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词汇 submissions
释义 submissions səb'mɪʃnz BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

名词 submission:
something manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc. submitted for the judgment of others as in a competitionthe act of submitting; usually surrendering power to anotherthe condition of having submitted to control by someone or something elsethe feeling of patient, submissive humblenessa legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiteran agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiterlaw a contention presented by a lawyer to a judge or jury as part of the case he is arguingnoun.compliance
同义词 capitulation,resignationacquiescence,appeasement,assent,bowing,defeatism,deference,docility,humbleness,humility,malleability,meekness,nonresistance,obedience,passivism,passivity,prostration,servility,subjection,submissiveness,surrender,tractability,unassertiveness,yieldingbacking down,cringing,giving in,pliabilty,recreancy,submitting
反义词 disagreement,disobedience,rebellionfight,resistance The job manager also provides a new asynchronous job submissions framework for administration.
作业管理器还为管理提供了新的异步作业提交框架。 ibm

The sample application familiarizes you with various concepts, such as how a request is processed under the hood and how to handle form submissions.
示例应用程序将帮助您熟悉各种概念,例如,如何处理底层请求,以及如何处理表单的提交。 ibm

The smart editor can help find syntax errors, and possibly even save some JCL submissions and mainframe CPU time.
智能编辑器可以帮助查找语法错误,甚至还可以节省一些 JCL提交和大型机 CPU时间。 ibm

While you may be tempted to write off these problems as user error, you should resist the temptation and plan on handling invalid form submissions gracefully.
您可能会把这些问题看成是用户错误,因此不予理会;您应该抵制诱惑,并着手处理无效的表单提交。 ibm

You can share interesting news and ideas, and much like most“ vote-to- promote” sites, registered users can choose to vote onor bury submissions.
分享有趣的新闻与想法,非常“投票推动”网站,注册用户可以通过表决提交自己的想法。 yeeyan

All submissions, past and present, will be eligible for entry for every home game until the end of the season, so get those memories flowing!
不过过去还是现在,所有的提交作品在本赛季结束前都将被当作一个条目,赶快把这些承载你记忆的东西找出来吧! yeeyan

And they accept submissions from emerging artists, so you get to discover the new talent before anyone else has heard of them. I've already alerted the musicians in my life.
并且他们接受艺术新人提交的音乐,所以你有机会在任何人听到新人作品前发现新的天才,我已经开始在生活中留意音乐家了。 yeeyan

But in their court submissions, the Gosaibis allege that he retained de facto control over the group’s financial divisions.
但在他们提交的法庭文件中,戈萨比家族断言他保留了对该集团金融机构的实际控制权。 ecocn

Events and Life cycle: These mechanisms act on the data and submissions and translate the information between the user and the server system.
事件和生命周期:这些机制作用于数据和提交,并在用户和服务器系统之间转换信息。 ibm

He posted it and a few more such photographs online, and his site now gets around thirty submissions a day.
他把这张照片和更多的一些这样的照片发布到网上,他的网站现在每天有大约三十份提交。 yeeyan

If the mandate is to manage all tax submissions electronically and it soon will be, then the IRS information manager is faced with the problem of converting the paper forms to electronic.
如果要求以电子方式管理所有税务提交很快就会有这样的要求,则 IRS信息管理人员将面对将报表从纸张形式转换为电子形式的问题。 ibm

In the submissions they have made in response, banks have been critical.
在银行作为他们回应的意见书中,他们表示不支持。 ecocn

Job Scheduler tier, which is part of the Compute Grid component, accepts new job submissions, dispatches the jobs to the end points, and provides operational control over the jobs.
作业调度器层是计算网格组件的组成部分,可以接受新的作业提交、为端点分派作业、并提供对作业的操作控制。 ibm

Mass submissions, which are sometimes offered as a quick work- around SEO method, are mostly useless and not likely to serve your purposes.
有时作为搜索引擎优化的一个快速方法---大量地提交,是最无用的并且很可能不会实现你的目的。 yeeyan

Preventing duplicate submissions isn’t very hard, and it is essential to do this for most Web apps.
阻止副本的提交并不是很难的,对于大部分的网络应用程序来说,这是理所应当的。 cnblogs

The government rejected a probe into its eligibility, made no submissions to the investigation panel and refused entry to an EU team.
政府拒绝探究它的合理性,并且不向调查小组提交任何资料,还拒绝加入某个欧盟小组。 ecocn

The new version will accept submissions directly from publishers and normalize the content so there are no overlaps.
新版本将允许直接从发布者那里提交、内容将会标准化,因此不会再存在重复。 yeeyan

The second solution is to allow multiple thread submissions while relying on synchronization in server-side code to safeguard against race conditions.
第二个解决方案是允许多线程提交,但是依赖于服务器端代码中的同步来避免争用情况。 ibm

There are several types of electronic submissions request or response types, several types of transaction codes and their corresponding descriptions.
有几种类型的电子提交请求或响应类型和几种类型的事务代码及其对应描述。 ibm

These submissions can filter out various parts of the form, if desired, or submit the form as HTML data instead of XFDL data.
这类提交可以过滤表单的各个部分如果需要的话,可以作为 HTML数据而不是 XFDL数据提交表单。 ibm

This schema will allow instances to be created with multiple submissions populating a separate data model.
该模式将允许创建使用多重提交填充单独数据模型的实例。 ibm

XFDL submissions. These typically submit the complete form to a processing application.
XFDL提交:这类提交通常向处理应用程序提交完整的表单。 ibm

You can even specify transformations so that foul language is automatically cleaned up from submissions and comments without requiring any intervention on your part.
甚至可以指定转 换功能,以便将污秽语言自动从提交内容和评论中清除,而无需您进行任何干预。 cnblogs

You might want to flag submissions that were made immediately after the form was loaded, with an interval that makes it improbable that a human was able to fill out the form inputs so quickly.
因此,可以标记那些在表单加载后立即发生的提交,这可以通过使用这样一个时间间隔实现,在这个时间间隔内普通人是根本无法如此快速地完成表单输入的。 ibm




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