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词汇 sturm
释义 sturm
It had begun in familiar fashion, in the sturm und drang of a sporting conflict between England and Germany.
在英德绿茵争斗的狂飙时期,这场比赛开局还是老样子。 yeeyan

No amount of button-pressing will stop it. The display clearly shows' Minimum Volume, ' and yet the speaker crackles on with90 decibels of eardrum-piercing sturm und drang.
屏幕上明明显示的是“最小音量”,但喇叭还是以90分贝的音量咆哮着,耳膜都快被它震破了。 fortunechina

Peter J. Sturm is professor at Graz University of Technology, Austria.
彼特•J•什图尔穆是奥地利格拉兹科技大学教授。 stec

Several papers tried charging, but most backed off. It's an intriguing idea, John Sturm, president of the Newspaper Association of America, told me.
美国报业协会会长约翰斯蒂尔姆告诉我说,有些报刊业商家尝试着收费,但是大多都后退了,这是一个很有趣的想法。 dltcedu

“ It has projections to higher centers and also has projections down to lower centers, ” Sturm said. “ It has a dual role in both visceral and also motor reactions.”
“它对于较高级的中心和较低级的中心区域都有投射,” Sturm说,“它在内脏和运动反应二者中起着双重作用。” yeeyan

“ This brain region predicted the behavior,” said Sturm. “ The smaller the region, the less embarrassed the people were.”
这个区域的脑组织可预测尴尬的程度,这个脑区域越小或损伤越大,人们产生的尴尬越少。 yeeyan

“ We focused on hypertension, but hypertension leads to other costly diseases, including stroke and heart disease, ” said Roland Sturm, senior author of the paper.

As an application, we precisely expressed the expansion theorem and the eigenvalues trace identity of the Sturm-Liouville problem under periodic boundary condition.
作为应用,给出了与此问题相关的特征展开定理及特征值的迹公式的精确表述。 dictall

If you visit in fall, try Sturm, the semi- fermented new wine made from the season's first grape harvest and only available in autumn.
如果您秋天来到这里,可以品尝一下斯蒂尔姆酒,这是一种用当年收获的第一季葡萄半发酵制成的新酒,只在秋季有售。 yeeyan

Many locals claim that it takes several years of practice to distinguish between Sturm wine and vinegar.
许多当地人说,要将斯蒂尔姆酒和醋区别开来可是需要多年实践经验的哦。 yeeyan

Only a handful of Arsenal players trained in Austria on Thursday morning as the majority of the squad took a break following their 3-0 win over Sturm Graz.

The last chapter: oscillatory properties of eigenfunctions of Sturm- Liouville problems with transmission conditions.
第七章是具有分离边界条件和转移条件的 S- L问题特征函数的振动性。 fabiao

The work was presented in a talk by Sturm Thursday April14 at the 64th annual American Academy of Neurology meeting in Hawaii.
这项工作是由 Sturm于周四4月14日在夏威夷举办的第64届美国神经病学学会上做的报告中提出的。 yeeyan

When you compare these people to the emotional Sturm und Drang over lesser things on reality TV, you do wonder if we Americans are a nation of whiners.
当你把这些人与真人秀上那些为鸡毛蒜皮的小事引发的情感风暴比较,你就会怀疑我们美国人是不是悲嗥者民族。 yeeyan

When Sturm scanned their brains, she noticed that the less self-conscious and embarrassed the participants were, the smaller this embarrassment region in their cingulate cortex was.
当 Sturm扫描他们的大脑时发现,研究对象越不感到害羞或尴尬,他们大脑扣带皮层中的尴尬反应区域越小。 yeeyan

You are in the lab of Virginia Sturm at the University of California, San Francisco, and she's making you watch your own off-key rendition of The Temptations’1964 hit.
你在旧金山加利福尼亚大学的 Virginia Sturm实验室,观看自己表演Temptations乐队1964年的主打歌,并且跑调了。 yeeyan

Sturm Graz postponed their domestic game to come here in the best shape and they're very motivated.
格拉茨风暴推迟了他们的国内的比赛,因此他们是以最好的状态来同我们对阵的,而且他们动力十足。 juvechina




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