释义 |
sudo 基本例句 须藤 The steps that must be run as root are prefixed by “sudo”.下面的步骤必须做为根用户通过前面用“sudo”来运行。 This line allows you to run any command viasudowithout typing your password.这一行使得你可以运行sudo命令而不需要输入密码。 A: If you're not paranoid, you can configuresudoto not ask you for a password.A:你可以配制sudo不需要询问你密码。 This can be caused by some VNC installations, by running XDarwin throughsudo, and probably some other freak accidents.这可能由于一些VNC安装,或者用sudo运行XDarwin引起,也有可能因为一些其它奇怪的意外。 When you run an application that requires root privileges,sudowill ask you to input your normal user password.当你运行需要根权限的应用程序时,sudo应用程序会要求你输入该普通用户的密码。 |