

单词 suicides
释义 suicides ˈsjuisaidz COCA²¹²¹⁸BNC²⁴⁹⁶⁷Economist¹⁷⁷⁴³
n.自杀suicide的名词复数;自取灭亡;自杀者;自杀性行为原型suicide的复数 It's important to take borderline diagnoses of depression seriously, he says, because“ most of the suicides do not occur in the most severely depressed”.
他说,将重度抑郁的诊断边界放宽是非常重要的,因为“绝大多数的自杀并非发生在最严重的抑郁症患者身上”。 yeeyan

Sometimes, these suicides have been friends of theirs, contemporaries from high school or college.
这些自杀者有些是他们的朋友,高中或大学时代的同龄人。 yeeyan

The decade of trauma, says a Chechen psychologist, has resulted in a spike in suicides, especially of people in their30s whose lives have been derailed.
一名车臣心理学家说,十年的创伤已经导致自杀的上升,尤其是那些30岁年龄段里生活遭到破坏的群体。 ecocn

Yet this is only the latest, macabre, technique in a country that suffers an epidemic of suicides.
然而,这只不过是最新的,恐怕的一种手段而已,但在日本却已引发了自杀潮。 ecocn

“ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” may have very well described the situations leading up to some of the recent suicides at Foxconn.
对于富士康最近发生的一些自杀事件,“只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻”这句俗语或许正好描述了他们的生活境况。 yeeyan

A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.
今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年自杀的教学资料. kekenet

And overall, suicides are only a small proportion of deaths, even at times when rates peak.
总之,即使在自杀的高峰时期,它也仅占死亡人数的很小部分。 yeeyan

Apple has said it is “ saddened and upset” by the recent string of suicides.
苹果公司表示感到“悲痛和不安”对于最近一系列的自杀。 yeeyan

But he also fears that there will be more suicides, as has happened after other celebrity deaths.
但是他也担心会发生更多的自杀事件,比如引起其他名流连锁自杀。 blog.sina.com.cn

Disembowelment played a part as a method of execution and ritual suicides once in Japan.
剜刑曾被当作死刑的方式,以及一次发生在日本的宗教性自杀. yeeyan

In the past, the Army has focused its attention on the circumstances surrounding suicides.
在过去,陆军已经把他的注意力集中在周围的自杀情况。 yeezhe

Most suicides occur early in a soldier's Army career, and some come before a soldier has deployed.
大多数自杀发生在军旅生涯的早期,还有一些发生在士兵被调动前。 yeeyan

So has the proportion of suicides.
同时自杀的比例也有所降低。 yeeyan

The East Japan Railway Company is to install blue LED lighting on all29 platforms along the Yamanote Line in Tokyo by next month to reduce the number of suicides at train and subway stations.
东日本铁路公司将于下个月月底前在东京地铁山手线沿线的所有29个站台安装 LED蓝色照明灯,以减少在铁路和地铁车站跳轨自杀的人数。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The WHO report says most suicides in occur in Asia, which accounts for up to60 percent of all cases.
世卫组织的报告说,大多数的自杀行为发生在亚洲,其数量达到所有自杀事件的60%。 ebigear

Those deaths are not just murders and suicides: some are accidents, often involving children.
这些死亡不光是谋杀或自杀,还有误杀,开枪者常常是孩子。 ecocn

Yes, the rate of suicides also increased, but only accounted for two percent of deaths.
当然自杀率是在提高,但只占到总数的百分之二,完全可以忽略不计。 yeeyan

Suicides, to some extent, are the most selfish people who set themselves free but leave all agony to others.
自杀的人,某种程度上说,是最自私的人。他把自己解脱了,却把所有的痛苦留给别人。 ebigear




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