

单词 subdivisions
释义 subdivisions 英'sʌbdɪvɪʒnz美'sʌbdɪvɪʒnz COCA²¹⁰⁴⁴BNC²³⁸²¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
名词 subdivision:
an area composed of subdivided lotsthe act of subdividing; division of something previously divideda division of some larger or more complex organizationa self-contained part of a larger composition written or musicala section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided The remainder of this reclaimed land has been turned into residential subdivisions, which are among the finest in the city.
剩下的土地被改建成市内最好的住宅区。 yeeyan

The Restatement of each field is divided into sections, which are black-letter statements of principles or rules, often with subdivisions.
每个领域的重述都分为若干节,有黑体字印刷的关于规则原理的陈述,通常还有再细分的条目。 lingdi

Colors separate different subdivisions of the brain’s cerebral cortex, its outermost section.
不同的颜色区分出了最外面的大脑皮层的不同划分。 yeeyan

Federal, state, and local governments did all they could to promote the construction of freeways, housing subdivisions, and shopping malls rather than neighborhoods where people could walk.
联邦政府、各州政府以及当地政府不是想方设法建设人们可以在其中散步的居民区,而是大力推动高速公路、住宅小区和大商场的建设。 kcpt.cidp.edu.cn

Further subdivisions can occur, up to a maximum of127 levels.
可以进行进一步的细分,最多可以达到127 个级别。 ibm

Grid2 however has subdivisions, vertically, of a third and another level of division, for each main block division of one sixth.
图2展示了一个具有2级纵向子划分的栅格,一条是主划分方格的三分之一,另一条是主划分方格的六分之一。 yeeyan

He praised the developer, Joseph Eichler, who built more than11, 000 homes in California subdivisions, for making an affordable product on a mass- market scale.
他对主打大众市场,在加州各区建造了11,000多处房屋的开发商乔瑟夫·艾克勒大加赞赏。 yeeyan

In almost all the subdivisions of art that serve decoration, with its simper basic requirements, the modern age has attained a genuine style of its own and has splendid achievements to show.
装饰功能,是对艺术的基本需求之一,它们的所有细分中,现代,获得了自己的真实的风格,并且展示了其辉煌的成就。 blog.sina.com.cn

Liaoning has the most iron, magnesite, diamond, and boron deposits among all province-level subdivisions of China. Liaoning is also an important source of petroleum and natural gas.
辽宁省的铁、菱镁石、金刚石、硼储量位列中国各大省市之首,它同时也是天然气和石油的重要产地之一。 chinafanyi

Sales revenue, service revenue, and investment revenue are subdivisions of revenue.
收入可细分为销售收入、服务收入、投资收入等。 tdict

The speculation that has produced wide swings in commodities prices and vacant subdivisions across California and Florida may become less prominent.
导致大宗商品价格剧烈波动,驱使在加利福尼亚和佛罗里达这些地方建造空无一人的住宅小区的投机行为或许会变得不那么显著。 yeeyan

There are all of these techniques and subdivisions that can be applied to the natal chart that seem to show different perspectives or shades of the native's life, with varying levels of detail.
有许多这样的细枝末节可以和出生星位图联系起来,通过不同的细节展示人生中各种方面或阴影。 qq

There are, however, many more subdivisions.
当然还有许多更细的分化。 ebigear

These basic costs may then be allocated proportionally to various tasks which are subdivisions of a project.
这几个基本成本有可能会按比例地分配到工程子项的不同任务中去。 blog.sina.com.cn

They set aside the burnt offerings to give them to the subdivisions of the families of the people to offer to the Lord, as is written in the Book of Moses.
将燔祭搬来,按着宗族的班次分给众民,好照摩西书上所写的,献给耶和华。 ebigear

They can also share data across the entire organization or beyond it’s borders, the organizations subdivisions appearing as just another set of circles, only colored differently.
这些用户可在整个组织内共享数据,同时,也可向组织外共享数据,组织中的分组看上去像是另一种生态圈,但也仅仅是颜色上的不同而已。 infoq

Users can be grouped in subdivisions while the administrator has the option to turn the service on or off for the entire organization or for a subdivision.
支持用户分组细分的同时,还设有权限开关,管理员可选择为整个组织或某一分组设定服务权限。 infoq




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