

单词 subfields
释义 subfieldsCOCA⁶⁹³⁸³BNC⁷²⁸⁴⁴
计子字段原型subfield的复数 In my own religion department, for example, we have10 faculty members, working in eight subfields, with little overlap.
比如,我教授的宗教系,十个人研究八个不同的分支领域,彼此之间很少重叠。 www.51ielts.com

It is shown that all division rings except infinite fields of character2 which are transcendental extension of their prime subfields are generated by their square elements.
证明了除特征为2且为其素域上的超越扩域之无限域以外,所有除环均由其平方元素所生成; cnki

The field of economics is divided into two subfields: microeconomics and macroeconomics.
经济学领域被分为两个子领域:微观经济学和宏观经济学。 smth

A number of different subfields and specialty areas have emerged.
出现了许多不同的分支领域和专门领域。 yeeyan

In addition to his written work, he was a great teacher and produced an entire generation of students who have reshaped virtually all the subfields of political science.
除了他写的作品外,亨廷顿还是一位好老师,他的一代学生学生再造了政治科学的各个分支。 yeeyan

In this paper, I first give two methods with which we can determine all the power integral bases in maximal real subfields of cyclotomic fields.
本文首先给出了确定分圆域的极大实子域的幂元整基的两种方法; cnki

Indeed, the names of major subfields of computer science— such as artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, and evolutionary computation— attest to the influence of biological analogies.
说实话,在计算机科学的一些主要分支学科的命名上就可以看出生物学的影子,譬如人工神经网络,遗传算法和进化计算法等等。 yeeyan




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