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词汇 stylesheets
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n.样式表原型stylesheet的复数 One of the attractions of SVG is that it is an XML vocabulary, so it is easy to tweak SVG files with familiar tools such as XML parsers, scripts, and XSL stylesheets.
SVG吸引人的特点之一就是,它是一种 XML词汇表,因此可以很方便的用我们熟悉的工具,如 XML解析器、脚本、 XSL样式表等,来处理 SVG。 ibm

So, how does this help you make your stylesheets more robust?
这对使您的样式表更加健壮有着怎样的帮助? ibm

The resulting stylesheets have many recursive functions and are difficult to debug.
得到的样式表有太多递归函数,难以调试。 ibm

Although the stylesheets I have introduced are limited to a subset of the UML metamodel, they provide a good starting point from which to design more powerful models.
虽然这里介绍的样式表仅限于 UML元模型的一个子集,但是为设计更加强大的模型提供了一个很好的起点。 ibm

As you can see from that example, adjusting the CSS by referencing classes defined in external stylesheets is the preferable way to manipulate the CSS on a page.
如这个示例所示,通过引用在外部样式表内定义的类来调整 CSS是一种更可取的处理 CSS的方法。 ibm

As mentioned earlier, XSLT has named objects known only within its stylesheets, as well as the ability to specify the names of elements, attributes, and processing instructions that it creates.
正如先前提到的, XSLT使命名对象只在其样式表内是已知的,对指定元素名称、属性和它所创建的处理指令的能力也是如此。 ibm

Combining files is more challenging when the scripts and stylesheets vary from page to page, but making this part of your release process improves response times.
结合文件是更多的挑战,当在脚本和样式表各有不同的页,但制作您发布过程的这一部分提高了响应时间。 cnblogs

Different stylesheets can be applied to different sites as needed.
如果需要可以对不同站点应用不同的样式表。 ibm

Download the latest DITA DTDs, stylesheets, and sample documents.
下载最新的 DITA DTD、样式表和示例文档。 ibm

Fortunately, you don't have to write your own XSL stylesheets just to add a bit of personalization or custom formatting to the HTML.
幸运的是,您不必只为了向 HTML添加一点个性化或自定义格式而编写自己的 XSL样式表。 ibm

I hope that now you have better understanding of some XSLT features and that you will be able to write better XSLT stylesheets.
我希望您在学习完本文后能够更好地理解某些 XSLT特性,并且能够编写更好的 XSLT样式表。 ibm

If that policy were to continue into higher versions, your stylesheets might have problems with obsolete guarding code.
如果在更高版本中继续沿用这一策略,样式表可能会遇到过时的保护代码问题。 ibm

In practice, it makes sense to target your stylesheets to the one or two tools that are used in your community and not worry about the rest.
在实践中,合理的做法是针对社区中使用的一两种工具设计样式表,而不必顾及其他的工具。 ibm

I've seen many stylesheets that use a“ cherry-picked” approach for mixed content handling.
我见到过许多样式表使用了“择优”方法处理混合内容。 ibm

Since the mechanics of applying XSLT stylesheets to XML in PHP are generally the same, the process can be refactored out of the business- specific code into something more reusable.
因为在 PHP中对 XML应用 XSLT样式表的方法通常是相同的,因此,可以将特定于业务的代码提取出来,从而实现更易重用的过程。 ibm

Since it is based on XML, you can generate images through stylesheets and other XML scripts.
因为它是基于 XML的,所以您可以通过样式表和其他 XML脚本生成图形。 ibm

The previous section on “ Adding stylesheets” described how to create and add stylesheets to a custom theme.
上一节“添加样式表”描述了如何为一个定制主题创建和添加样式表。 ibm

The plug- in reports problems with your XML documents or your stylesheets in the XM console.
该插件在 XM控制台中报告有关 XML文档或样式表的问题。 ibm

The system can also adapt to multiple feed types through the use of XSLT stylesheets.
通过使用 XSLT样式表,该系统还可以适应多重提示类型。 ibm

There may be situations where you need to wrap DIV or SPAN containers around to a form widget to access it from your CSS stylesheets.
在许多情况下,需要用 DIV或 SPAN容器包围一个表单组件,以便从 CSS样式表访问它。 ibm

These documents are known as XSLT stylesheets and schema definitions, respectively.
这些文档分别称为 XSLT样式表和模式定义。 ibm

This means that there is no need to “ synchronize the look” between two disparate sets of stylesheets and output HTML.
这意味者无需在两个截然不同的样式表和输出 HTML集之间“同步外观”。 ibm

This method may be preferable to your theme designer because they can control the use of stylesheets directly from the page template file.
这种方法可能更适合您的主题设计人员,因为他们可以从页面模板文件直接控制对样式表的使用。 ibm

This provides a single location where you can look for related files, upgrade software as needed, and collect additional tools and stylesheets that you may develop or accumulate.
这样做能够提供一个独立的位置,可以在其中查找相关的文件、在需要的时候升级软件和收集所开发或收藏的其他工具和样式表。 ibm

To allow use of the widest possible set of XSL transform engines, restrict stylesheets to features defined in XSL version1.1.
为了便于尽可能适应各种 XSL转换引擎,请将样式表限制为 XSL1.1版中定义的特性。 ibm

Using imported or included stylesheets, especially if you really wanted conditional inclusion.
使用导入或包含样式表,尤其是如果确实需要条件包含的话。 ibm

What characteristics would your stylesheets have?

With XM, it suffices to place your documents in one directory, your stylesheets in another, and, voila, you're ready to publish.
使用 XM,只要将文档放在一个目录中,把样式表放在另一个目录中, 好了,这样就可以发布文档了。 ibm

XML documents are like tiny databases, and the stylesheets are like scripts that query and manipulate the data from those document databases.
XML文档就象微型数据库,而样式表就象脚本,它负责查询和操作来自那些文档数据库的数据。 ibm

You might ask: why switch at all when your1.0 stylesheets work as expected?
您可能会问,既然1.0样式表工作得很好,那么何必改变呢? ibm




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