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词汇 subfolders
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The Frequently Used Subfolders create shortcuts to folders deeply nested within project locations.
建立深入地嵌套在专案位置中的资料夹捷径。 cycu

The number of subfolders in the folder a lot, how to browse the specified file.
文件夹中子文件夹数量很多,怎么样浏览指定地文件。 zgxue

The response file contains references to all Web services in that folder and in its subfolders.
响应文件包含对该文件夹及其子文件夹中的所有 Web服务的引用。 ibm

The snippets that appear in the picker are stored as files in subfolders of specific file locations.
选择器中显示的代码段作为文件存储在特定文件位置的子文件夹中。 microsoft

What can be archived Message body, attachments, folders, subfolders including metadata, such as subject, date, sender, and applications.
能够存档的内容 消息体、附件、文件夹、子文件夹包括元数据,如主题、日期、发送者和应用程序。 ibm

You can also add your own top-level custom folders, or you can add subfolders beneath any top-level folder.
也可添加自己的顶级自定义文件夹,或者可在任何顶级文件夹下添加子文件夹。 microsoft

A repository is a specified folder, including subfolders, in a file system or in an ECM system.
存储库是文件系统或 ECM系统中某个指定的文件夹,包含子文件夹。 ibm

Copy folders and subfolders from the storage to the computer keeping their structure.

Create new root folders and subfolders.

Fixed issue with RAR files in subfolders not being detected during drag and drop operations.
修正问题,子文件夹中的 RAR文件不被发现在拖放操作。 play-skill

For instance, divide a main folder into subfolders for customers, vendors, and co-workers.

Forms can write only to the folder that contains them or to one of its subfolders.
只能将表单写入包含表单的文件夹或者写入此文件夹中的一个子文件夹。 ibm

Gets or sets a value indicating whether subfolders are included in a Search operation.
获取或设置表示搜索是否区分大小写的值。 microsoft

If you need to put so many subfolders in a folder that you can't see all of them at a glance, consider creating an alphabetic menu.
如果你放在一个文件夹里的子文件夹太多,而不能一目了然,可以考虑建一个字母菜单。 yeeyan

In some workflows, you might have models stored within subfolders of a project.
在相同的工作流程中,您可能要建模项目子文件夹之内存储的模型。 ibm

It also can keep users from accessing other users' folders and subfolders, since users with limited rights generally don't have access to each other's information.
这也可以防止用户访问其他用户的文件夹及其子文件夹,因为受限权限的用户往往无法访问其他用户的信息。 yiai

Localized versions of the component and package manifests are put in subfolders named according to Culture Name.
组件的本地化版本以及程序包清单将放置到根据区域性名称命名的子文件夹中。 microsoft

Mark all messages in this folder and subfolders as read?
将此文件夹及其子文件夹中的信件全部标记为已读吗? launchpad

Removing a folder also removes all items and subfolders contained in it, and can't be undone.
删除一个文件夹同时删除所有其包含的条目以及其下的子文件夹, 该操作不可恢复。 launchpad

This name will be the enclosing name for your entire project, where you can include subfolders and Web application with names of your choosing.
此名称将是整个项目的封闭名称,可以在其中包括与所选名称同名的子文件夹和 Web应用程序。 ibm

This will also give the subfolders full control.
这将使您对子文件夹拥有完全控制权。 ibm

Views provide a method to retrieve all documents from a folder, from subfolders, or that satisfy a condition.
视图提供一种方法,检索一个文件夹或多个子文件夹的所有文档,或者检索满足某个条件的所有文档。 ibm

When I described the Jaxer root folder, I mentioned that there are several subfolders within it.
介绍 Jaxer根文件夹时,我提到了它里面有几个子文件夹。 ibm

When you see the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box, select the Apply Changes To This Folder, Subfolders And Files option button and click OK.
当你看到确认属性改变对话框,选择“应用改变到这个文件夹,字文件夹和文件”选项按钮,点击“确认”按钮。 cn26

You can organize and share your queries and team queries by using folders and subfolders.
您可以使用文件夹和子文件夹来组织和共享您的查询和团队查询。 microsoft

You may choose any folder and all subfolders from any location on your phone for playback.
您可以选择任何文件夹和所有子文件夹,从任何地点就在您的手机上播放。 nokiacn




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