

单词 suffices
释义 suf·fice·s 英sə'faɪs美sə'faɪs COCA⁵⁰⁰¹⁵BNC³⁶⁵⁷⁸
vt. & vi. 使满足; 足够

cause to meet the needs of; be enough

be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity;

A few words would answer

This car suits my purpose well

Will $100 do?

A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school

Nothing else will serve

用作动词 v.
~+介词suffice for足够…之用〔需要〕suffice for one's basic needs够某人基本生活的需要
suffice for v.+prep.

足够…之用〔需要〕 be enough for (sb/sth such as one's needs)

suffice for sb/sthThe food didn't suffice for them.食物不够他们吃。
My salary suffices for our basic needs.我的工资能满足我们基本生活的需要。
The stock in hand will suffice for five days.现有的存货仅够供应五天。近义词 do做be有the那suit套装fill装满bill帐单serve服务avail有利slake消除trick诡计answer回答fulfil实践quench熄灭appease安抚assuage缓和content 内容enough足够的gratify使满足satiate使饱足satisfy使满意sate使心满意足saturate使浸透adequate足够的please请=plzsufficient足够的do the trick达到目的fill the bill满足要求
S+~+AWill ten dollars suffice?10美元够了吗?
Your word will suffice.有你的承诺就足够了。
A simple answer will suffice.一个简单的答案就足够了。
The money will suffice to keep her alive.这些钱足以维持她的生活。
No words will suffice to convey his grief.他的悲伤是无法用言词表达的。
S+~+ n./pron.One glass suffices me.一杯就够我喝的了。
Half a dozen sufficed her.半打使她满足了。
One meal a day won't suffice a growing boy.一天一顿饭满足不了一个正在发育中的孩子的需要。
They are not sufficed.他们没有吃饭。其他Suffice it to say that…Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty.无闲暇何来自由——说这一句话就够了。
Suffice it that the manager is very satisfied with the work.只要说经理对这项工作表示满意就足够了。
Suffice it to say that it was a complete success.只要说这是一个完全的成功就够了。

suffice的基本意思是“使满足”“足够…之需要”。既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,其主语常常是物,宾语一般是人; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词for连用,表示“足够…之用〔需要〕”。


suffice还常用于Suffice it to say that…结构中,意为“只要说…就够了”。

用作不及物动词The rations willsufficeuntil next week.这些口粮足够吃到下星期。
An hour shouldsufficefor the journey.这点路程一小时足够了。
The rules willsufficefor all ordinary needs.这些规定将能满足所有一般场合的需要。用作及物动词Two meals a daysufficean old man.老人一天二餐就足够了。 A regular expression is similar and in fact suffices for this particular grammar production.
正则表达式与此相似并且事实上它能够满足这种特定语法产品的需要。 ibm

For our purposes, it suffices to understand that asynchrony is introduced into a federated query plan by the optimizer's judicious placement of the TQ Table Queue operator.
就我们此处的目的而言,只要理解异步是通过优化器明智地放置 TQ表队列操作符而引入到联邦查询计划之中的就足够了。 ibm

It suffices here to repeat again that if need be, I could write many books detailing the wrongs.
这里我只能再说,要批评中国我可以写很多本书。 news.163.com

The multi- grade management suffices for the special needs of flight technique files.
分级管理方式可满足飞行技术资料管理的特殊要求。 cnki

The sample code suffices as an illustration of similar considerations that arise in many XML processing applications.
示例代码足以说明许多 XML处理应用程序中遇到的类似问题。 ibm

This system suffices the needs of planning process documents basically from inputting parameters of the part to creating process documents automatically.
从零件参数输入到自动生成工艺文件,基本满足了喷射泵的工艺规程编制。 cnki

A simple model suffices to illustrate the point.
一个简单的模型就可以说明这点。 yeeyan

Able to afford public transportation if this suffices for employment and to get your kids to school where you live and a modest vehicle and gas and insurance if public transportation does not suffice.
假如公共交通工具足以满足上班和接送孩子的需求,那么应有能力负担公共交通费用;否则,应有能力购买一辆平价汽车,并支付汽油和保险费用。 yeeyan

And if it suffices not, then again must we come together and together stretch our hands unto the giver.
如果不够,那我们必须再次相聚,一起向馈赠者伸出手臂。 ebigear

As mentioned earlier, simply removing the import suffices.
正如上面所提到的那样,简单地删除掉导入就足够了。 ibm

Furthermore, binary sets are an efficient and compact alternative to histograms, and their performance suffices as a first pass query.
此外,二进制集是直方图的一种有效而简捷的替代方法,其检索性能足以满足第一遍查询。 cnki

So knowing several values of F1 suffices to fully predict the PRNG, and hence future and past values of F1.
因此了解几个 F1的值从而全面预测这个 PRNG,也就是未来的和过去的 F1值。 ibm

Some bread and soup suffices.
一些面包和汤就足够了。 sinoexam

Strange to say, the infinite suffices them.
奇怪的是,他们满足于无限的太空。 ebigear

The proposed model suffices for the requirements of control and optimization for processes.
模型的建立为系统的进一步控制和优化奠定了技术基础。 boshuo

This suffices to show Cox and others have underestimated the creativity of the Chinese people and Chinese scientists.
这充分表明考克斯等人过低估计了中国人民和中国科学家的创造能力。 hotdic

We have now entered an era in which the image of' Prabha' suffices to protect the'prabhu' elite. There is only the matter of one letter between 'Prabha' and 'prabhu'.
我们现在进入了一个新的时代,“菩萨”的形象仅足以保护那些“精英”,二者不过是一字之别。 blog.sina.com.cn

When remounting an already mounted filesystem, it suffices to specify either the mount point or the device name. It is not necessary to specify both.
卸载一个已有文件系统时,指出挂载点或者设备名其中一个就足够了,没有必要都指出。 ibm

With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia.
与欧亚大陆现在作为决定性的地缘政治棋盘上,它不再足以时装一个政策,为欧洲和另一个亚洲。 pc.beareyes.com.cn




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