

单词 stylistically
释义 sty·lis·ti·cal·ly 英staɪ'lɪstɪkli美staɪ'lɪstɪkli 高COCA³⁹¹³³BNC³⁰⁴⁵³iWeb²⁶⁷⁰⁶

in a rhetorically stylistic manner;

stylistically complex

It is clear that fictional stylistically characteristics can be grasped more, centered around narration instead of characters and plots.
毫无疑问,小说理论批评以叙事为核心远比以人物和情节为核心更能抓住其文体的特征。 cnki

So, that's one aspect in which it shares something with modernism, even though stylistically, and as a matter of craft and composition, it looks very distinct.

The novel Dictionary of Maqiao is stylistically a development of sketches and notionally a return of ancient novel notions.
《马桥词典》在文体形式上,是对笔记小说的发扬,在文学理念上,是向古小说观念的复归。 dictall

Stylistically, her fly- on- the-wall approach is achieved through the sustained use of the historic present tense, of which she is a master.
曼特尔习惯于运用现在时来描述历史故事,在这一点上她做得十分出色。 topsage

Stylistically, there were traces of jazz, Celtic, and gypsy music in her solos, as well as classical and Oriental.
在她的音乐中你不仅能找到爵士的痕迹又能感受到凯尔特人和吉普赛人的音乐还能欣赏到东方古典音乐。 blog.sina.com.cn

Another match-up that, stylistically, makes for a very thrilling fight. Personally, if this fight happens, I'd love to see Jones treat Griffin like Anderson Silva did.
这是另外一场看起来让人十分激动的比赛,如果真地开打,我将非常期待看到 Jones像席尔瓦一样玩弄 Griffin。 yeeyan

Beverly Hills and San Marino have adopted design codes that make it hard to gain permission for new houses that are not stylistically“ pure”.
贝弗利山和圣马力诺所执行的建筑设计规定让建筑形式“不纯正”的新建筑更难通过审查。 blogbus

Like always though it felt like it could have been written yesterday stylistically, culturally and personally.
我再次感到它似乎就在昨天才完稿,无论是文风,它的文化意义,还是对我个人而言。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, as the science for the narrative works, narratology grasped the key points of the style of fiction research and summarized the central scope of the fictional stylistically characteristics.
同时,作为关于叙事作品的科学,叙述学在小说研究方面,也的确抓住了小说文体的要害,提炼出了小说文体本质特征的核心范畴。 cnki

They established“the Secession” stylistically allied with art nouveau.
他们建立起了“分立派”从艺术角度来讲,它属于新艺术。 ecocn

This thesis brings to light the new characteristics and features of these new styles of novels by comparing them with stylistically traditional novels.
论文通过它们与传统现实小说的比较来突出它们的新特征。 fabiao

This edition returns for the first time to the racy, slang- ridden narrative of the first edition, rather than the subsequent stylistically' improved' versions hitherto reproduced by modern editors.
这个版本的回报首次向活泼,俚语充满叙事的第一版,而不是后来的风格'改善'版本迄今转载现代编辑。 sciopsy

This was collective action without dogma, perhaps brought together as much by we didn't like as what we shared stylistically.
这是没有任何教条的集体行动,大家能走到一起,既因为我们共同反对的事物,也因为我们文体上的相似。 fls.ccnu.edu.cn

With simple language, traditional forms, modern ideas and multi- structure of meanings, his poetry is stylistically unique.
他的诗歌以朴实的语言,传统的形式,现代的思想,多层次的意义结构形成独特的风格。 cnki

Stylistically it is related to architecture and interior design.
从风格上说,家具与建筑和室内设计紧密相连。 tdict

Stylistically, I looked toward the19th- century Orientalist painters for their meticulous and beautifully designed images of life in the desert.
风格上,参考了19世纪东方主义画家精美设计的荒漠中的生活图片。 yeeyan

Stylistically, you should be careful not to create aliases for existing types.
在文体上,应注意不要为现有类型创建别名。 ibm

Stylistically, language in modernist texts is regarded as a substance that can be combined arbitrarily.
现代主义文本在文体上把语言作为一种物质材料,进行任意的组合; cnki




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