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词汇 subscribing to
释义 subscribing to短语²³⁹⁹¹
A few struggling newspaper groups have stopped subscribing to newswires. Many others, having cut their own newsrooms, have become more dependent than ever on regurgitating agency copy.
在当前的大环境下,一些新闻集团难以为继,便中断了新闻专线的服务,但更多的则比以往任何时候都需要原封不动的专线快讯,因为这些集团已经削掉了编辑室,无从加工。 ecocn

A few struggling newspaper groups have stopped subscribing to news wires.
一些处境艰难的新闻集团停止订阅了新闻通讯社提供的服务。 topsage

By subscribing to one of these services, they're relinquishing ownership over the content they consume.
一旦订阅了这类服务就意味着用户放弃了对所消费内容的所有权。 fortunechina

Publicity from the launch has resulted in over 5,000 followers subscribing to the slow stream of government propaganda.
与朝鲜政府消极的宣传相比,自 Twitter一发布就吸引了5000多名追随者加入Twitter微博圈子。 yeeyan

This has even spawned an anti- corporate coffee counterculture, with those subscribing to this culture boycotting big business coffee chains.
甚至造成了一种反企业垄断的非主流文化和与其相呼应的抵制大型商业咖啡连锁店活动。 iciba

Along with subscribing to an alert, you can choose the type of notification channel associated with each alert.
除了订阅警报以外,您还可以选择与每个警报关联的通知渠道类型。 ibm

But I am serious about subscribing to my blog.

By subscribing to programs it will create a personalized audio- magazine loaded with fresh shows and news stories whenever you listen.
通过订阅方案,这将创建一个个性化的视听节目和杂志,当你想听的时候就有新鲜的节目和新闻报道。 yeeyan

For the English stores, you achieve guest and registered shopping by subscribing to the four bootstrapped policy groups described above and to the English policy group.
对于英语商店,您可以通过订阅上述四个引导策略组和英语策略组来实现来宾和注册购物。 ibm

However, if an organization does not explicitly subscribe to policy groups, it inherits the policy subscription of its closest ancestor that is subscribing to policy groups.
不过,如果组织没有显式订阅策略组,则它可以继承订阅策略组的最近祖先的策略订阅。 ibm

I recommend subscribing to the commits list for any developer on any open- source project.
我建议任何开源项目的所有开发者都订阅提交列表。 infoq

Information consumers that have an interest in particular messages register their interest with the broker by subscribing to a set of topics.
对特殊消息感兴趣的信息消费者可以使用代理通过订阅一系列的主题登记注册他们所感兴趣的内容。 ibm

It's like subscribing to a season-long fresh vegetable delivery service.
它就像订阅一整个赛季的新鲜蔬菜的送货服务。 dltcedu

The 1980s was a time when libraries were still subscribing to literary magazines and buying poetry books, a situation that would change drastically in the late1990s.
上世纪80年代,各图书馆还在订阅和购买各种文学刊物、诗歌集簿,这种情况在90年代后期就全然改变了。 oobang

Subscribing to play for a maximum of three times with audio, caption, and translation features on could be priced more than copying multimedia onto CDs with the license agreement.
带声音、字幕和译文并且最多可播放三次的订阅服务,其定价可能会高于根据许可协议将多媒体复制到 CD的情况。 ibm




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