

单词 subsidies
释义 sub·si·dy 英'sʌbsədi美'sʌbsədi COCA⁷²⁸¹BNC⁵⁸⁰⁶Economist⁹⁷³
C U 补贴,津贴,补助金

money paid,especially by the government or an organization,to make prices lower,make it cheaper to produce goods,etc.

a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public;

a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence

用作名词 n.
名词+~government subsidy政府补贴trade subsidy贸易补贴
近义词 aid援助grant授予funding资金support支持payment支付backing支持pension养老金sponsorship赞助subvention补助金subscription订阅appropriation拨用subsidization补助financial backing财政支援
用作名词n.The boss only allowed David a monthly subsidy.老板只按月发给大卫津贴。
Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.食品补贴对控制乳制品和面包的价格是必要的。
用作名词It's the old and the poor who suffer worst whensubsidiesare cut.补助津贴一削减,最吃苦头的就是那些老人和贫民。
She qualifies for the unemploymentsubsidy.她有权获得失业补贴。
The townsfolk can't understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs asubsidy.市民不明白王室莎士比亚公司为什么需要一个补助金。noun.money given to help another
同义词 aid,allowance,appropriation,assistance,bonus,contribution,endowment,financial aid,gift,grant,payment,pension,premium,scholarship,supportalimony,bequest,bounty,fellowship,gratuity,help,honorarium,indemnity,reward,subsidization,subvention,tribute
反义词 forfeit,hindrance,injury,loss,stop For a start, fishing subsidies should be abolished in an industry characterised by overcapacity and inefficiency.
首先,在一个生产力过剩和效率低的产业部门,捕鱼补贴应该废止。 ecocn

The Air Services are not yet sound enough economically to operate without government subsidies.

And, of course, we should immediately increase subsidies for school lunches so we can feed our youth more real food.
而且,当然的,我们必须立即增加对学校午餐的补贴,以便我们的孩子们能够吃到真正的食物。 yeeyan

As subsidies shrink, the price of fuel, electricity, water, transport and food should rise to market levels.
由于补助的缩减,燃料、电力、水、交通运输和食物的价格将上升到市场水平。 ecocn

But the biggest danger lies in the Middle East itself, where subsidies of food and fuel are omnipresent and where politicians are increasing them to quell unrest.
但是最大的危险在于中东自己本身,在这里食物和燃油补贴是普遍存在的,为了平息反抗补贴正在不停地增加。 ecocn

But decades of observation have convinced me that there is no practical way to prevent the government from inserting hidden subsidies and special interest mandates into the agencies’ operations.
但是数十年的观察让我确信,没有实际可行的途径来阻止政府在机构的运作中植入隐形补贴和为特殊利益集团服务。 yeeyan

But even there an array of reforms, from a stronger currency to an overhaul of subsidies, is needed to boost labour income and encourage consumption.
但即便是那里,也需要一系列从更为有效的货币政策到全面补贴的改革来增加劳工收入以及鼓励消费。 ecocn

But everybody knows that, so the risk of vanishing subsidies is already reflected in land prices.
但是每个人都知道,补贴消失的风险已经在土地价格中反映。 yeeyan

But these are production subsidies.
但这些都是产品补贴。 ecocn

But what if ethanol subsidies go away?
但如果没有乙醇补贴呢? yeeyan

Companies should establish relationships with industry and government officials in China so that they know the source of subsidies and can gauge the risk of reduction and subsequent price increases.
企业应该同中国的产业和政府官员建立良好关系,这样他们才能了解补助的来源,以及衡量缩减的风险和预测之后的价格增长情况。 yeeyan

First, not all subsidies to those in the ethanol biz are direct.
首先,并不是所有的补贴那些在乙醇商务直接。 yeeyan

If ever there is a time to cut distorting agricultural subsidies and open markets for food imports, it must be now.
如果说有一个减少扭曲性的农业补贴和开放粮食进口市场的时机,那肯定就是现在。 worldbank

If they are exempted from the law, they should also be relieved of subsidies from the taxpayers whose representatives approved it.
如果他们可以豁免于法律之外,他们也应该消除来自那些其代理人同意豁免的纳税人的补助。 ecocn

In the meantime, corn ethanol continues to enjoy its subsidies.
同时,玉米乙醇还可以继续享受它的补贴。 ecocn

In Europe, without subsidies and with government spending cuts due to come into force, demand will fall further.
在欧洲,由于没有补贴并且政府的削减开支的政策即将生效,需求将进一步减少。 ecocn

It struggled with the legacy of division and the end of subsidies from both east and west.
它也同时挣扎于东西分裂留下的遗产以及来自东德西德补助的结束。 ecocn

Many governments have boxed themselves in by rewarding their own supporters with jobs or subsidies.
许多政府由于以工作或补贴来报答自己的支持者而自缚手脚。 ecocn

Politicians should indeed encourage investment in clean technologies, but direct subsidies are not the way to do it.
政治家们的确应当鼓励在清洁能源技术上进行投资,但是不应该给予直接的补助。 ecocn

They are lobbying for higher subsidies.

Yet as our article argues, the benefits of subsidies have proved smaller than expected and the costs much greater.
然而正如这篇文章讨论的,事实上补贴带来的好处比预期要小,而花费却更大。 ecocn




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