

单词 subcategorization
释义 subcategorization 英'sʌbkætɪgɒraɪ'zeɪʃən美'sʌbkætɪgɒraɪ'zeɪʃən BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Procedure of subcategorization acquisition mainly includes two typical steps: Subcategorization hypotheses are generated according to certain heuristic rules;
动词次范畴化自动获取过程主要涉及到两个典型步骤一、依据启发性规则生成次范畴化假设; cnki

All the business entities that will be manipulated by the use case have been detailed, and their attributes and subcategorization have been defined.
所有的将通过已经被细化的用例操作的业务实体,以及它们的属性和子分类已经被定义。 ibm

Analysis on the results show that the acquired bilingual subcategorization frames are statistically and syntactically compatible.
实验结果分析表明,这些对应类型具备统计和句法意义上的协调性。 ceaj.org

Based on the theory of subcategorization in cognitive linguistics, this article mainly deals with the cognitive function and characteristics of premodifiers and postmodifiers in English noun phrases.
本文从认知语言学的次范畴化理论出发,探讨了英语名词短语中前置修饰语和后置修饰语的认知功能和特点。 dictall

Besides, simple application of the acquired lexicon in a PCFG parser indicates great potentials of subcategorization information in the fields of NLP.
并且,所得知识库在一个 PCFG句法分析器上的简单应用体现了次范畴化信息在自然语言处理领域有着可观的潜在价值。 iciba

Hypotheses are filtered via statistical methods and reliable subcategorization types are selected.
应用统计方法对假设集合进行过滤,选择可靠的次范畴化类型。 cnki

The hypotheses for subcategorization frames are generated by means of linguistic heuristic information and tested via statistic methods.
实验基于语言学启发信息生成次范畴化框架假设,然后应用统计方法进行假设检验。 dictall

Then,654 bilingual basic types of subcategorization frames are acquired by means of the two- fold MLE filtering method.
然后,应用双重最大似然检验的统计过滤方法自动获取了654种次范畴化框架对应类型。 ceaj.org

This paper describes a systematic experiment of statistical analysis and acquisition for bilingual subcategorization relations based on Chinese-English parallel corpus.
描述了基于汉英双语语料库的统计分析并获取跨语言次范畴化对应关系的系统化实验。 ceaj.org

This paper describes the proper technology of subcategorization acquisition for Chinese verbs and a comprehensive experiment of acquiring relevant subcategorization lexical knowledge.
描述了一种自动获取汉语动词次范畴化信息的可行技术和一个从大规模真实文本中构建动词次范畴化词汇知识库的系统性实验。 dictall

This paper proposes a weakly supervised method for Chinese subcategorization acquisition, where the unsupervised hypothesis generator is replaced with a SVM classifier.
文章提出一种弱指导的汉语动词次范畴化自动获取方案,并应用 SVM分类器取代原系统中的无指导假设生成模块。 cnki

This paper is a study of Chinese learners' acquisition of English“ psych” verbs, and does so from the perspective of argument structure and subcategorization features.
本研究从心理动词论元结构及其子语类特征角度考察中国学生习得英语心理动词的规律。 dictall




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