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词汇 sucking lice
释义 sucking lice
Sucking lice, fleas, chiggers and gamasid mites are the main ectoparasites.结论 社鼠的体表寄生虫多样性高, 主要为恙螨、革螨、蚤和吸虱。
Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian mammals, and are worldwide distribution.摘要吸虱是寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表的专性吸血寄生虫,广布于世界各地。
Objective To investigate the species and distribution ofsucking liceon small mammals in the Jizu Mountain in Yunnan Province of China.目的初步了解云南鸡足山小兽体表寄生吸虱昆虫种类分布状况。
Disperse coefficient ,Cassie index ,clumping index and patch index were adopted to measure the spatial distribution pattern ofsucking lice.吸虱空间分布格局用分布型指数中的扩散系数 、Cassie指数 、丛生指数 及聚块指数 测定。
Based on the references, the species diversity ofsucking licefave been studied through the analysis of taxon category, endemic species, zoogeography and host animals in China.作者参考大量相关文献,从分类阶元、特有物种、动物地理区划和宿主动物四个方面分析了我国吸虱的物种多样性。
Based on the references, the species diversity ofsucking licehave been studied through the analysis of taxon category, endemic species, zoogeography and host animals.从分类阶元、特有物种、动物地理区划和宿主动物4个方面分析了我国吸虱的物种多样性。




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