

单词 Sudanese
释义 Su·da·nese 英,su:də'ni:z美,su:də'ni:z;英ˌsuːdə'niːz美ˌsuːdə'niːz ★★★☆☆高iWeb²¹⁶⁰⁵Economist⁹⁴⁷²

a native or inhabitant of Sudan
of or relating to or characteristic of the African Republic of the Sudan or its people;

the Sudanese desert

用作名词Thousands of people have fled the disputedSudaneseoil town of Abyei after fresh fighting on Friday.经过周五一天的激战之后,数以千计的苏丹人纷纷从苏丹石油小镇安贝艾逃离。
Yet mostSudanesebeyond the capital remain dismally poor, and the country's natural potential, especially in agriculture, remains hugely under-exploited.然而大多数首都外的苏丹人仍然极端贫困,而这个国家的自然潜力特别是农业仍然未能得到有效开发。用作形容词Thousands of people have fled the disputedSudaneseoil town of Abyei after fresh fighting on Friday.经过周五一天的激战之后,数以千计的苏丹人纷纷从苏丹石油小镇安贝艾逃离。
Yet mostSudanesebeyond the capital remain dismally poor, and the country's natural potential, especially in agriculture, remains hugely under-exploited.然而大多数首都外的苏丹人仍然极端贫困,而这个国家的自然潜力特别是农业仍然未能得到有效开发。
The first challenge for these youngSudanesenewcomers was to accommodate themselves to this weather.这群来自苏丹的年轻人一到俄罗斯,面临的第一个挑战就是适应当地的天气。
The Chinese press has also noted reports that the assailants might have panicked at the sight of aSudanesemilitary aircraft.中国媒体也注明攻击者可能对苏丹的军用飞机感到恐慌。 The Sudanese government, indeed, has not signed the convention and so far shown no inclination to prosecute its own over the killing and rape of IDPs in Darfur.
其实,苏丹政府并没有签署协议,也没有表现出任何意愿想要对达尔富尔境内流民遭受杀害和强奸的情况提起诉讼。 ecocn

The Sudanese government, which twice imprisoned and released him without charge, wants him gone and even offered at one point to foot the bill.
苏丹政府曾两次对他关押又无条件释放,甚至一度主动为他支付费用,只是想让他离开这里。 ecocn

There is little chance of a fair trial for the six, and the ruthless Sudanese authorities may well torture them.
公平的审判这六人机会甚微,而且冷酷无情的苏丹当局可能会让他们受尽折磨。 ecocn

After some confusion, the Sudanese government admitted that such an attack, “ probably” by Israel, had indeed taken place just north of Port Sudan on the Red Sea.
经历了稍许混乱之后,苏丹政府承认确实在红海沿岸苏丹港以北地区发生了这次“可能”由以色列实施的袭击。 ecocn.org

All diplomatic exchanges between the Sudanese government and Western ones, whether they concern refugees or teddy bears, take place against that background.
苏丹政府与西方国家之间的外交往来,不管他们关心的是难民还是泰迪熊,都发生在那个背景之下。 ecocn

American and Sudanese officials say they do not know whether the attack was a random criminal act or had a political motive.
美国和苏丹有关官员说,他们不知道这次袭击是一般性的犯罪活动还是出于政治原因。 voanews

Among other things, the framework includes assurances that Sudanese citizens have the right to live either in the north or the south.
该框架协议的内容,除了其他的一项事项外还包含,保证苏丹民众有权选择住在北方或者是南方。 ecocn

Britain stopped any development upstream that would reduce the flow of water to Egypt and, in1929, allotted96% of the water flowing north from Sudan to the Egyptians and only4% to the Sudanese.
英国中断了上游所有可能减少流至埃及的水流的开发项目,并于1929年从苏丹北部流域中分派96%水量给埃及人,仅留下4%给苏丹人。 ecocn.org

Even the notorious janjaweed, an Arab militia that served as proxies for the Sudanese army, are now as likely to fight each other or even to turn on the government if they have not been paid on time.
即便是臭名昭著的“武装民兵”①—由阿拉伯人组成的苏丹政府军的代理人—目前也面临自相残杀的可能,如果不能按时拿到钱,他们甚至会对政府倒戈相向。 ecocn

He negotiated and argued with the woman for several minutes until, finally, he pulled a bundle of Sudanese notes from his breast pocket.
他和那老妇人商议争论了好几分钟,最后从胸口的内袋里费力掏出了一捆苏丹钞票。 yeeyan

Meanwhile the Sudanese government in Khartoum has bought an array of weapons, including modern aircraft, from Belarus, China, Iran and Russia, among others.
同时喀土穆的苏丹政府也从白俄罗斯,中国,伊朗,俄国等过购买了一系列的武器,包括现代飞机。 ecocn

Mr Bush gave huge political backing to the peace between the north and south, but the Sudanese also remember that it was President Bill Clinton who launched an attack on Sudan in 1998.
布什先生对南北之间的和平事业给予了巨大的政治支持,但是苏丹人也记得,是比尔•克林顿总统在1998年发起了对苏丹的一次攻击。 ecocn

Nearly half of all Sudanese live in poverty.
几乎一半苏丹人生活在贫困中。 yeeyan

On the other side of the continent, Sudanese health officials in the wake of the Nairobi peace accord are cooperating to immunize children in both the north and south.
在大陆的另一侧,苏丹的卫生官员在内罗毕和平协定达成之后,正在着手合作,为北部和南部的儿童进行免疫接种。 who

So the South Sudanese hold on to the containers brought in on rutted dirt tracks and turn them into dwellings.
因此,南部苏丹人抓住了放在充满车辙印的泥泞小道上的集装箱,并将它们变成了寓所。 ecocn

Somali violence is a symptom of state failure; Sudanese violence is a consequence of state policy.
索马里的暴力是国家失败的症状,苏丹的暴力是国家政策的结果。 yeeyan

They became, in the minds of the southern Sudanese, fellow displaced victims of war.
所以在南部苏丹人的心目中,动物和人类都是战争的牺牲品。 yeeyan




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