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词汇 subsidise
释义 subsidise 英'sʌbsɪdaɪz 高四八IBNC²⁵⁷⁵⁰Economist⁸⁶³³

secure the assistance of by granting a subsidy, as of nations or military forcessupport through subsidies;

The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized

subsid-ise表动词⇒vt.补助⁸⁶;给津贴¹⁴来自subsidyn. 津贴;补助金近义词 subsidize给与补助金或奖助金…

用作及物动词In promoting research, it is likely to improve conditions for all rather thansubsidisepet technologies.在促进研究方面,自民党可能会提高所有技术的研究条件,而不是只对重点技术进行补助。
That money will be used tosubsidisenon-paying users, and there is talk of giving free second-hand computers to the poorest.这些钱将用于补助非付费用户,而且传言会发给赤贫者免费的二手电脑。 But rather than subsidise customers to encourage telecoms companies to invest, the government wants to go into this business itself.
相对于通过补贴用户的方式来鼓励电信公司投资,政府宁愿自己进入这个行业。 ecocn

In short, students have more choice than ever; they are less likely to tolerate being fee fodder to subsidise Britons’ education just because a brochure boasts an ancient-looking crest.
简单来说,学生们比起以往有了更多的选择;他们再也不会就因为大学宣传册上自我夸耀般的古老图章而轻易地成为资助英国教育体制的炮灰。 ecocn

Revenues from ticket sales have flattened out, and strapped local governments are unlikely to subsidise the costs of luxurious new stadiums, as they have in the past.
球票收入不再火爆,捉襟见肘的地方政府也不愿再像总前那样资助豪华的新球场的费用。 ecocn

The question now is whether Obamacare will use taxpayers' money to subsidise abortion more widely.
问题在于奥巴马医改是否会花纳税人的钱去更广泛地资助堕胎。 ecocn

A second plausible argument for intervention is that thin people subsidise fat people through health care.
政府介人的第二个似是充足的理由是瘦人通过医疗保健资助胖人。 ecocn

Ageing baby-boomers will enroll in Medicare; Medicaid coverage will swell; Washington will subsidise many of those on the new state exchanges.
婴儿潮时出生的老人即将加入联邦医保,联邦医助的范围也将扩大,政府还将资助许多新保险市场的投保人。 yeeyan

But the government seems half- hearted in this structural shift: it has also announced a raft of measures to subsidise exports.
但政府似乎并不积极地进行这种消费结构的转换,它仍旧出台一系列措施旨在资助出口贸易。 ecocn

First, are the most solvent states, above all Germany, prepared to stand behind and if need be to subsidise the less solvent ones?
第一,以德国为首的最具偿付能力的国家,是否准备全力支持,并且一旦有需要就资助那些偿付能力较弱的国家? ecocn

Government officials have drawn up secret plans to tax electricity consumers to subsidise the construction of the UK's first new nuclear reactors for more than20 years, the Guardian has learned.
卫报获悉,政府官员正在秘密计划对电能用户征收超过20年的税收,以便资助英国第一批新的核反应堆的建设。 yeeyan

Governments subsidise home ownership because they think it encourages stable, more law-abiding neighbourhoods.
政府资助自置居所,因为他们认为这样鼓励了营造稳定的、更守法的地区。 ecocn

He begins by trying to rebut rumours, circulated by libertarian groups via chain e-mails, blogs and talk- show hosts, that the reformed Medicare health insurance scheme would subsidise abortions.
他以驳斥谣言作为言论的开头,然后说明医疗改革保险的主题是会资助流产的,这个言论被自由主义者通过连锁电邮,博客和脱口秀的主持人发放开去。 yeeyan

In general, however, it makes more sense to pay companies to keep people in work than to subsidise unemployment.
然而总的来说,同直接给予失业者津贴相比,资助公司而保住工作岗位更有意义。 yeeyan

In the very first week a scheme to subsidise jobs for the poor was voted down.
在第一周里,为穷人资助工作的提案被否决。 ecocn

More generally, the gap between the necessary and the cosmetic is wider in dentistry than other areas of medicine, making it hard to agree on what the state should subsidise.
更普遍的是,在牙科领域里必需的用品和化妆性的用品之间的差距比其他医学领域要宽广的多,这使得关于在何种情形下可以获得资助的决定很难取得一致的同意。 ecocn

Most governments subsidise new reactors directly; Britain wants private investors to fund them.
多数国家的政府为新的反应堆提供直接资助,英国希望私人投资核电。 ecocn

Now the questions are: why should northern European taxpayers be required to subsidise Greek voters given their failure to control their own government?
现在的问题是:希腊的选民未能看管好自己的政府,为什么要北欧国家的纳税人去资助他们? ecocn

So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low- risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidise their cover.
所以他们最终选择收集一些人的基本信息,如年龄、职业和邮编,着意味着高风险顾客和低风险顾客聚集在一起,这样可以弥补他们的损失。 ecocn

The Americans used Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to subsidise the housing market.
美国通过房利美和房地美来资助房地产市场。 ecocn

They point out that the scheme would protect just 15% of the Yasuní park, and that the government continues to subsidise domestic fuel consumption.
他们指出这个项目仅仅只保护了15%的 Yasuní公园环境,并且政府依然继续资助国内的能源消费。 ecocn

Universities subsidise these undergraduates in part by charging foreign students from outside the EU what the market will bear.
大学在可接受的条件下,收取来自欧盟以外国家学生的学费来资助这些在校生。 ecocn

Washington will subsidise many of those on the new state exchanges.
华盛顿将会资助许多新建的州医疗保险交易所。 hxen

While the government will come to the rescue of distressed major banks, it is not clear how long investors will be happy to subsidise public projects.

Will an ambitious plan to subsidise anti- malarial pills work?
资助抗疟疾药的庞大计划会有效吗? ecocn

Worse, the private firms have to pay a3% tax on their revenues to subsidise state-run television— a model Spain intends to copy.
更糟糕的是,私营公司仍需支付他们收入的3%作为税收来资助国营电视台——这个正是西班牙想要模仿的。 yeeyan




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