

单词 subcategories
释义 sub·cat·e·go·ry 英'sʌb'kætɪgərɪ美'sʌbˌkætɪˌgɒriː COCA³⁸⁷⁰³BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
n.子范畴⁶⁴;亚类³⁶原型subcategory的复数名词复数subcategories The category kernel- mode drivers includes many subcategories.
内核模式驱动范畴包含许多子范畴。 iciba

The selected category and all of its subcategories will be included in this search scope.
选中的类别及其所有子类别将被包含在搜索范围中。 jukuu

Within these two categories, there are numerous subcategories, many of which will be explained in Lesson302.
这两个分类中又有若干子分类,我们将在第302课介绍它们。 ecocn

You can then get into subcategories of tweets that use“ breast cancer” along with other terms such as awareness, support, and pink.
然后,进入推特子范畴,其中有使用了“乳腺癌”并涉及到诸如宣传、支持和粉色之类的词条。 yeeyan

Bosse's research explores the hierarchical valuation of partnership dances, with reference to the“ level of perceived sophistication” within categories and subcategories.
乔安娜的研究通过不同的范筹和分类,围绕“可感知的矫揉造作程度”对双人舞的等级进行了探索和评论。 jukuu

However, FL environment itself is only a cover term that subsumes different subcategories: country and city.
然而,外语环境还可进一步区分为农村和城市两个不同的语用环境。 cnki

However, there are several commonly used profit subcategories investors should be aware of.
然而我们也许注意几个常用的利润子范畴。 ecocn

In practice, there are many different types of processes, and designers often create process- related component subcategories to take advantage of similarities in the process types.
在实际中,存在很多不同类型的流程,设计者通常会创建流程相关的组件子类别,以利用流程类型方面的相似性。 ibm

In this example, I've shown how immediate processing of a Category component enables you to show subcategories without reloading the page.
在这个例子中,我们已经介绍了 Category组件的即时处理是如何让您可以显示子目录,而不用重新加载页面的。 ibm

In this view, you can browse, search, edit, delete, and create new categories or subcategories.
在该视图中,您可以浏览、搜索、编辑、删除和创建新类别或子类别。 ibm

Instead, the event handler for the category list populates the subcategories and forces JSF to skip to the render response phase.
相反,类清单的事件处理程序会生成子目录,并强制 JSF跳过进行响应的阶段。 ibm

Let's look at the effect of adding subcategories to the index on: XML Schema, relational schema, queries, and the PHP application code.
我们看一下向索引中添加子种类对以下各项的影响: XML模式、关系模式、查询和 PHP应用程序代码。 ibm

Many bookstores work with the categories to organize their shelves, but the categories and subcategories are also used to create a searchable record of a book.
许多书店都用这种分类法来排架,但是它们也用这些类别和子类别来创建图书记录以便查找。 yeeyan

Many people have come up with some interesting ways to distinguish these subcategories.
很多人都以一种非常有趣的方式来区分这些子类。 yeeyan

Ohio may not rank dead last in an extreme number of subcategories, however its overall extremely poor showing causes it to be ranked as the least environmentally friendly state on our list.
在一些极端的类别中,俄亥俄州可能不是倒数,可是他总体太差导致他是我们名单中最不环境友好的州。 yeeyan

The largest subcategories on each page are listed in bold letters, helping you to find the most popular categories in the directory more quickly.
每页上的最大的子范畴在大胆字母被列出,帮助你更快速发现在目录的最流行的范畴。 chinaorb

The only real way to grow sales and profits is to create innovative offerings with some“ must haves” that define new categories or subcategories for which competitors are not relevant.
要提高销售额和利润的唯一方法就是有创新性的产品推出,以一些“必备”的与竞争对手无关的新类别或子类别去定义它们。 yeeyan

This category cannot be renamed, because one of its subcategories is currently in use. Close all subcategories and try again.
无法重命名该类别,因为它的子类别之一正在被使用。请关闭所有子类别,再重试。 jukuu

This category contains3 subcategories that focus on memory, profiling, and speed.
这一类别分为三个子类,分别关注于内存,性能分析和速度。 ibm

This category is subdivided further into six subcategories.
这类规则被分为六个子类。 ibm

This method also blanks out the list of subcategories being displayed.
这个方法还会将正在显示的子类清单置空。 ibm

Use this page to choose a category for this item. To see subcategories, click the plus sign next to a category.
使用该页面可为项目选择类别。若要查看子类别,请单击该类别旁边的加号。 jukuu

Women still trail men in professional subcategories such as business, science and engineering.
不过,女性在商业、科学和工程等专业领域依然落后于男性。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

You can have sub- sub- categories, but let's stop with subcategories for right now.
你也许会有子-子-种类,但是现在我们从子种类这里停止吧。 zzbaike




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