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词汇 sugar beet
释义 sugar beet ˈʃʊɡəbiːt ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁷⁴⁶⁴¹

form of the common beet having a sweet white root from which sugar is obtainedwhite-rooted beet grown as a source of sugarThesugar beetis an entirely different kind of plant.糖用甜菜是一种完全不同的作物。 The pathogen of phoma disease mainly infected the seed sugar beet, it has not more 10% effect on the root yield of sugar beet.
蛇眼病菌主要侵染制种甜菜,对甜菜块根产量的影响在10%以内。 cnki

Transformation of foreign gene into sugar beet is highly efficiency in altering its characters.
改变植物性状表现,转基因是最直接有效的手段。 fabiao

A federal judge says sugar beet farmers can't plant genetically engineered varieties next year, and those farmers, who produce half of America's sugar, now are in a bind.
一名联邦法官宣布甜菜农明年不能种植基修改品种,而这些提供美国一半蔗糖的菜农现在处于窘境。 yeeyan

Add the sugar beet pulp fiber to help digestion and absorption, to maintain intestinal health.

As it happens, there's a sugar beet seed grower straight across the fields a couple of miles away, Morton says. This has not, until now, become a problem.
如果是那样的话,这些甜菜种子就会径直穿越数英里,莫顿说,但这迄今还不是问题。 yeeyan

Besides those, high-yield model cultivation techniques for alfalfa, maize, sugar beet and barley were studied.
在此基础上研究了苜蓿、玉米、甜菜和大麦的高产模式化栽培技术。 cnki

Crops are wheat, corn, potato, tobacco, sugar beet, etc… Mountain sheep in the more developed animal husbandry.
农作物有小麦、玉米、马铃薯、烟草、甜菜等。山区牛羊畜牧业较发达。 szfob

Cultivation history of sugar beet in Jilin province is only50 years. Study of sugar cultivation technique is limited to study of single cultivation technique.
吉林省种植甜菜有五十多年的历史,而对甜菜栽培技术的研究仅限于单项栽培技术的研究。 cnki

For farmers, it's first come, first served— if you“pin” a sugar beet field, nobody else is supposed to grow seed for Swiss chard within three miles.
对农民来说,就是先到先得,如果你现在地里种上了甜菜,没人会在你周围三英里范围内再种瑞士甜菜。 yeeyan

Livestock production makes use of products left behind during the manufacture of human plant foods, like citrus pulp and sugar beet, which could not otherwise contribute to the human food supply.
畜牧业生产是利用在人类植物食物制造的剩余产品,像柑橘渣和甜菜渣,而无法以其他方式促进人类的食物供应。 yeeyan

Magnetic Water Can enhance activity of amylase, catalase and superoxide dismutase in the stage of germination and seedling of sugar beet.
磁化水可提高甜菜种子萌发期和幼苗期体内淀粉酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、超氧化物歧化酶活性。 cnki

That makes it easier for farmers to control weeds— they simply spray Roundup or chemically equivalent herbicides over their fields, and the weeds die while sugar beet plants thrive.
这让农民防控野草更轻松,他们只需在田野里撒上“抽打”或相同化学成分的除草剂,野草就死光了而则甜菜茁壮成长。 yeeyan

The sucrose content in leaf blade and leaf stalk are higher in fodder beet than in sugar beet, while, In root it's on the contrary.
其中叶片和叶柄中为饲用甜菜高于糖用甜菜,根中则正好相反。 cnki

Therefore, SS and BK are two promising new type sugar beet growth regulators.
因此, SS和 BK是两个最有前途的新甜菜生长调节剂。 cnki

Two weeks ago, the USDA announced that it would allow sugar beet seed companies to grow genetically engineered seedlings this fall, but environmental groups immediately sued to block that approval.

When sugar beet growers switched to the new varieties two years ago, they did not expect legal problems.
两年前,甜菜农们换用新品种时并没想到有法律问题。 yeeyan

Sugar beet growers in Idaho, such as Grant, may be in the worst situation.

Sugar-rich foods: such as white sugar, brown sugar, honey, sugar cane, carrots, rice, flour, sweet potatoes, dates, sugar beet and fruit.




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