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词汇 Syrians
释义 Syrians ˈsiriənz Economist⁶⁷⁸¹
叙利亚人¹⁰⁰原型syrian的复数 And the Syrians didn't declare the program.
叙利亚人并没有宣布这些核项目。 ebigear

For the first time in years, the protests have been giving Syrians a chance to discuss the future outside the clamps of the Baath party.
多少年来第一次,抗议活动正带给叙利亚人民一个机会,在复兴党的强制镇压之外讨论国家前途。 ecocn

The Syrians caved in, and relations between the two countries have flourished since.
叙利亚人屈服了,而且,从那以后,两个国家之间的关系一直蒸蒸日上。 ecocn

The Syrians had to fight their way across Israeli fortifications and anti- tank ditches on the Golan Heights in1973, and suffering very heavy losses from hull-down, dug-in Israeli tanks.
1973年,叙利亚人不得不在戈兰高地上与以色列的防御工事和反坦克壕沟苦战,藏在工事里的以色列坦克,让他们遭受了非常沉重的损失。 yeeyan

But Syria is primarily a challenge for the Syrians themselves, with help from their Arab and Turkish neighbours.
但是从根本上说,叙利亚问题是叙利亚人民在阿拉伯邻国和土耳其帮助下自身面临的挑战。 ecocn

But the Syrians, if they want to play a bigger regional role, must do more to discourage the insurgency.
不过对于叙利亚人来说,如果他们想在地区事务中扮演更大角色,就要抑制暴乱。 ecocn

If Barak had dealt with the Syrians before or if he had given us some advance notice, it might have been manageable.
如果巴拉克以前和叙利亚人打过交道,或者他提前告诉我们这个想法,局面也许可以控制。 yeeyan

Many educated Syrians also speak English or French, but English is the more widely understood.
许多受过教育的叙利亚人也说英语和法语,但是英语更广泛。 ebigear

Many Syrians are embarrassed and outraged by the embassy attacks.
大多数叙利亚人对这次大使馆袭击大感尴尬及恼火。 ecocn

Many Syrians seemed willing to trade stability for freedom in a turbulent region.
在这个动荡地区,许多叙利亚人似乎愿意用稳定来换得自由。 ecocn

Most Syrians are practising Muslims, but the young people who have predominated in the crowds of protesters are connected to their compatriots more by the internet than by religion.
多数叙利亚人民信奉穆斯林,但主导抗议群众的年轻人更多藉由网路来连络自己的同胞,而不是宗教活动。 ecocn

People stress that they disagree with the government apologists who say Syrians are not ready for democracy.
人们强调他们不会认可政府的辩护人士,因为他们声称叙利亚人还没有准备好接受民主。 ecocn

Run predominantly by expatriate Syrians, it has disseminated tips for holding a successful demonstration.
它主要由流亡的叙利亚人经营,散播成功举行示威游行的技巧。 ecocn

Since Syrians took to the streets in March, the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has committed a growing list of atrocities in cracking down on peaceful protesters.
自从叙利亚人今年三月走上街头以来,叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德的政府已经制造了越来越多的镇压和平示威者的惨案。 yeeyan

Some networks rely on the anonymity of the internet. But with only about a fifth of Syrians online, traditional bonds are more important.
一些联系网则依赖着网络匿名进行沟通,然而由于只有五分之一的叙利亚人上网,所以传统方式的联系就变得更加重要。 ecocn

Some Syrians still see him as the man to hold the ring between Syria’s many groups and sects.
有些叙利亚人民仍将他视为叙利亚很多团体和派系之间的圆桌会议主持人。 ecocn

The earliest apocalypses, Daniel was talking about the Greeks and Syrians, the Greco- Syrian Empire.

The European Union has increased the number of Syrians under sanctions.
欧盟也增加了制裁名单中叙利亚人的数量。 ecocn

This old story may once have appealed to an older generation of Syrians but resonates little with those that have been protesting in recent months.
这套旧说辞或许曾一度迎合了老一辈的叙利亚人,但难于引起那些近几个月以来一直在抗议的示威者的共鸣。 ecocn

Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia.

Until now, many young Syrians had been willing to tolerate widespread corruption and suppression of basic freedoms in exchange for a “ pro- resistance” foreign policy and vague talk of reform.
直到现在,许多年轻的叙利亚人都受着各种煎熬,如普遍的腐败现象,对于自由的压抑,奉行“抵抗”的外交政策和含糊其辞的改革方案。 ecocn

We are discussing our relationship with the Syrians.
我们正在讨论美国跟叙利亚人的关系。 kekenet

Syrians— and the international community— are rightly outraged at the use of force.
叙利亚人——以及国际社会——理所当然地被当局使用暴力所激怒。 ecocn

Syrians certainly know how to avoid political taboos, but Taseer's assertion that they only talk politics in the privacy of their cars couldn't be further from the truth.
叙利亚人当然知道如何规避政治禁忌,但塔西尔肯定说他们只能在车内私下谈论政治,这远不是真实。 yeeyan

Syrians used to look at neighbouring Lebanon and Iraq and conclude that stability mattered more than freedom.
叙利亚人常观察着邻近的黎巴嫩及伊拉克,得出稳定重于自由的结论。 ecocn




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