

单词 Syriac
释义 Syr·i·ac 英ˈsɪəriːˌæk美ˈsɪriˌækAHDsîrʹē-ăk' iWeb³⁶⁴⁹⁸
A member of a Christian Uniat church, chiefly of Lebanon, the liturgy of which is conducted in Syriac.
马龙基督教统一教会的信徒,主要属于黎巴嫩,其礼拜仪式用叙利亚语主持。 hotdic

Aramaic, the lingua franca of the region before the advent of Islam and Arabic, is spoken among certain ethnic groups: as Syriac, it is used as the liturgical language of various Syriac denominations;
亚拉姆语是在伊斯兰和阿拉伯语出现之前的口语,在一定的少数民族成员中使用:如古代叙利亚语被用作各类叙利亚宗教仪式的语言; ebigear

Others subscribe to the2,000-year- old Syriac tradition represented mainly by the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq and by Aramaic speakers widely known as Assyrians in both Iraq and Iran.
其他人信奉有二千年历史的叙利亚传统,主要代表是伊朗的迦勒底天主教,及伊拉克和伊朗家喻户晓的亚述人阿拉姆代言人。 yeeyan




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