

单词 subjunctive
释义 sub·junc·tive 英səbˈdʒʌŋktɪv美səbˈdʒʌŋktɪvAHDsəb-jŭngkʹtĭv ☆☆☆☆☆四八COCA⁵⁷⁸⁰⁷BNC⁷⁰³⁴⁴iWeb³⁶⁹⁸⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a mood that represents an act or state not as a fact but as contingent or possible
relating to a mood of verbs;

subjunctive verb endings

sub-,在下,-junct,连接,词源同 join,juncture.构成语法格指虚拟语气,虚拟时态。subjunctive mood语虚拟语气…
词源解释虚拟语气subjunctive mood在拉丁语中称为modus subiunctivus,是对希腊语的语法术语hypotaktike enklisis的直译,字面意思就是“放在后面的,放在附属位置的”,因为在希腊语中,虚拟语气常用于从句中。
sub在下面,在后面+junct结合,附加+ive形容词后缀,表功能和倾向→用来附加在后面的→用在从句中的⇒虚拟语气的;虚拟语气。方振宇词汇奥秘subunder,在…下面+junct加入,连接+ive表形容词,…的→在实际层面的下面连接的→虚拟语气的词根记忆sub在下面+junct+ive=下面似乎连着=不肯定=虚拟的近义词 subjunctive mood语虚拟语气…

用作形容词Should thesubjunctivemood be used here?这里要用虚拟语气吗?
If there were nosubjunctivemood, English.如果没有虚拟语气,英语将容易多了。
In his lecture the teacher expanded on the uses of the Englishsubjunctivemood.老师在讲课中详细地讲述了英语虚拟语气的用法。 A Spanish verb has six present- tense forms, and six each in the preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, subjunctive and two different past subjunctives, for a total of48 forms.
西班牙语的动词现在时有六种形态,过去时、未完成时、将来时、条件句、虚拟句以及另外两种过去时虚拟式也各自有六种形态,加起来一共是48种。 ecocn

But there still exists difference between these two, such as creation target directing, imaginary subjunctive world, story element characteristic, incredible aesthetic effect and so on.
这种区别分别从创作的目标指向、假想的虚拟世界、故事的要素特征、荒诞的审美效应等方面表现出来。 dictall

The article is based on study about comparable principle, comparable condition, comparable method. It suggests the subjunctive output evaluation method at the bridge of equal value coefficient.
本文对渔业产量的比较原理、比较条件及比较方法进行了探讨,提出了以等价系数作为纽带的虚拟产量评价方法。 cnki

The ethical capital of modern corporation is a kind of authentic resource or subjunctive resource combined with moral qualities' network of all members in modern corporation.
现代企业的伦理资本是由企业共同体中全体成员的人格网络之真实或虚拟资源的总和。 cnki

The judgment model set up by the subjunctive ideal reference numeral increases the adaptability of the judgment execution.
虚拟的理想参考数列所建立的评判模型,使评判的适用性得到增强。 cnki

A subjunctive structure method is proposed for the purpose of forming the dynamic matrix of stochastic structures.
本文,提出了虚拟结构方法,为随机结构动力矩阵的形成打开了方便之门。 cnki

According to Two-Dimensional Semantics, every expression has two kinds of intentions: epistemic intention and subjunctive intention.
在二维框架下,每个表达式都有两种不同的内涵:认知内涵和虚拟内涵。 dictall

But it's handy to recognize the occasional subjunctive in English, even if you don't use it yourself, because it shows up quite a lot in other languages, especially European ones.
但是偶尔出现的虚拟语气在英文中却是很有用的。即使你自己不用他们,他们在其他语言中的出现频率也是很高的,尤其是一些欧洲语言。 blog.sina.com.cn

By incoming subjunctive instrumental technology, the system will be developed and upgrade as well as more flexibility and compatibility.
引入的虚拟仪器技术,为本系统的应用、发展、升级提供了良好的兼容性和很大的灵活性。 cnki

Eight, the subjunctive mood.
第八,虚拟语气。 hjenglish

Establishment of the technology alliance is an important style of the company's subjunctive management. Early strategic alliance was mostly constituted of price alliance and production alliance.
组建技术联盟是企业虚拟经营的重要方式,早期的战略联盟主要是价格联盟和产品联盟。 cnki

Methods After analyzing the actual and subjunctive governance costs in environment, the solution measure of preventive capital was used to quantify the ecological compensation in contributing region.
方法在分析环境污染实际治理成本和环境虚拟治理成本的基础上,采用防护成本法,对水源区的生态补偿进行量化计算。 dictall

Please underline the subjunctive mood in the sentence and explain why it's used here.
把这句话中的虚拟语气划出来,并解释为什么这里要用它。 bannei

Stock market can form a certain subjunctive fortune effect, and it can stimulate the positive effect on the effective demand.
股市可以形成一定的虚拟财富效应,对刺激有效需求能产生正效应。 cnki

The thesis describes the each kind of representations of subjunctive mood and indicates some changes of these representations in the new Shanghai dialect.
本文说明虚拟形式在老上海话中的种种表现,及其在现今新上海话中的变化。 cnki

This paper can provide some objective and scientific data for the future study and teaching of the subjunctive in novel language.
本文可为小说中虚拟语气的研究和教学提供一些比较客观、科学的依据。 fabiao

Subjunctive, conditional, aorist— each language has its own Czech reportedly has11.
虚拟态,条件句,不定式——每一种语言都有它自己的情态据说捷克语有11种情态。 yeeyan

Subjunctive cutting-line level adjustment method is a new data processing method to enhance the accuracy of airborne survey data and their chart's quality.
虚拟切割线调平法是一种提高航测资料精度和图件质量的新的数据处理方法。 chemyq

Subjunctive economy results from the development of the market economy.
虚拟经济是市场经济发展的必然产物。 cnki




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