

单词 subsidized
释义 sub·si·dize·d 英'sʌbsɪdaɪz美'sʌbsɪdaɪz 高COCA²⁰³⁰³BNC⁴²⁵⁸²iWeb¹⁷¹⁵⁵
vt. 给…津贴或补贴;资助或补助

…give a subsidy to sth/sb

support through subsidies;

The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized

secure the assistance of by granting a subsidy, as of nations or military forces近义词 stake桩back后面fund基金endow捐助finance金融support支持promote促进bankroll资金sponsor保证人subsidise补助underwrite承保
S+ ~+n./pron.Farming is partly subsidized by the government.农业得到政府的部分资助。


用作及物动词The government has refused tosubsidizethe car industry .政府已拒绝给汽车工业补贴。
She's not prepared tosubsidizehis gambling any longer.她再不愿意拿钱供他去赌博了。 And China subsidized a huge increase of solar equipment production, producing a surplus.
中国对剧增的太阳能设备生产的补贴,导致生产过剩。 yeeyan

At the same time, government outlays for programs that provide subsidized care for the elderly and the poor are skyrocketing.
同时,政府在为老年人和穷人提供的医疗补助的项目方面的开支也急剧增长。 voanews

Allowing subsidized and unfairly traded products to flood our markets is not free trade and it's not fair to the people of Michigan.
允许补贴和不公平交易的商品充斥我们市场的不是自由贸易,这对密歇根人民而言亦不公平。 cri

Americans can be awarded scholarships or take out subsidized student loans at any age.
美国人可以在任何年纪获得奖学金或补贴学生贷款。 yeeyan

And if they are heavily subsidized, the first thing I would do is get rid of the subsidizing and then let them behave any way that they want to.
如果他们被大量补贴,我要做的第一件事就是除去这种补贴,然后让他们按任何他们希望的方式行动。 yeeyan

As with ethanol and recycling and a host of other issues, you must ask yourself again, if these things are so efficient, why do they need to be subsidized?
正如酒精、循环再利用和很多其他事情一样,你应该再三询问自己:如果这些东西真的那么高效,那么它们怎么还需要补贴呢? yeeyan

But the Chinese already have a plan to reduce their dependence on dollar reserve accumulation and subsidized exports.
但是,中国已经有计划减少对美元的储备积累和补贴出口的依赖。 yeeyan

Develop an affordable, high- quality national child- care system that is overseen and subsidized by the federal government and run by private operators.
开发一项实惠的,高质量的国家儿童关怀系统,它由联邦政府进行监管和补贴,由私营机构来运作。 yeeyan

Except for a few government- subsidized political films, almost all productions widely shown in China are escapist.
除了少数政府资助的政治性影片以外,大范围放映的几乎全都是娱乐片。 iciba

Gas in Egypt is subsidized by the government, but the policy seems to largely benefit the elites.
在埃及,丙烷气由政府补贴,但政策却似乎总是向着那些有权有势的人。 yeeyan

In the U.S., most cellphones are subsidized by carriers with contracts that allow them to recoup the cost of the phone in monthly payments.
在美国,大部分手机是由运营商补贴的,这些运营商通过与用户签约,从每月话费中收回手机成本。 fortunechina

In these turbulent times, we can provide services ranging from subsidized loans to expert advisors willing to perform an emergency overhaul of your entire government.
在这动荡的年代,我们可以提供以下服务,从资助贷款,到愿意为贵国的整个政府进行紧急检修的专家顾问。 yeeyan

It has focused on trade and commercially justified investment, rather than aid grants and heavily subsidized loans.
它更侧重于在商贸领域进行合理投资,而不是提供援助捐款和大量补助贷款。 yeeyan

It's hard to imagine the outside world providing free or subsidized fertilizer and boreholes to every African village that needs them.
很难去设想外界会提供免费或肥料补贴以及钻孔设备给每个需要它们的非洲村落。 yeeyan

Many students in public colleges, especially the lower quality ones, also drop out without finishing, and also receive low earnings, after having been generously subsidized by governments.
很多公立大学,特别是入读那些低质量大学的学生,同样出现辍学情形,也同样在接受了慷慨的政府补助后薪资较低。 blog.sina.com.cn

Rebates and special financing are subsidized by the automaker, not the dealership.
回扣和特殊融资是汽车制造商的补贴,而不是汽车经销商。 yeeyan

So as“visitors” to a city, they often face higher medical and school fees and can be cut off from subsidized housing and other social services.
所以作为一个“异客”,他们经常要面临高价医疗和高学费,同时会被切断来自住房补贴和其他的社会服务。 yeeyan

The Chinese government has responded by donating a stadium or offering construction and subsidized loans to support specific nations.
中国政府支持特定国家,以提供捐建体育场馆或者建设和补贴贷款的方式表示。 yeeyan

The first order of business for the new Democratic- led House was passage of a measure to limit gifts to lawmakers from lobbyists and to restrict subsidized flights on private aircraft.
新任民主党领导的众议院的首要任务就是要通过一项法案,限制立法议员收受游说人士的礼物,并且为私人飞机补贴设定限额。 ecocn

This summer, for example, Catholic Charities enlisted more of its local agencies to participate as distribution sites for federally subsidized summer food programs for children.
比如,今年夏天,天主教会慈善机构争取到更多的当地机构参与其中,作为联邦资助儿童夏季粮食计划的分发点。 yeeyan

When poverty is the root cause of poor access, we need approaches such as that seen with malaria, where bed nets are now being distributed free-of-charge or at heavily subsidized prices.
当贫困是难以获取基本保健的根源时,我们要采用诸如对付疟疾的那类措施。目前为对付疟疾正在免费或以高补贴价格分发蚊帐。 who

When you have people coming here and working for substandard wages, they have to be subsidized by everybody else.
当你让人们来到这里,以低于标准的工资报酬工作,那么所有人就肯定要补贴他们。 hxen




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