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sudden burst短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺⁸ 基本例句 猝发,突然爆炸 The sudden burst of pressure is less likely to damage these surfaces but beware if you are working on a ladder, you can lose your balance. 突然产生压力,很少有可能损害上述这些表面,但是请注意,如果你在梯子上工作就有可能失去平衡。 interpumpgroupchina China's willingness to bring down deals may reflect more the strides that its state companies have made in technology than any sudden burst of resource nationalism. 中国阻挠这些资产出售交易究其原因可能是中国国有石油公司在技术上的大幅进步,而非资源民族主义在作祟。 gjjy |