,使合适;或者suit=su=sequ-,追+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成名词表行为本身→追究法律责任⇒诉讼。故事记忆在宴会上:吃完了 Biscuit饼干起身要 Quit离开不料从 Suit套服掉出来 Fruit水果故事记忆吃完了 Biscuit饼干起身要 Quit离开不料从 Suit套服掉出来 Fruit水果非常记忆su苏〖拼音〗+it它〖熟词〗⇒苏苏送给它一套外衣近义词 fitcasecoatcauseadaptagreeappealadjustmodifypleaseclothescostumeclothingn. actiondressv. accommodate反义词v. clashdisplease
用作名词n.That suit cost me over 60 pounds.那件西服花去我60多镑。
Your new suit has a very good cut.你的新衣服式样非常好。
The gray suit was well cut and well made.这套灰西装裁得好,做得也好。
I'm just going home to clean up and put on a clean suit.我正要回家去洗洗,换套干净衣服。
He dressed in his best suit.他穿上最好的衣服。
He changed his overalls for a suit.他脱下工装裤,换上了一套西服。
He had not even bought himself a new suit since coming to Beijing.自从来到北京他甚至没给自己买一件新衣服。
He always selected a tie when he chose his suit.他在选购套装时总是细心挑选一条领带。
I have to call for my suit before the store closes.我必须在商店关门前取出我的套服。
I must have this suit cleaned.我必须把这套衣服洗干净。
You'd better change into your new suit.你最好换穿你的新西服。
He changed into another diving suit and went down.他换上另一件潜水衣又下水了。
The new style in men's suits failed to catch on.男装的这种新式样不受欢迎。
The piece of cloth will cut up into three suits.这段布可以裁成三套衣服。
The store owner charged off the last season's stock of suits.店主把上季度盘存的全部服装作为损耗在账上注销了。
In the game of bridge, hearts and spades are the major suits.在桥牌中,红心和黑桃是高级花色。
He won his suit.他胜诉了。
Ade brought a suit for damages against her.艾德为损害赔偿金对她起诉。
She filed a suit for divorce.她提出离婚诉颂。
The officer granted her suit.那位官员答应了她的请求。用作动词v.
S+~+AWill that time suit?那个时间合适吗?
These prices don't suit.这些价格不合适。
S+~+ n./pron.Does this skirt suit me?这裙子我穿着合身吗?
That colour doesn't suit your complexion.那颜色不适合你的肤色。
Blue suits her very well,I think.我认为蓝色对她很合适。
If you want to go by train, that suits me fine.你要是想坐火车去,那对我很方便。
It's difficult to find a time that suits everybody.要找个对每个人都合适的时间很困难。
That arrangement will suit me quite well.这样的安排对我很合适。
I don't know what profession would suit me.我不知道什么职业适合于我。
The architecture of the house should suit the rugged landscape.这房子的建筑风格应适合那种丘陵的景色。
Methods of management operation should also be changed to suit the needs of modernization.管理方法也得改变一下以适应现代化的需要。
The changes did not suit his plans.这些变动不合他的计划。
This climate doesn't suit me.这种气候对我很不适合。
Very spicy food doesn't suit her stomach.太辣的东西她吃了胃不舒服。It ~s/ed+ n./pron. +to- vIt doesn't suit her to have her hair cut short.她不适合剪短发。
How would it suit me to be a bus-driver?我当个公共汽车司机合适吗?
It doesn't suit a woman to work on the night shift.妇女上夜班不合适。Plawsuitn.诉讼Psuiteda.适合的Psuitingn.西服料Pcountersuite反诉Pnon-suit撤回诉讼Ppantsuitn.裤套装Psuitcasen.手提箱Pswimsuitn.游泳衣Pspacesuitn.太空衣Psunsuitn.日光浴装Pswim-suitn.女泳衣Ptracksuitn.运动服Psnowsuitn.孩童风雪装Punsuitablea.不适合的Psuitabilityn.适合适当Psuitablea.适当的相配的Psuitorn.求婚者求购公司Psuitress女起诉人女原告Pill-suiteda.与…不适合的Pjumpsuitn.跳伞装连身衣裤Pnonsuitn.诉讼驳回vt.驳回Pwell-suiteda.适当的便利的Pplaysuitn.运动装戏装轻便服Psuitablyad.合适地适当地相配地Punsuitabilityn.不适当不相称不适合Punsuiteda.不适宜的不适合的不适当的Psuiten.随员套房组套组曲继之而来的事


suit通常用作可数名词,基本意思是“一套衣服”,通常指用同一料子做成的男子的短上衣和裤子或女子的短上衣和裙子。也可指为进行某活动而准备的“套装”,此时常用于构成复合词如太空服a spacesuit。

suit有时也可指组成一副纸牌的“四种花色的牌中的任何一种”,即黑桃、红桃、梅花或方块,常用于follow suit短语中表示“跟出同样花色的牌”,引申可表示“跟着做,照着做”,其中suit只能用单数形式。





suit作名词指“套装”时,可用词组a suit of clothes表达“一套衣服”,一般含外套,背心和裤子,注意不可说a suit of cloth;


He is not suited to be a teacher.他不适合教书。


用作名词It is the convention for men to wearsuitson formal occasions.男子在正式场合穿套装是一种社会习俗。
He was dressed in a quiet greysuitand looked very well bred and every inch a gentleman.他身着素灰色套装,看上去很有涵养,一副绅士派头。
She filed asuitagainst the college for sex discrimination.她对那所大学提出性别歧视的诉讼。
I do not know the first thing about the lawsuit.我一点儿也知道这件诉讼案的事。
He discontinued a civilsuit.他撤回了他的诉讼。
The government granted the minority group'ssuitfor autonomy.政府批准了这一少数民族申请自治的请求。
Under the new procedure there is no serious problem if the legal and equitable claims in the samesuitare independent and unrelated.如果在同一诉讼中,法律上的和衡平法上的诉讼请求是各自独立的,不相关的,那么根据新的诉讼程序,就不存在严重的问题。用作动词I don't know what profession wouldsuitme.我不知道什么职业适合我干。
The coat doesn'tsuityou.这件外衣不太适合你。
If we met at 2, would thatsuityou?我们两点钟见面,你方便吗?
Manhood made the arrangement tosuitherself economically most desirable from her point of view.曼胡德为了方便自己作了这样的安排--从她的角度来说在经济上是最划算的。
The range of colour, pattern and texture is wide enough tosuitevery one's needs and taste.颜色、图案及质地的多样化足以使每一个人的需求和审美要求得到满足。
Tosuitspecific requirements, you can add, delete, or even rearrange the order of the bricks in a firewall.要满足特定需求,您可以增加、删除甚至重新设定防火墙的配置选项。noun.matching top and bottom clothing
同义词 costume,dress,ensemble,tuxedo,uniform,wardrobeclothing,getup,habit,livery,outfit,threadsgray flannelnoun.legal action
同义词 case,lawsuit,litigation,proceeding,prosecution,trialcausenoun.appeal, request
同义词 application,court,petitionaddress,asking,attention,courtship,entreaty,imprecation,invocation,plea,prayer,requesting,solicitation,soliciting,supplication,wooingimplorationverb.be acceptable, appropriate, or becoming
同义词 become,befit,conform,correspond,enhance,fit,flatter,go with,gratify,please,satisfy,serveaccord,agree,answer,benefit,beseem,check,do,fulfill,go,harmonize,match,square,suffice,tallyanswer a need,be proper for,be seemly,check out,cut the mustard,fill the bill,fit in,get by,go together,make the grade,pass musterverb.adapt, tailor
同义词 accommodate,adjust,amuse,conform,fit,gratify,modify,please,satisfychange,entertain,fashion,fill,proportion,quadrate,readjust,reconcile,revise,tailor-makefit in,toe the mark
accommodateverb perform service
accommodatesverb perform service
accords,accustoms,adapts,adjusts,agrees,attunes,bends over backwards,complies,composes,conforms,coordinates,corresponds,don't makes waves,don't rocks the boat,fits,goes by the book,goes with the flow,harmonizes,integrates,makes consistent,modifies,plays the game,proportions,reconciles,settles,shapes up,suits,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
accordverb come to agreement
affirm,agree,assent,be in tune,concur,conform,correspond,fit,harmonize,jibe,match,square,suit,tally
actionnoun a legal process
adaptverb adjust to a different situation or condition
acclimate,accommodate,accustom,alter,change,come around,comply,conform,familiarize,fashion,fit,get act together,get used to,grow used to,habituate,harmonize,make,match,modify,play the game,prepare,qualify,readjust,reconcile,remodel,revise,roll with punches,shape,shape up,square,suit,tailor
adjustverb become or make prepared, adapted
acclimatize,accommodate,accustom,adapt,alter,arrange,compose,conform,dispose,do as Romans do,doctor,fiddle with,fine-tune,fit,fix,fix up,get act together,get it together,grin and bear it,habituate,harmonize,make conform,modify,order,quadrate,reconcile,rectify,redress,regulate,remodel,settle,suit,swim with the tide,tailor,tailor-make,tune On this day he is dressed for politics, not performing, in a sober suit and tie fresh from meetings.
他身着庄重的套装,并打上了领带,因为这一天他的穿着是为了政治,而不是演出。 yeeyan

The car bespattered my suit with mud.




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