

单词 sugarcane
释义 sugarcane 英'ʃʊgɚ,ken美'ʃʊgɚ,ken 高MCOCA⁴²⁵⁶⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb³²⁰⁶¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juicetall tropical southeast Asian grass having stout fibrous jointed stalks; sap is a chief source of sugar词根词缀: sugar糖 + cane甘蔗的茎sugarcane cultivator甘蔗地中耕机…sugarcane grapple装甘蔗抓斗sugarcane borer甘蔗螟虫sugarcane defoliator甘蔗除叶器sugarcane loader装甘蔗机
sugar-cane⇒n.甘蔗近义词 sugar cane甘蔗Saccharum officinarum甘蔗

用作名词He cut thesugarcaneinto several pieces.他把甘蔗截成几节。
Rum is made fromsugarcanehere!甘蔗在这里被制成朗姆酒。 And Brazil’s ethanol industry, already the world’s biggest, wants to move from first- generation ethanolmade from sugarcane to the next-generation cellulosic variety.
另外,巴西的乙醇产业已经是世界最大的了,它现在准备从第一代技术利用甘蔗生产乙醇转移到第二代利用纤维素品种上去。 ecocn

The biggest producers of ethanol are agribusinesses or farmers’ co- operatives growing maize corn in America and sugarcane in Brazil.
最大的乙醇生产商是美国种植玉米的和巴西种植甘蔗的农业企业或者农民合作社。 ecocn

The Danish company's scientists in China, Brazil, Denmark and the U.S. are testing mushrooms and lichen to find one that will turn corn cobs and sugarcane stalks into biofuel.
这家丹麦公司来自中国,巴西,丹麦以及美国的科学家们,对蘑菇以及地衣类植物进行试验,并期望从中发现,其中某一种可以代替玉米穗轴和甘蔗秸秆成为生物能源。 yeeyan

The purplish soil of the warm and humid Sichuan Basin is green with crops in all four seasons, including paddy rice, rapeseed and sugarcane.
四川盆地多为紫色土壤,气候暖湿,农作物可四季生长,盛产水稻、油菜和甘蔗。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

“Much of the employment on sugarcane and palm oil plantations in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Malaysia and Indonesia is marked by poor pay and dangerous working conditions, ” it said.
比如,在巴西、哥伦比亚、马来西亚和印度尼西亚等国家的甘蔗和棕榈油种植园,那里的工人不仅工资低,而且工作环境也很危险。 ebigear

A WIZENED farmer selling sugarcane on the quayside is enthusiastic.
一位干瘦的农民正在码头上卖甘蔗。 yeeyan

About85 percent of American corn is genetically modified. Even sugarcane is genetically altered.
当然,大约85%的玉米已经被基因改造过了.甘蔗也一样. yeeyan

Agriculture is based on grain production with rice as the main crop and sugarcane, cole, peanut and tobacco as the main economic crops.
农业以生产粮食为主,水稻是主要作物,经济作物以甘蔗、油菜、花生、烟草为主。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

And sugarcane needs less land than maize.
而且甘蔗比玉米的占地少。 yeeyan

At the moment, most biofuels are either ethanol, usually made from sugarcane or maize, or biodiesel, made from plant oils.
目前,大多数生物燃料或是通常由甘蔗或玉米制成的乙醇,或是由植物油制成的生物柴油。 ecocn

For decades, Brazil has turned sugarcane into ethanol, and some cars there can run on pure ethanol rather than as additive to fossil fuels.
近几十年来,巴西已从甘蔗中提炼出乙醇,而且当地的一些汽车可以使用纯乙醇作为燃料,而不是仅仅将乙醇作为化石燃料的添加剂。 yeeyan

He cut the sugarcane into several pieces.

Heavy rain has disrupted milling in the world's largest producer of sugar, Brazil, where a sizeable portion of sugarcane has been diverted from food use into ethanol fuel.
暴雨干扰了世界上最大产糖国巴西的加工业,而且那里很大一部分甘蔗已从食品应用转向乙醇燃料应用。 yeeyan

Indian farmers planted less sugarcane last year after sugar prices fell, partly in response to a ban on exports. A weak monsoon also threatens this year's production.
去年糖价下跌以及颁布的出口禁令使得印度农民缩减了甘蔗种植面积,弱季风也影响了今年糖作物产量。 ecocn

Indian farmers planted less sugarcane last year after sugar prices fell, partly in response to a ban on exports.
去年糖价下跌之后,印度农民减少了甘蔗的种植面积,部分也是受到出口限制的影响。 ecocn

It's already a leading producer of sugarcane ethanol for cars.
它已经是用于汽车发电的甘蔗乙醇的主要生产商。 yeeyan

Tall stalks of sugarcane bend in the trade winds.
高高的甘蔗在信风中弯下腰杆儿。 ecocn

The country is also the world's sixth largest manufacturer of cars, the vast majority of them with flex- fuel engines that can run on both petrol and sugarcane ethanol.
巴西还是世界上第六大汽车生产商,绝大部分汽车配置了多重燃料引擎,既可以用汽油也可以用甘蔗乙醇做燃料发动引擎。 yeeyan

Those factories, however, haven't yet made it to the southwest of Guangdong, an area200 miles away that is still a green oasis of banana trees, rice paddies, and sugarcane farms.
然而,这些工厂尚未触及200英里外的广东省西南地区。 那里仍是一片绿洲,随处可见香蕉树、水稻田,和种植甘蔗的农场。 yeeyan




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