释义 |
sub 英sʌb美sʌbAHDsŭb ★★☆☆☆高COCA¹⁵⁸⁶⁰BNC¹⁷⁴⁴⁶iWeb⁶⁰⁶⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本双解英英词源搭配近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.潜艇⁶⁵;替代品⁴vi.替代²³vt.转包合同⁸复数subs过去分词subbed现在分词subbing三单subs n.名词 C 潜水艇submarine C 代用品,代替者,替补队员substitute,especially in football or cricket P 上交俱乐部的会员费subscription to a club,etc. Noun: a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments; different names are used in different sections of the United Statesa submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes Verb: be a substitute;The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet 缩写自substitute,代替,替代。sub-在下,向上,少于,低于,亚于,次,分支,分部,分,来自拉丁语sub,在下,接近,向上,朝向。来自原始印欧语sup-,可能缩写自*ex-upo-。来自ex-,向外,*upo-,在下,向上,词源同up, over。并由主词义向下引申词义少于,低于,亚于,次,再分等。 substitutesub-,在下,向上,-stit,站立,词源同stand, institute。即站在下面的,随时准备站上去的,引申词义代替,替代。 sub缩写自substitute,代替,替代。sub-在下,向上,少于,低于,亚于,次,分支,分部,分,来自拉丁语sub,在下,接近,向上,朝向。来自原始印欧语sup-,可能缩写自*ex-upo-。来自ex-,向外,*upo-,在下,向上,词源同up, over。并由主词义向下引申词义少于,低于,亚于,次,再分等。 sub缩写自substitute,代替,替代。sub-在下,向上,少于,低于,亚于,次,分支,分部,分,来自拉丁语sub,在下,接近,向上,朝向。来自原始印欧语sup-,可能缩写自*ex-upo-。来自ex-,向外,*upo-,在下,向上,词源同up, over。并由主词义向下引申词义少于,低于,亚于,次,再分等。 sup来自古英语supan,喝,吸,品尝。来自原始日耳曼语*supanan,喝,吸。来自原始印欧语sub。来自原始印欧语*seue,汁液,液体,词源同sip, sop, soup。常用于形容小口喝,吸,啜,抿等。sup-在下,向上,来自sub-在字母p前的拼写异体形式。古义用法。来自古法语soper,用餐,就餐,通常为把面包片浸在浓汤里面吃。来自soupe,浓汤,词源同soup。 ex来自原始印欧语*eghs,从,从…出,向外,同前缀ex-,向外,即从前,前任。 ex来自原始印欧语*eghs,从,从…出,向外,同前缀ex-,向外,即从前,前任。 up来自原始印欧语*upo,在下面,从下往上,向上,词源同sub-, over。 over来自古英语ofer。来自原始日耳曼语*uberi。来自原始印欧语*uper,向上,在上。来自原始印欧语*upo的比较级,词源同up, super。引申词义超过。over-在上,超过,过度,来自over,在上,超过。并引申贬义词义过度。sub judice拉在审判中, 尚…sub block小组信息数字组…sub store辅助仓库(备用仓库…sub element子元件部分元件…sub truss支撑桁架脚手架…sub total小计sub assembly局部装配sub grain亚晶粒二次晶粒…sub control副控制(辅助控制器…sub fraction子分式子分数…sub aeration底吹法底吹…sub dealer支店分店sub boundary亚晶界粒界网状组织…sub exciter副励磁器(辅助励磁器…sub slicing分层陷落开采…sub frame副架(副车架…sub joint副接头(辅助接头…sub warhead子弹头Indian sub-continent印度次大陆sub-aqua英水下运动的… 近义词 shoe鞋act行为hero英雄wedge楔子fill in填写replace取代grinder磨工torpedo鱼雷stand in代替deputize代理second第二的bomber轰炸机represent表现pigboat潜水艇submarine潜水艇hoagy大型三明治substitute代用品hoagie英雄三明治U-boat德国海军的潜水艇…Cuban sandwich大号三明治Italian sandwich花旗三明治poor boy美口主新奥尔良…submarine sandwich潜艇形大三明治…hero sandwich好极三明治,巨型三明治…反义词 super超级的 用作名词(n.Our aircraft sank the sub by dropping depth bombs.我们的飞机用深水炸弹炸沉了潜艇。 England brought on a sub in the second half.英国队下半场换上了一名替补队员。 Have you paid your tennis-club sub yet?你付了网球俱乐部的会员费了吗? 动词89%,名词11% 用作名词Local radio reported that thesubhad oxygen tanks.当地广播报导,这艘潜艇内配备氧气桶。 The nuclear-powered submarine can overrun any othersub.核动力潜艇能比其他任何潜艇驶得快。用作不及物动词I had tosubfor the referee, who was sick.裁判病了,我得代为裁判。 Clive Walker came on as asuband starred.克里夫-沃克替补上场,大放异彩。noun.substitute 同义词 alternate,auxiliary,backup,replacement,second,standby,understudybelow alternatenoun substitute backup,double,equivalent,fill in,proxy,replacement,stand-in,surrogate alternativenoun possible choice backup,druthers,opportunity,option,other,other fish in sea,other fish to fry,pick,preference,recourse,redundancy,selection,sub,substitute,take it or leave it alternativesnoun possible choice back-up,druthers,opportunities,options,other fish in seas,other fish to fries,others,picks,preferences,recourses,redundancies,selections,subs,substitutes,take it or leave its collateraladjective indirect, secondary accessory,accompanying,added,adjunctive,adjuvant,ancillary,appurtenant,attendant,auxiliary,circuitous,coincident,complementary,concomitant,concurrent,confirmatory,coordinate,corresponding,corroborative,dependent,incident,lateral,not lineal,parallel,related,roundabout,satellite,side,sub,subordinate,subservient,subsidiary,supporting,tributary,under deputynoun assistant, agent aide,ambassador,appointee,assembly member,backup,commissioner,councilor,delegate,dogcatcher,factor,legate,lieutenant,minister,proxy,regent,replacement,representant,representative,second-in-command,sub,subordinate,substitute,surrogate dummynoun mannequin copy,counterfeit,duplicate,figure,form,imitation,manikin,model,ringer,sham,stand-in,sub,substitute The advantage of using sub models is that they can exist independently of the main model, unlike fragments which can exist only inside the main model. 使用子模型的优势在于它可以独立地存在主模型,而不像片段那样只能存在于主模型内部。 ibm The team talks lazily of requirements and design, but often every member or sub team has its own idea of what to do, when it should be done, and what work products to deliver or not. 团队漫不经心地谈论需求和设计,不过每个成员或子团队通常都清楚自己需要做什么、应该何时做,以及要交付或不交付什么工作产品。 ibm The work items may contain sub- work items; therefore the inner table should include an embedded inner table and link table. 工作项可能包含有子工作项;因此内部表格应该包含一个嵌入的内部表格和联系表格。 ibm As we've discussed in this article, the DB2 optimizer may choose a sub- optimal access plan when there are host variables or parameter markers in the SQL statement. 正如我们在本文讨论的,如果 SQL语句中存在主机变量或参数标记,那么 DB2优化器可能会选择一个次优化的存取计划。 ibm Biology and the natural world are helping economists build new models to understand the dynamics of the financial sector and why the US sub prime loan crisis caused so much global damage. 生物学和大自然正帮助经济学家们建立新的研究模型以了解金融部门的动态,还有为什么美国次贷危机会对全球造成如此大的伤害。 yeeyan But at this moment we cannot calculate the work item status because it may contain sub- work items, so we need to declare two global variables to store these values. 但是此时,我们不能计算工作项的状态,因为它可能包含了子工作项,这样我们需要声明两个全局变量,以存储这些值。 ibm Every application using the framework contains a root module and may also contain one or more sub modules. 使用该框架的每个应用都包含一个根模块,还可以包含一个或多个子模块。 infoq For each metadata type compatible with a composite state, every transition in the sub- state machine has a policy for restriction. 对于与复合状态兼容的每一种元数据类型,子状态机中的每一个转换都有一个限制策略。 ibm However, if I choose to simply remove the volume, then the volume will be destroyed but sub- objects if any will remain intact. 但是,如果选择只删除卷,那么该卷将被破坏,但其子对象如果存在的话将完好无损地保留下来。 ibm If more complex queries are executed, or if several queries are executed in sequence, the difference in the execution time is not just sub-seconds but seconds or even minutes. 如果要执行更复杂的查询,或者要连续执行多个查询,那么执行时间的差距就不是次秒级的,而是以秒甚至分钟来计算的。 ibm In the Map process, the master node takes the input, divides it up into smaller sub- tasks, and distributes those to worker nodes. 在映射过程中,主节点接收输入,把输入分割为更小的子任务,然后把这些子任务分布到工作者节点。 ibm In this case, the modeling application may be used as a“ clearing house,” receiving the product list from the ERP system, then re- distributing all or sub-sets to different systems. 在这种情况下,建模应用程序可能作为“信息交换所”,它们从 ERP系统接收产品列表,然后将所有记录或子集重新发布给不同的系统。 ibm In this example we use the NIEM, although any controlled vocabulary with sub- schema generation tools can be used. 在这个示例中,我们使用 NIEM,但是可以使用任何受控词汇表和子模式生成工具。 ibm Now he claims that if they indeed did acquire substantial amounts of sub-prime exposure and he says they did not, it was because of the profit motive and not to fulfill a social objective. 现在他宣称如果他们确实要求相当数量的次贷要求事实上他们并没有,这是因为利润的刺激而不是为了完成社会的目标。 yeeyan Now you can add the extra attributes for the two new sub-classes. 现在,您可以为这两个新的子类添加额外属性了。 ibm Once you create a component, you cannot reorganize it into sub components. 一旦创建了一个构件,你不能重新组织它到子构件里。 ibm Plan each part of the task so that you are focusing on completing the sub task rather than the overall task. 对每一部分的任务作出计划,这样你能够将注意集中到完成子任务上而不是整个任务。 yeeyan Software project managers do not have to calculate the correlations between projects or sub groups of projects. 软件项目经理不必要计算项目或项目子族之间的关联。 ibm The more requests the federation server receives, the more sub operations will be sent to the integrated sources. 联合服务器接收到的请求越多,发送到所集成的源系统的子操作越多。 ibm The response template contains a safe sub-set of the value object information graph requested by the user in the request template. 响应模板中包含值对象信息图的安全子集,这些信息图是用户在请求模板中请求的。 ibm The sub- discipline has continued to flourish in the decade since, seeping so far into the mainstream that its disciples no longer constitute a self- contained school. 它的分支学科十年来继续活跃发展,已经渗透到主流经济学中,所以它的信徒再也不用形成一个独立的学派了。 ecocn These independent sub models can also be shared by multiple models. 这些独立的子模型还可以由多个模型所共享。 ibm We have picked a sub-category of meteorology for categorizing the service, and have also categorized it as a United States- only service. 我们已经选择了气象学的一个子类作为这个服务的分类,还将这个服务划分为一个仅限于美国的服务。 ibm When we reviewed the results for the Mail and Mail and Shared Database workloads, we found a consistent sub- second probe response range for the various user count data points. 在查看邮件、邮件和共享数据库工作负载的测试结果时,我们发现在不同的用户数数据点出现了一致的次秒级探针响应范围。 ibm While one might still want to index some directory sub- trees, but not others, the list of documents can be exhaustive and precise. 而当用户进一步希望索引某些目录的子目录树而非其它时,文档列表就能变得精确而无遗漏。 ibm |