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词汇 subsidising
释义 subsidisingBNC³⁸³¹²Economist¹⁰²²⁰
vt.给…补助金;津贴;资助原型subsidise的现在分词 Feeling a twinge about its own hypocrisy, the US Senate recently passed“ buy-out” legislation for tobacco farmers, so that Washington might stop subsidising an industry it also vilified.
出于对自己言不由衷的愧疚,美国参议院最近通过了针对烟农的“买断”法律,这样,美国政府可以不再为它自己也严厉指责的一个行业提供补贴了。 hicoo

It is subsidising the salaries of workers on mandatory leave.
补贴强制休假员工的薪水; ecocn

The one- price policy that used to operate across Greenland, effectively subsidising the more remote settlements, has also been abolished, and the result is that the cost of living has rocketed.
格陵兰岛曾经在全国范围实施过统一价格政策,让偏远定居点民众受益匪浅,然而如今都被取消了,其结果是导致生活费用猛增。 yeeyan

This extraordinary resilience reflects the widespread political lust in America for subsidising housing.

Because taxpayers will be subsidising banks’ funding costs, they will also be subsidising the dividends of their shareholders and the bonuses of their staff.
而由于纳税人将贴补银行的融资成本,他们就还将贴补银行股东的股息和银行职员的红利。 ecocn

Bizarrely, by financing America's deficit, poor countries are subsidising the world's richest consumers.
奇怪的是,通过为美国的赤字融资,穷国们正在补贴世界上最富有的消费者们。 ecocn

But combining the two by subsidising renewable energy is, like many easy answers, the wrong solution.
但是,通过补贴可更新能源来把两者绑到一起,想得太简单了,简单到不会是个好的解决办法。 ecocn

By buying American bonds, China is subsidising rich American consumers while China's health care, education and social safety net are starved of funds.
通过购买美国债券,中国补贴了富裕的美国消费者而中国的健康、教育和社会保障网却饱受缺少资金的困扰。 ecocn

Consider the subsidising of shorter work weeks, continental Europe’s most dramatic innovation.
想一想欧洲大陆上最引人注目的创新——补助缩短的工作周。 ecocn

Given that education for older children is seen as a public good, there is an argument for also subsidising child care for the very young, or at least making it tax-deductible.
考虑到稍大一点的孩子的教育是公共用品,那么就有人提出,同时补贴较小的孩子的教育,或至少减税。 cstiit

Health experts have accused the government of spending more on subsidising American films that contain smoking scenes than on anti- tobacco campaigns.
健康专家指控政府对含有吸烟镜头的美国电影的津贴费用要多于在反吸烟运动上的花费。 yeeyan

Movistar, owned by Spain’s Telefónica, has increased its market share from14% to20% by aggressively subsidising handsets and courting business users with cheap plans.
西班牙电信控股的 Movistar公司,通过补贴设备和旨在发展商业用户的优惠计划,将市场份额从14% 增长到20%。 ecocn

Of course the idea of the utility subsidising the borrowing costs of the investment bank annoys politicians and regulators.
当然,公共事业来补贴投资银行借贷成本的想法令政治家和监管者大为恼火。 ecocn

So far, the state has avoided subsidising master’s degrees and doctorates, and so has set no limits on what universities can charge for them.
到目前为止,国家已经避免补助硕士和博士学位,并且这没有为大学收取多少学费设定限制。 ecocn

So in 1991 Germany adopted a renewable- energy law, now known as the EEG, which encourages investment by cross- subsidising renewable electricity fed into the grid.
所以1991年德国采纳了一项可再生能源法律就是现在 EEG,这项法律通过对用可更新能源产生的输入到电网中的电力进行交叉补贴来鼓励投资。 ecocn

Some point out that there is money in the exchequer that could be used: the taxpayer is not subsidising the monarchy but making a tidy profit from it.
有人指出国库的钱可以用:纳税人没有资助君主政体,但却从中获得了可观的收益。 ecocn

Some problems— such as the protection of small languages—are reasonable candidates for state intervention, for example in subsidising particular bits of the education system.
一些问题——例如小语种的保护——理应接受国家干预,比如给教育系统中的这种特定部分以补助。 ecocn

Whether industrial policy helped or not is debatable, but governments could plausibly try to seize a dominant position in such an industry by subsidising and protecting their producers.
对于产业政策是否有所裨益,仍然存在争论,但各国政府似乎有可能通过补贴并保护其国内生产商,以求在此类行业内占据主导地位。 tianya

Within rich countries, governments should stop subsidising insurance in vulnerable areas- such as the Florida coastline-and thus stimulating development there.
在富国之外,政府应该停止对一些易受影响地方减少保险,比如:佛罗里达海岸,这是刺激发展。 ecocn

Subsidising fishermen means they continue fishing even after stocks begin to plummet, because a substantial share of their income is now coming from the subsidy rather than from profits on fishing.
享受政府津贴的渔民意味着即使在股票下跌后,他们也会继续捕鱼,因为现在他们收入的很大一部分是来自于津贴,而不是渔业利润。 yeeyan




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