

单词 subsiding
释义 sub·side 英səb'saɪd美səb'saɪd 高COCA⁵³¹⁹¹BNC³⁹⁰⁶⁸iWeb³⁷⁶¹²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
vi. 下降至较低或正常水平

sink to a lower or to the normal level

vi. 土地下陷;建筑物等下陷

of land sink,e.g. because of mining operations underneath; of buildings,etc. sink lower into the ground

vi. 减弱,减轻,平静下来,平息

become less violent,active,intense,etc.

wear off or die down;

The pain subsided

sink to a lower level or form a depression;

the valleys subside

sink down or precipitate;

the mud subsides when the waters become calm

descend into or as if into some soft substance or place;

He sank into bed

She subsided into the chair

近义词 sag下垂ebb退潮wane衰落sink下沉drop落下slip滑倒abate缓和lower低的lessen减少settle解决recede后退loosen松开dwindle减少cave in下陷descend下降decline下降diminish减少decrease减少fall down跌倒moderate适度的collapse使倒塌settle down安下心来
S+~+AThe flooded river was subsiding rapidly.泛滥的河水正在迅速退落。
The hills subsided toward the shore.小山向海岸下斜。
His anger quickly subsided.他的怒气很快就消了。
用作不及物动词The hematoma will usuallysubsidein time.血肿通常随时间消逝。
The storm began tosubside.风暴渐渐平息了。
He waited until the applause hadsubsided.他一直等到掌声平息后才继续下去。
Weak foundations caused the house tosubside.由于地基不牢,这所房子已下陷。as in.falling
同义词 collapsing,decreasing,descending,lowering,plunging,sliding,tumbling,weakeningabating,crumbling,declining,diminishing,ebbing,settling,sinking,slippingtopplingtottering
反义词 improving,increasing,risingas in.lessening
同义词 abating,decliningdepreciatingdiminishing,dropping,dwindling,ebbing,lightening,lowering,moderating,narrowing,plummeting,plunging,quieting,sagging,shrinking,sinking,slackening,slowing,slumping,softening,waning,wasting,weakeningdying down,fading away,losing momentum,shriveling up,wearing down,wearing off
fallingadjective dropping
lesseningadjective decreasing
abating,decliningdepreciatingdiminishing,dropping,dwindling,dying down,ebbing,fading away,lightening,losing momentum,lowering,moderating,narrowing,plummeting,plunging,quieting,sagging,shrinking,shriveling up,sinking,slackening,slowing,slumping,softening,subsiding,waning,wasting,weakening,wearing down,wearing off A rash of home foreclosures helped plunge the United States into recession, and the national foreclosure rate shows few signs of subsiding.
美国许多人丧失住房赎回权导致经济进一步陷入衰退,而全国住房失赎率几乎没有下降的迹象。 ebigear

It is now generally accepted that in around1995, after20 sluggish years, American productivity growth began a remarkable surge that only now seems to be subsiding.
众所周知,美国的生产率在经历了20年的滞涨后,于1995年左右开始了一段显著的飓升,只是现在才好像平息下来。 ecocn

Although the bloodletting seemed to be subsiding as The Economist went to press, the misery of the refugees needs to be alleviated.
虽然当本期《经济学人》付印时,血腥的屠杀似乎已平息,但难民的悲怆仍有待缓解。 yeeyan

Chairman and CEO Fred Smith cited“ positive momentum, moderate economic growth and subsiding cost headwinds” in describing the company’s upbeat forecast for its next fiscal year.
联邦快递董事会主席兼首席执行官弗里德·史密斯 Fred Smith在介绍该公司对下一个财年的业绩展望时,提到“积极的发展势头、温和的经济增长和减弱的成本压力”。 forbeschina

Even for those who are not, it usually takes two to four weeks before the symptoms begin subsiding.
即使是没有抗药性的患者,也得花上二至四星期,症状才会开始消退。 ebigear

Geithner said that Washington and Beijing in fact agree on many aspects of how to get out of the economic crisis, and what to do when it’s clear that the trouble is subsiding.
盖特纳说,实际上中美双方在很多方面达成了共识,如如何摆脱经济危机以及在经济危机明显缓解的情况下如何处理等等。 yeeyan

Houses in several Arctic towns are already badly subsiding.
有几个北极城镇的房子已经严重下沉。 yeeyan

However, sporadically, in time or space, some species may grow rapidly to damaging numbers, developing outbreaks which may persist for a variable length of time before subsiding.
但是,在某些时间或空间,一些物种会迅速生长到足以造成危害的数量,导致病虫害爆发,持续时间不定。 fao

In the weeks that followed, Clive stabilized, his headaches subsiding, his temperature returning to normal.
随后的几周,克莱夫的情况开始稳定下来,头痛也减轻了,体温正在恢复正常。 yeeyan

Levels of radiation have mostly been subsiding, though unevenly spread.
尽管辐射在不均衡扩散,大多辐射水平还是稳定了下来。 ecocn

The central projection shows inflation approaching3.5% in early2010, subsiding to about 1% a year later and then staying below2% for the rest of the forecast.
央行预测显示通胀率在2010年前期会达到3.5%,一年之后降至1%左右然后保持在2%以下。 ecocn

The outbreak in Jamaica is subsiding and an interruption in transmission is expected soon.
牙买加的疫情正在平息,预计很快将能阻断传播。 who

Up to100 people have been killed in the unrest which shows no sign of subsiding.
多达100在看不到平息下来的动荡中死亡。 yeeyan

While things are far from normal in the financial markets, over the last few months the sense of panic has been gradually subsiding.
虽然金融体系还远远没有恢复正常,但过去几个月空气中弥漫的恐慌气息已经逐渐消散了。 yeeyan

You're seeing land subsiding from Houston to the Imperial Valley of California.
你能看到从休斯顿到加州帝王谷的陆地正在下降。 yeeyan

Subsiding and protecting Chinese firms increases their production.
补贴和保护使中国企业得以提高产量。 yeeyan

Subsiding and protecting Chinese firms increases their production. Decreasing the purchasing power of Chinese consumers decreases domestic consumption.
补贴和保护让中国企业的产量提高了,但中国消费者购买力的降低也导致了国内消费市场的萎靡。 yeeyan




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