

单词 styled
释义 styled 英staɪl美staɪl 高COCA³¹¹²⁶BNC²⁵²²⁵iWeb²²⁸⁵²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
C U 风格,格调; 文体

manner of writing or speaking, especially contrasted with what is actually written or said

S 行为方式,作风

sb's characteristic way of behaving

C 种类,类型; 流行式样; 款式

a type or sort, especially of goods; fashion in dress, etc.

U 风度; 格调,气派

superior or fashionable quality of sb or sth

vt. 设计


vt. 称呼; 命名

describe by a specified style

how something is done or how it happens;

her dignified manner

his rapid manner of talking

their nomadic mode of existence

in the characteristic New York style

a lonely way of life

in an abrasive fashion

a way of expressing something in language or art or music etc. that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period;

all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper

a particular kind as to appearance;

this style of shoe is in demand

the popular taste at a given time;

leather is the latest vogue

he followed current trends

the 1920s had a style of their own

botany the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigmaeditorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical displaydistinctive and stylish elegance;

he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer

a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving;

he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus

a slender bristlelike or tubular process;

a cartilaginous style

designate by an identifying term;

They styled their nation `The Confederate States'

make consistent with a certain fashion or style;

Style my hair

style the dress

make consistent with certain rules of style;

style a manuscript

style, fashion

这两个词都可指在穿戴、举止、跳舞、装饰或一种兴趣方面特别时兴的一种倾向。fashion通常指服装、风俗、时尚等方面; 而style还可暗示一定时期的风雅人物所特有的穿戴、举止方面的高雅方式。

用作名词 n.
动词+~change one's style of living改变生活方式come into style流行起来keep to the style of保持…的作风make a style of one's own创立自己的风格形容词+~beautiful style风度优雅high style时髦样式affected style矫揉造作的文体the western style西式,西洋风格介词+~in〔out of〕 style时髦〔不时髦〕~+介词a style of…的风格〔作风,文体〕用作动词 v.~+名词style dress设计礼服style hair设计发型style house设计房子style room设计房间style a country命名一个国家style an island命名一个岛style a tribe命名一个部落~+副词style carefully精心地设计style fairly可以被正当地称为style officially正式命名style popularly普遍称为~+介词style in按照…设计
近义词 sorttype

用作名词n.He is a very popular writer, but I don't like his style.他是个很受欢迎的作家,但我不喜欢他的文风。
The letter is written in a formal style.这封信是用正式文体写的。
Flattery is not his style.他从不对人阿谀奉承。
What style of furniture do you like?你喜欢什么式样的家具?
They sell shoes in all styles.他们出售各种最新款式的鞋。
Her dress is out of style.她的穿着不时髦。
He has great style.他很有风度。
When they got married they decided to do it in style, and gave a big party.他们结婚时决定讲究气派摆一番排场,于是搞了一个大型婚宴。用作动词v.≪用作及物动词
S+~+ n./pron.Italian experts styled the new cars.意大利专家设计了这类新型汽车。
They styled their house in the Portuguese manner.他们仿照葡萄牙的风格设计自己的房子。
Her hair was styled by a famous hair dresser.她的发型是由一位著名的发型设计师设计的。
The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort.这件服装是为了获得最大限度的舒适而设计的。
These chairs are styled for comfort.这些椅子设计得坐起来舒服。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.We style him peasant poet.我们称他为农民诗人。
He styled his poem doggerel.他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。
Should Cook be styled a genius?库克该不该称为天才?
Should he be styled “Right Honourable” or “Mister”?应该称他为“阁下”还是“先生”?A married woman is styled “Mrs.”.结过婚的女人称为“夫人”。
This department is officially styled “Textile Import and Export Corporation”.这个部门被正式命名为“纺织品进出口公司”。⎫



用作名词The letter is written in formalstyle.这封信是用正式文体写的。
I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not mystyle.我不会跟你撒谎,那不是我的风格。
Thestyleof this skirt is just in season.这条裙子的款式正当时令。
Her clothes are always instyle.她的衣服总是很时髦。
We have vases in variousstyles.我们有各种各样的花瓶 How about a colorful set of dry erase markers, a calendar themed to your liking, a gigantic bulletin board, and an art- styled writing table?
一个五彩的干橡皮制造商,一个符合你轨迹的日历,一个巨大的广播黑板,还有一个艺术写字桌? yeeyan

In a post- modern twist, teenagers are importing American slang via the heavily north African banlieues, where hip-hop flourishes and street dress is styled on the Bronx.
在后现代主义的交错中,法国当代的青少年在北非移民聚集的郊区学会了美国俚语,那里嘻哈文化盛行,人们都是以纽约布朗克林地区的着装风格打扮。 ecocn

Of them all, it was Saif al-Islam, the self- styled artist, who enjoyed life outside Libya the most.
伊斯拉姆.赛义夫,一个自诩的艺术家,在他的兄弟姐妹中是驻留利比亚以外的国家时间最长的。 yeeyan

The girl in the photo has long blond hair; her mother's is shorter, blond and styled.
照片中的女孩有一头金色长发;而她母亲的头发比较短,同样是金黄色有不错的发型。 yeeyan

The self- styled“ Cameron girls” launched a valiant but ultimately doomed bid to emulate the hot pants- wearing“ Obama girl” who helped sweep the president into the White House.
自称“卡梅隆女孩”的姑娘模仿那位穿着火辣短裤、帮助奥巴马直入白宫的“奥巴马女孩”,发出了勇猛但无力回天的一镖。 ecocn

A BROTHEL madam, an ex- Black Panther, a teamster and a self- styled“Papa Smurf” all got together for a debate on Long Island.
一个妓院老妈子,一个前任黑豹党成员,一个卡车驾驶员还有一个自称是“蓝精灵之父”的人聚在长岛参加一场辩论。 ecocn

A self- styled“ Taliban” intent on imposing sharia law on all Nigerians widened its offensive yesterday in violence that has left150 people dead.
一个旨在对全体尼日利亚人推行伊斯兰教法、并自封为 “塔利班”的组织扩大了攻势,昨天的暴力袭击已经导致150人死亡。 yeeyan

Americans drove to these open-air shopping centres, strung out along a main road, to pick up their dry-cleaning or get their hair styled.
这些路边商城一般位于郊外空地上,沿公路干线一字排开。美国人习惯驾车到这里来干洗衣物或美发。 ecocn

But of course the stylesheet is only half of the process; the other half is the document being styled.
但是,当然,样式表只是这个过程的一半;另一半是被样式化的文档。 ibm

But there is a better way: well- styled semantic markup that lets you provide the best possible results for all of your users.
但有一个更好的办法:布局良好的语义标记,能够让你为你的所有用户提供尽可能好的结果。 yeeyan

By combining empty space and properly styled and proportioned elements, you can encourage your visitors to look at a certain thing and take a desired action.
通过结合留白和适当比例的风格和元素,你可以暗示鼓励你的访客关注特定的东西,并可能有所行动。 yeeyan

Homes are painted pastel colors and most have heavy wooden gates opening onto an Andalusian styled courtyard.
各户刃甲的住宅则都涂上了鲜艳的颜色,前方大多都有一道厚重的木门,通往安达卢西亚风格的庭院。 kekenet

I wear one wig to travel and keep one styled.
我戴着一套假发去旅行,保持一种发型。 yeeyan

Keep your hair healthy and styled.
保持头发清洁。 kekenet

Last week's opening of the Shanghai auto show provided the latest data point as Buick revealed a strikingly styled SUV concept with a carbon-fiber chassis and a plug-in hybrid powertrain.
上周开幕的上海汽车展上曝出了最新的数据点:别克展示了外形亮丽、时尚的 SUV概念车,该车采用碳纤维底盘,并内置有混合动力传动系统。 fortunechina

Leonard Casley, a farmer, took the unusual step of declaring his property independent and styled himself Prince Leonard I.
农场主列纳德·卡斯勒采取非常措施,宣布自己的土地独立,并自封为列纳德一世王子。 yeeyan

Regional and Western powers quibble over how to stop the bloodshed, while the self- styled colonel is making great strides towards suppressing the month- old revolt.
当这位自封的上校朝着将已有一月之久的起义镇压下去的目标大步前进之时,本地区国家与西方大国却在如何制止这场流血的问题上纠缠不清。 ecocn

Such blatant nonsense could be told to the ignorant self- styled intellectuals of Russia who prided themselves on being the vanguard of Marxism and thereby of progress and civilization.
这样一种极其明显的毫无意义的断言也只可能说给俄国那些无知的、但却自封为知识分子的人听,正是这些人自豪地认为他们是马克思主义的先锋部队,正是他们推动了进步和文明。 yeeyan

That trains the program to refine its composition approach, and eventually it creates its own, Cope- styled original music.
这可以让程序自己去完善它的成果,最终作出属于它自己的音乐,也叫做柯普风格的原创音乐。 yeeyan

The groups are targeting RBS, which once styled itself as“the oil and gas bank” because of its importance as a lender to the energy industry.
三家组织矛头直指 RBS, RBS曾标榜自己为“石油燃料银行”,因为 RBS是向能源工业贷款的一家重要银行。 ecocn

The king is styledas your Majesty or His Majesty.




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