

单词 Bassnett
释义 Bassnett
SusanBassnettand Andre Lefevere regard this“cultural return”as“a momentous step”in the field of translation studies.翻译不仅是语言的转换,更是文化信息的传递。
Godard , Barbara. Theorizing feminist discoursePtranslation; . SusanBassnett, Andre Lefevere. Translation , History and Culture; .许宝强;袁伟.;语言与翻译的政治;
In 1990, the publication of Translation, History and Culture co-edited by SusanBassnettand Andre Lefevere represented the “cultural turn” in translation studies.1990年,由SusanBassnett和Andre Lefevere合编的Translation,History and Culture一书出版,书中他们第一次正式提出翻译研究“文化转向”的发展方向,强调文化在翻译中的地位,促使西方翻译理论中文化学派的形成。
As we note, in 1990, SusanBassnettand Andre Lefevere, two representatives of Translation Studies School, suggested that translation studies take the “cultural turn”.1990年,翻译研究学派的两个代表人物SusanBassnett和Andre Lefevere提出在翻译研究中应该引入“文化转向”。
And 1980s sees the greatest achievement in translation studies, the“cultural turn”noticed by SusanBassnettand Andre Lefevere, then, the apparent distinction between cultural and linguistic approaches to translation studies has disappeared.直至1980年,翻译研究经历了历史剧变,苏珊·巴斯内特和安德烈·勒菲弗尔正式提出翻译研究的“文化转向”,之后翻译研究不再明确区分文化研究法和语言学研究法。
In 1990, SusanBassnettand Andre Lefevere first suggested “cultural turn in translation” which argues that the basic unit of translation is not word, not sentence, not even text, but culture.在西方,翻译研究作为一个新学科,在70年代就开始文化层面的探索。 1990年巴斯奈特和勒弗维尔第一次正式提出“翻译的文化转向”。




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