

单词 subsoil
释义 sub·soil 英ˈsʌbˌsɔɪl美ˈsʌbˌsɔɪlAHDsŭbʹsoil' ☆☆☆☆☆高ICOCA⁶¹³³⁹BNC³⁴¹¹⁴iWeb³⁴⁹⁴²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

the layer of soil between the topsoil and bedrocksub-,在下,soil,土壤,土地。subsoil packer心土镇压器subsoil exploration底土查勘,亚土层勘探…subsoil plough深耕犁,底土犁…subsoil improvement底土改良subsoil drain地下排水沟subsoil irrigation底土灌溉hard subsoil硬下层土subsoil flow地下径流pervious subsoil透水底土层subsoil tillage心土层耕作deep subsoil厚心土subsoil water底土水,亚土层水,地…subsoil ice地下冰granitic subsoil花岗岩发育的心土…subsoil drainage下层土壤排水…
sub下|次|亚-soil⇒n.下层土⁵¹;底土v.翻起…的底土n.底土⁴⁴;心土;农下层土⁵¹;建天然地基v.掘起…的底土;深耕;深挖非常记忆sub下〖词缀〗+soil土壤〖熟词〗⇒在下层土里发现恐龙化石联想记忆sub在…下面+soil土壤→下面的土壤→底土近义词 undersoil下层土底土…

用作名词With ample moisture stored in thesubsoil, the crops matured rapidly.由于下层土壤湿度大,农作物生长迅速。
Earthworms burrow deep into thesubsoil.蚯蚓深深地钻进底土。as in.earth
同义词 clay,coast,dirt,dust,gravel,land,mud,sand,shore,surface,terrain,turfalluvium,clod,compost,deposit,fill,glebe,humus,loam,marl,mold,muck,sod,topsoildry land,peat moss,terra firma,terrane
反义词 sky
earthnoun ground, soil
alluvium,clay,clod,coast,compost,deposit,dirt,dry land,dust,fill,glebe,gravel,humus,land,loam,marl,mold,muck,mud,peat moss,sand,shore,sod,surface,terra firma,terrain,terrane,topsoil,turf A treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs.
北极地区冰盖和乔本植被线之间的无树地区,有永冻底土,并支撑低的植物,如苔藓、地衣和发育不全的灌木。 kuenglish

In the analysis, the excess pore water pressure in the subsoil caused by piling and the traffic load has been considered especially.
分别考虑了打桩与交通荷载作用,导致地基土中产生超静孔压,从而对岸坡的稳定性造成影响。 dictall

The characteristic of deformation and interior force of the rafts with different rigidity is analyzed based on the monitored data of the rafts placed on natural subsoil.
对天然地基上采用筏板基础的两栋建筑的实测资料进行分析,总结了不同刚度的筏板基础的受力和变形特点。 cnki

The selection of the finest malt, hops, used to luxury, flavorful taste of the subsoil water and carefully teach Satsunai clear stream of water suitable for making beer.
选最优秀的麦芽,啤酒花,用于豪华,味道可口的水和底土的精心教导。而 Satsunai清泉水适合做啤酒。 pillow2

A concept of equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity of PVD- improved subsoil with its calculation method was proposed.
该方法中提出了塑料排水板加固地基的等效竖向渗透系数的概念与计算方法。 cnki

An attempt had been made to dig a tank in the garden, but the subsoil water proving too low, it had been abandoned, unfinished, with the excavated earth left piled up into a hillock.
我们曾尝试在花园里挖一个水池,但因地下水太过浅,只好放弃,没能完工,挖出来的土堆成了一个小山包。 yeeyan

Base on the project example, the complex geology in subsoil of hard rock was analysed and effective treatment method was introduced.
结合工程实例,分析了硬质岩石地基存在的不良地质现象,并提出了行之有效的处理方法。 cnki

By taking some measures, the bearing capacity of subsoil meet the requirement of design.
通过对地基采取一定措施,使得承载力满足设计要求。 cnki




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