

单词 subcutaneous
释义 sub·cu·ta·ne·ous 英ˌsʌbkjuːˈteɪniːəs美ˌsʌbkjuˈteniəsAHDsŭb'ky›-tāʹnē-əs ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁸⁵⁵⁶BNC²⁸⁴¹³iWeb¹⁸⁶³³
relating to or located below the epidermis;

hypodermic needle

subcutaneous implant

subcutaneous incision皮下切开术subcutaneous part皮下部subcutaneous transfusion皮下输液法subcutaneous fat皮下脂肪subcutaneous fracture医 皮下骨折, …subcutaneous gangrene皮下坏疽subcutaneous nodule皮下小结,皮下结节…subcutaneous tissue皮下组织subcutaneous hemorrhage皮下出血subcutaneous nodes结核subcutaneous injection皮下注射subcutaneous abscess皮下脓肿subcutaneous layer皮下层subcutaneous inoculation皮下接种subcutaneous fascia皮下筋膜subcutaneous felon医 皮下瘭疽…subcutaneous mass皮下包块
sub下|次|亚cut-表皮-aneouS,⇒adj.皮下的近义词 dermal皮肤的medical医疗的internal国内的intravenous静脉的hypodermic皮下注射的hypodermal动皮下的dermatological医皮肤病学的…

用作形容词Women have a layer ofsubcutaneousfat.女人有一层皮下脂肪。
The skin is attached to thesubcutaneoustissue.皮肤连接在皮下组织上。 Just under the skin in the thighs, hips,buttocks, and abdomen. That's subcutaneousunder the skin fat.
一种是在你大腿,屁股,腹部的皮下,称为“皮下脂肪”。 yeeyan

The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue.
皮肤有三层:表皮、真皮和皮下组织。 yeeyan

The trouble with belly fat is that it's not limited to the extra layer of padding located just below the skin subcutaneous fat.
比较麻烦的一点是腹部脂肪并不仅仅存在于表皮之下皮下脂肪。 yeeyan

The subcutaneous ICD can't pace the heart with steady pulses of electricity, as do many ICDs, so its use is limited.
皮下心脏除颤器就像很多除颤器一样,不能起搏心脏产生平稳的电脉冲,所以它的使用是有限的。 dxy

All of which is bad news for the city's immigrants, who spend their days navigating through the subcutaneous tension that can be felt in Shanghai in the form of its us- and- them mentality.
所有这些对来上海的外地人来说都不是好消息,他们处在这种在上海总能感受到你们和我们的心态中,并且终日都要应对这种紧张关系。 yeeyan

Alternatively, you can directly measure the thickness of subcutaneous fat children.
另外,也可以直接测量儿童皮下脂肪的厚度。 chinaw3

Although subcutaneous fat poses cosmetic concerns, visceral fat is associated with far more dangerous health consequences.
不过皮下脂肪带来的是关于外貌美观方面的问题,而内脏脂肪会导致更危险的健康问题。 kle100

As the gene is only linked to lower levels of fat stored just below the skin, known as subcutaneous fat, it may be that people who have IRS1 stash theirs elsewhere.
这种基因还会与较少的身体的皮下脂肪含量有关,这些被称为储存性脂肪,然而这些带有 IRS1基因的人的脂肪可能“藏”在了其他的地方。 ebigear

Chen: Heart failure patients have a problem in producing enough natriuretic peptides, so we give them shots through subcutaneous injection of the peptides which help their heart.
陈:心功能衰竭的患者不能产生足够的利钠肽,因此我们通过皮下注射的方法给他们注射利钠肽维持心脏功能。 dxy

Conclusion Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion combining with self- skin split graft can accelerate concrescence of ulcer in diabetes foot.
结论连续皮下胰岛素输入结合自体游离皮片移植能更好的促进溃疡面愈合。 cnki

Results: The SPN was always visualized in the subcutaneous tissues of the distal incision.
结果:腓浅神经在切口远端的皮下组织内可以直接看到。 adoop.cn

She sliced through the skin and subcutaneous fat, ignoring the bleeding from the abdominal wall.
她切开皮肤和皮下脂肪层,对不断流血的腹壁置之不理。 yeeyan

Symptoms reported by local clinicians include high fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting, followed by meningitis, subcutaneous haemorrhage, toxic shock, and coma in severe cases.
地方临床医师报告的症状包括高热、不舒服、恶心和呕吐,重者出现脑膜炎、皮下出血、中毒性休克和昏迷。 who

The difference between male and female: In women, the subcutaneous fat layer is organized into large vertical chambers where an abundance of fat can be stored.
男性和女性的区别:对于女性,皮下脂肪层被分布在椭圆形的腔室中,以便于更多的脂肪可以被存储起来。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then we evaluated the long-term use of subcutaneous ICDs in a pilot study, involving6 patients, which was followed by a trial involving55 patients.
然后我们在包括6例患者的初步研究中评估了皮下植入式心脏除颤器,接着进行了包括55例患者的试验。 dxy

This allows a direct reflection of the amount of subcutaneous fat.
这样就可以直接反映皮下脂肪的多少。 chinaw3

This genetic variant seems to predispose people to depositing visceral fat as opposed to the more benign subcutaneous fat.
这一变体基因似乎会导致人体倾向于沉积内脏脂肪而非良性的皮下脂肪。 yeeyan

Youth is not obvious, this is because young people subcutaneous fat is more abundant, the skin is tight, therefore.
年轻时不会很明显,这是因为年轻人皮下脂肪较为丰富,皮肤也较为紧绷,因此。 jf501




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