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词汇 sucrase
释义 su·crase 英ˈsuːˌkreɪs, -ˌkreɪz美ˈsuˌkres, -ˌkrezAHDs›“krās', -krāz' BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructosesucr-ase酶⇒n.生化蔗糖酶近义词 invertase转化酵素saccharase生化蔗糖酶…
The activities of soil dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, urease and sucrase decreased with the time of incubation.
土壤脱氢酶、碱性磷酸酶、脲酶及蔗糖酶活性均随培养时间延长而降低。 cnki

The effect on soil sucrase activity was enhanced in the first 3 days of incubation, but chlorpyrifos inhibited the activity of the soil sucrase in subsequent incubating time.
建议对于有机质含量较高的土壤,采用蔗糖酶活性作为表征土壤毒死蜱污染程度的监测指标。 cnki

The experiment results showed as follows: The activity of urease and sucrase were inhibited and the activity of phosphatase was advanced as applying nitrogenous fertilizer.
结果表明,天然草地土壤施氮肥后,脲酶与蔗糖酶活性受到抑制,而磷酸酶活性受到促进; cnki

The activity of urease and phosphatase were advanced and the activity of sucrase was inhibited as applying nitrogenous- phosphate fertilizer.
氮、磷肥混施的土壤中,脲酶及磷酸酶活性受到促进而蔗糖酶活性受到抑制。 cnki

The influence on soil of urease, sucrase, catalase activity, EC value, rapidly available phosphorus was also studied.
以及磷用量对土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、 EC值、速效磷的影响。 fabiao

Amino acid composition analysis showed that the sucrase has about477 amino acids and there are plentiful of Gly, Glu, Leu, Asp, Thr, Val and Pro in it.
氨基酸组成分析表明:猪小肠蔗糖酶由约477个氨基酸残基组成,富含甘氨酸、谷氨酸、亮氨酸、门冬氨酸、苏氨酸、缬氨酸、脯氨酸。 cnki

Compared with the pure stand, the mixed stands can strengthen the activity of sucrase and urease, of which the effect of the mixed stand by single tree is the most significant.
与纯林相比较,混交林能明显提高土壤中蔗糖酶的活性,其中株间混交林的这种作用最大。 cnki

Conclusion Total small bowel resection caused pronounced morphologic compensatory adaptation and adaptive expression of brush border sucrase and maltase in the colon in the rats.
结论全小肠切除术后,经过肠内营养支持,大鼠结肠粘膜发生了明显的适应性代偿增生并伴有蔗糖酶、麦芽糖酶的代偿性表达。 cnki

Conclusions Total small bowel resection caused significant adaptive expression of brush-border sucrase and maltase in the residual digestive tract in the rats after a total small bowel resection.
结论全小肠切除大鼠经肠内喂养后,其残留肠道黏膜细胞的可代偿性表达蔗糖酶和麦芽糖酶。 cnki

During the development of American cockroach, the activities of protease, lipase, amylase and sucrase were stronger gradually.
在美洲大蠊生长发育阶段,中肠蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和蔗糖酶活性都随其发育而逐渐增强。 cnki

However, sucrase and trehalase activities had no significant difference from those of the control P>0.05.
而蔗糖酶和海藻糖酶活性与对照比较没有显著差异 P>0.05。

In plants, due to the central role of sucrase in assimilate transport, which is considered as a key enzyme for carbohydrate metabolism.
蔗糖酶在蔗糖由源组织向库组织的运输中也具有重要的作用,蔗糖酶被认为是植物体内碳水化合物代谢中的关键酶。 fabiao

Moreover, PI increased the activities of urease, phosphatase and sucrase, but decreased the catalase activity in its rhizosphere.
此外,化感水稻 PI根系分泌物对脲酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶的活性具有促进作用,而对过氧化氢酶则呈抑制作用。 cnki

Moreover, sucrase also plays important functions in controlling of cell differentiation and cell enlargement, signal transduction, and plant response to wounding, infection and kind of stress.
而且蔗糖酶还可以参与植物体的细胞分化和膨大、信号传导、以及对机械损伤、病菌侵害和对各种胁迫的响应等方面。 fabiao

Objective:To investigate the relation between the activity of saliva- sucrase and malignant change of oral cavity tumor.
目的:探讨唾液蔗糖酶活性与口腔肿瘤恶变之间的相互关系。 cnki

Subsoiling returning could significantly increase soil urease activity and sucrase activity.
深松耕还田显著提高土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活性。 cnki

The experimental results showed that the activities of sucrase, urease, protease and polyphenol oxidase were enhanced.
实验结果表明改良后的土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶、蛋白酶和多酚氧化酶的活性增强。 cnki

The photosynthetic rate, content of reducing sugar and the activities of neutral and acid sucrase in leaf are all greater than that used no ethephon.
其叶片光合强度、还原糖含量和中性与酸性蔗糖酶活力均高于未施用乙烯利的。 cnki

Yeast sucrase immobilized to chitosan with glutaric dialdehyde as cross-linking agent was studied, while agarose- immobilized and free enzymes were as control.
用壳聚糖作吸附剂、戊二醛作交联剂,对酵母蔗糖酶进行固定化研究,同时用琼脂糖固定化的蔗糖酶和游离酶与其进行比较。 cnki

Sucrase activity of different resistant cultivars increased gradually, but that of susceptible cultivars was higher than resistant ones all along.
不同抗性品种蔗糖酶活性均逐渐升高,但感病品种酶活性始终高于抗病品种; cnki

Sucrase with organic matter, available N and are significant correlation.
蔗糖酶与有机质、碱解N显著相关; fabiao




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