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词汇 subscribes
释义 sub·scribe·s 英səb'skraɪb美səb'skraɪb COCA⁴⁵⁷¹³BNC⁵⁷³¹⁴
vt. & vi. 捐助; 认捐

agree to pay a sum of money in common with other persons to a cause, for sth

vt. & vi. 签名; 签署

write one's name, etc. at the foot of a document

offer to buy, as of stocks and shares;

The broker subscribed 500 shares

mark with one's signature; write one's name on;

She signed the letter and sent it off

Please sign here

adopt as a belief;

I subscribe to your view on abortion

pay an amount of money as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals;

I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station

receive or obtain regularly;

We take the Times every day








用作动词 v.
~+名词subscribe document签署文件subscribe a motto签名题词subscribe name签名subscribe a will在遗嘱上签字~+副词subscribe annually每年订购subscribe cheerfully高兴地捐助subscribe earnestly非常认真地签字subscribe generously〔liberally〕慷慨地捐助subscribe heartily〔sincerely〕衷心赞同subscribe immediately立即赞同subscribe regularly定期订购subscribe voluntarily〔willingly〕自愿捐助~+介词subscribe for订购,预订…; 捐…subscribe to向…捐…; 订阅…; 预订…; 签名认可,同意…subscribe to an animal protection society向一个动物保护协会捐款subscribe to a magazine订阅一份杂志
subscribe for v.+prep.

捐… give (money)

subscribe for sthWe have subscribed for the book.我们已订购了那本书。
How many people have subscribed for the book when it is printed?这本书要付印,已有多少人订购?Over 500 shares have already been subscribed for.预购的股份已超过500。subscribe sth for sthThe businessman subscribed ten dollars for the charity.那个商人为慈善事业捐款10美元。
subscribe to v.+prep.

签名认可,同意… sign (one's name as an agreement to sth; agree with sth as an opinion)

subscribe to sthI regularly subscribe to the Red Cross.我定期向红十字会捐款。
He subscribes liberally to charities.他慷慨地捐助慈善事业。
Many companies subscribed generously to the football club.许多公司都为该足球俱乐部慷慨捐款。subscribe sth to sthMany people subscribed money to the education fund.许多人向那项教育基金捐了款。
Some people subscribed a tenth of their income to the church.有的人把收入的十分之一捐给了教会。
He subscribed five pounds to the flood relief fund.他捐了五英镑作为洪水救济资金。
The businessman subscribed a large amount to the collection for the hospital.该商人为医院捐了一大笔钱。subscribe to sthWe subscribed to a few magazines.我们订阅了几份杂志。
Do you subscribe to the Daily News ?你订阅《每日新闻》吗?
I would like to subscribe to a Dictionary of American Slang .我要订一本《美国俚语字典》。
More people than ever before are subscribing to the theatre ticket service.现在向剧场票房订购戏票的人数比以往任何时候都多。subscribe to sthI was unwilling to subscribe to the contract, but it seemed that I had no choice.我不愿在合同上签字,可又似乎别无选择。
Only mad people would subscribe to such views.只有疯子才会赞同这种观点。
More and more members are refusing to subscribe to the leader's point of view.越来越多的成员不赞同该领导者的观点。
They find they cannot subscribe to the values of an older generation.他们感觉到他们不会赞同老一辈人的价值观。
We cannot subscribe to such severe punishment for such minor offence.我们不同意对这种轻微的犯罪处以如此酷刑。subscribe sth to sthI refused to subscribe my name to this paper!我拒绝在这份文件上签字。
They subscribed their names to the protest about low wages.他们都在低薪抗议书上签了名。近义词 give给to对于take拿sign手势agree同意pledge发誓assent同意donate捐赠comply顺从support支持promise诺言kick in踢开chip in插嘴condone宽恕endorse赞同approve批准consent同意pitch in协力advocate提倡contribute捐助agree with赞同approve of赞成subscribe to订阅go along with陪同前往hold with 赞成和 … 抱同…
S+~+AHe refused to subscribe.他拒绝签名。
S+~+ n./pron.They subscribed materials voluntarily.他们自愿捐助物资。
I'll subscribe ten dollars provided that you do, too.你如果也捐的话,我就捐10美元。
The President has subscribed a new document.总统已签署了一份新文件。
I subscribed my name as Tom.我把自己的名字通常签为汤姆。
He often subscribes himself F. Smith.他经常签上他的名字弗·史密斯。




用作及物动词Isubscribeto“ Reader's Digest” magazine.我订了《读者文摘》杂志。
They refused tosubscribeto the agreement.他们拒绝在协议上签字。
Do yousubscribeto her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法?
Wesubscribeto an animal protection society.我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。
He did notsubscribeto my proposal.他不赞同我的建议。 A poorly planned topic space often results in client over- subscription, in which the client subscribes to a broader topic space than required, and thus receives extraneous messages.
而设计糟糕的主题空间则会导致客户的过度订阅,即客户订阅了超出自身所需的主题空间,继而会收到很多无关的消息。 ibm

The consumer enrolls with the service provider, selects the service desired from the catalog, and subscribes to the service.
消费者向服务提供者登记,从目录选出所希望的服务,并且预订服务。 ibm

The governor enjoys seven bathrooms, and the household subscribes to Food& Wine magazine.
州长的房子里有7个卫生间,并订阅了《美食与美酒》杂志。 ecocn

The partial repository subscribes to updates about these remote objects and maintains a local copy of the last known state of each.
部分储存库订阅关于这些远程对象的更新,并维护每个对象的最新状态的本地副本。 ibm

The providers should encourage consumers to send security questions that might need to be resolved or require negotiation before the consumer rents or subscribes to a cloud service type.
提供商应该鼓励使用者提出问题,在使用者租用或预订云服务类型之前,可能需要解决这些问题或就这些问题进行协商。 ibm

The RSS consumer subscribes to an RSS feed by entering the feed's address into a given RSS reader application.
RSS客户通过在给定的 RSS阅读器应用程序中输入提要的地址来订阅 RSS提要。 ibm

The Timeline service subscribes to all events it is interested in.
时间轴服务订阅其感兴趣的所有事件。 ibm

As someone who subscribes to and reads a dozen personal finance blogs, I have noticed something that many of those in the blogosphere would probably see as a wonderful problem to have.
当某些人在预定以及阅读许多个人理财博客的时候,我发现许多博客里都能看到有一个麻烦大家都很乐意去惹。 kekenet

Control over access to functionality for publishers and subscribes is the same as the control over any requests to the ESB.
针对发布者和订阅的功能访问的控制与任何对 ESB请求的控制相同。 ibm

Depending on an organization's business and access control requirements, the organization explicitly subscribes to the appropriate policy groups.
根据组织的业务和访问控制要求,组织可以显式订阅适当的策略组。 ibm

Each milestone service subscribes to the events the milestone is interested in receiving.
每个里程碑服务都订阅该里程碑感兴趣的事件。 ibm

Each subscriber that subscribes to a topic will receive a copy of every message that is published to that topic, as shown in Figure1.
订阅主题的每个订户将收到发布到该主题的所有信息的副本,如图1所示。 ibm

Email service: Subscribes to notifications with an email topic, and when it receives a notification message it sends it via email.
电子邮件服务:订阅具有一个电子邮件主题的通知,当该服务接收到一条通知消息时,它通过电子邮件发送该消息。 ibm

Even Mr Yanukovich, once backed by Moscow, now subscribes to the notion of European integration.
甚至一度受莫斯科方面支持的亚努科维奇,现在也认同欧洲一体化的理念。 yeeyan

First, the Consumer subscribes to the“notifications” destination, the same destination that our Notifier Actor publishes its messages to.
首先,消费者订阅了名为“notificaitions”的目的地, 它和我们的 Notifier Actor发布消息的目的地是相同的。 infoq

From the Web client user interface, Archie also quickly subscribes to the new claims processing assets.
通过 Web客户端用户接口, Archie也很快订阅了新的索赔处理资产。 ibm

In this case proxy builder, while getting service information about particular service, subscribes to the updates of this service information, which are published to it by a registry service.
这种情况下,在获取某个服务信息的同时,代理创建器订阅服务信息的更新,而这些信息由注册中心服务发布。 infoq

In this way, you can concurrently run multiple message flows containing JMS transport nodes where each message flow subscribes or publishes to a different topic.
通过这种方式,您可以同时运行多个消息流包括 JMS传输节点,其中每个消息流订阅或发布到不同的主题。 ibm

It also handles the responses from the SUBSCRIBES that are sent out.
它也会处理从 SUBSCRIBES发出的响应。 ibm

Mr Rosen subscribes neither to the “ great man” or the“historical inevitability” schools of history, and his account is wonderfully eclectic.
罗森既没有采纳“伟大人物”的历史观,也没有采纳“历史的必然性”的观念,相反的,他的叙述是不拘一格的。 ecocn

Notice that you had to re- subscribe to the Management Policy Group because as soon as an organization subscribes to a policy group, it does not inherit any of those from its ancestors.
注意,您必须重新订阅“管理策略组”,因为一旦组织订阅了策略组,它就不再继承来自其祖先的任何相同策略组。 ibm

Observe that in the demo code, the client also subscribes to an additional closing event that is published by the MIDI file player at the end of file.
观察演示代码中的通配符,客户端还订阅了额外的关闭事件,该事件是由 MIDI文件播放器在文件的末尾发布的。 ibm

The observer object subscribes to events that report any state changes in the monitored entity, and then updates its own state based on information in those events.
观察器对象订阅那些报告所监视实体中任何状态更改的事件,然后基于那些事件中的信息更新自己的状态。 ibm

The business does not take ownership of the software, but instead subscribes to a total solution that is delivered remotely.
这种业务并不获得软件的所有权,而是订阅远程交付的整体解决方案。 ibm

We no longer live in a world with three major news channels and one or two local newspapers to which everyone in a community subscribes.

When an organization subscribes to policy groups, only the policies in those policy groups apply to the organization's resources.
当组织订阅策略组时,只有这些策略组中的策略应用于该组织的资源。 ibm

When it comes to people and petroleum, Kunstler subscribes to a very pessimistic theory of human behavior.
当提到人和石油的时候,孔斯特勒将人们的行为归结为一悲观理论。 yeeyan

Within this boundary, you specify which cloud service types the provider hosts and the consumers rents or subscribes.
在这个界限内,您指定供应商所托管的、以及用户租用或购买的云服务类型。 ibm




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