

单词 stupendous
释义 stu·pen·dous 英stuːˈpendəs, stjuː-美stuˈpɛndəs, stju-AHDst›-pĕnʹdəs, sty›- ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA³⁷⁹²⁶BNC²⁶²⁷⁵iWeb²⁶⁰⁹⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe;

colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple

has a colossal nerve

a prodigious storm

a stupendous field of grass

stupendous demand

来自拉丁语 stupere,震惊,困惑,词源同 stupid.-end,现在分词后缀,-ous,形容词后缀。引申 词义极大的,使人惊叹的。钱博士stup震惊,感到惊奇+end拉丁语动词的将来被动分词,将要被…的+ous形容词后缀→将要被人感到惊奇的→惊人的⇒大得惊人的
stup震惊,感到惊奇+end拉丁语动词的将来被动分词,将要被…的+ous形容词后缀→将要被人感到惊奇的→惊人的⇒大得惊人的。GRE红宝书stupend = stupid呆, ous-大得吓呆的
stupid + end 吓傻到极点
stup吃惊+endous →惊人的
GRE难词记忆stupend→ stup=to be amazed 吃 惊 , 惊讶+end→使惊讶GRE难词记忆stupendous→ stupend v.使惊讶+ous→惊人的词根记忆stup吃惊+ endous ⇒惊人的GRE难词记忆stup→puts v.放,安置→近义词 large大的vast巨大的huge巨大的great很好的immense巨大的enormous巨大的terrific可怕的wonderful精彩的extensive广泛的colossal 巨大的fantastic极好的remarkable非凡的prodigious巨大的marvellous惊奇的amazing令人惊异的exceptional异常的expansive易膨胀的astonishing惊人的monumental纪念碑的stunning令人震惊的marvelous令人惊异的extraordinary非凡的astounding令人惊骇的out of this world出色的surprising令人惊讶的,出人意料的…

用作形容词The opera was quitestupendous.这部歌剧很精彩。
The dam is astupendousengineering feat.这水坝乃是一项惊人的工程上的壮举。
He made astupendousmistake.他犯了一个极大的错误。
We are caught in a mysterious andstupendoushistorical process.我们陷进了一个神秘的、巨大的历史进程里。adj.wonderful, amazing
同义词 astonishing,astounding,breathtaking,colossal,dynamite,enormous,fab,fabulous,fantastic,fat,gigantic,great,huge,marvelous,mind-blowing,mind-boggling,miraculous,monster,monumental,overwhelming,phenomenal,prodigious,radical,smashing,spectacular,staggering,stunning,super,superb,surprising,terrific,titantic,too much,tremendous,unreal,utmost,vast,wondrous
反义词 terrible,unimportant,unimpressive
Bunyanesqueadjective giant
astonishingadjective surprising
brobdingnagianadjective giant
cyclopeanadjective giant
enormousadjective very large
astronomic,barn door,blimp,colossal,excessive,gargantuan,gigantic,gross,huge,humongous,immense,jumbo,mammoth,massive,monstrous,mountainous,prodigious,stupendous,supercolossal,titanic,tremendous,vast,whopping
extraordinaryadjective strange and wonderful
amazing,bizarre,boss,curious,exceptional,fab,fantastic,gnarly,heavy,inconceivable,incredible,marvelous,odd,off beaten path,out of the ordinary,outstanding,particular,peculiar,phenomenal,rare,remarkable,singular,special,strange,stupendous,surprising,terrific,uncommon,unfamiliar,unheard-of,unimaginable,unique,unprecedented,unthinkable,unusual,unwonted,weird,wicked Being abundant in energy and resources, it has a stupendous development potential and visible prospect.
该段富集了全带大部分的能源与资源,发展潜力巨大,前景可观。 cnki

Molson Coors recently bought Sharps, a British brewer of stupendous real ales.
四海啤酒最近收购了英国原浆啤酒的生产商夏普斯啤酒。 yeeyan

The benefits Beckham derived from it were stupendous, which bred his massive confidence and fortified his resolve to hit the big time.
贝克汉姆从中得到了巨大的收获。这段经历培养了他巨大的信心,并且坚定了他干出一番大事业的决心。 blog.sina.com.cn

The size of the accumulated wealth was stupendous.
累积财富的规模之大,令人惊讶。 ecocn

China's growth has been nothing short of stupendous.
一直以来,中国经济的增速可以说是十分惊人的。 yeeyan

Even today, while we've witnessed stupendous progress and the resolution of problems many thought beyond reach, a final assessment of string theory remains elusive.
即使今天,当我们目击了弦理论的惊人进展和许多还未实现的好想法,弦理论的终点还是无法捉摸。 yeeyan

Ever since Darwin, we've been familiar with the stupendous timespans of the evolutionary past.
自达尔文以来,我们已经熟悉了进化历史惊人的时间跨度。 yeeyan

From the Great Arch we could look out over the valley and see the surrounding mountains and stupendous cliffs rising from the river below.
站在大拱里,我们能俯瞰美丽的格凸河,四周青山环绕,巨大的岩壁拔地而起。 yeeyan

Greed operates at all levels, and due to the vulnerability of most information systems, provides ample opportunity to exploit their weaknesses for stupendous profits.
贪婪在各个层面上都起作用,而大多数信息系统存在的薄弱环节则为企图利用这些弱点的人提供了攫取惊人利益的充分机会。 iciba

Had not advanced engineering and industrial technology made this stupendous invention possible?
如果没有先进的工程和工业技术,这惊人的发明有可能实现吗? yeeyan

His face was dark with the violent pleasure of making this stupendous noise, and his heart was making the stretched shirt shake.
他涨着脸,为听出这样巨大的声响而兴奋至极,他的心似乎跳得连敞开的衬衫也在颤动。 jukuu

In paraphrase of a member of Spinal Tap, a fictional rock band of stupendous awfulness, there is a thin line between clever and stupid.
用 Spinal Tap乐队一个虚构的、差的吓人的摇滚乐队的一位成员的话来说,聪明和愚蠢之间只有一步之遥。 yeeyan

In the rich world, almost everyone can read and write, a stupendous change achieved mostly in the past300 years.
在过去的300年里,这些富裕国家发生的最主要变化就是,几乎每个人都有了读写能力。 yeeyan

It is a bold vision, but if it happens very slowly, or only to a limited extent, boosters argue that it will still prompt stupendous growth for firms in the business.
这是一个大胆设想,即使如果发生缓慢,或者只在有限的范围内发生,清洁能源行业的支持者们认为仍会激发该行业公司的巨大增长。 ecocn

It was a night of joy and terror, such as this man of stupendous emotions had already experienced twice or thrice in his lifetime.
这一夜是甜密的一夜,也是恐怖的一夜,正如这个感情强烈的人在过去的生活中已经经历过的那两三夜一样。 ebigear

Naturally, in this stupendous world of armoured trees and vertical deserts, humans have always looked endangered.
自然,在这个树木穿上盔甲、沙漠爬上山梁的巨大世界上,人类总是看上去有危险性。 yeeyan

Nobody expects any of the billions of dollars generated by Yamal's stupendous gas reserves to go to the Nenets.
没有人指望从亚马尔半岛惊人的天然气储量中产生的数十亿美元会有一点点回馈给涅涅茨人。 yeeyan

Now, nontechnical personnel want to have access to this stupendous report, but they don't want the overhead of having to install Groovy on their machines to run it.
现在,非技术人员希望可以访问这个巨大的报告,但是他们不想很费事地在自已的计算机上安装 Groovy来运行它。 ibm

So far, results have been good, but not stupendous.
目前看来,结果还不错,但也说不上多好。 ecocn

When text messaging and ads first started coming to cell phones, the response rate was stupendous.
当短信和广告来第一次开始向手机,回应率是惊人的。 edu.ch.gongchang.com

Stupendous changes have since taken place in the world, in China and in the UN.
三十年来,世界、中国和联合国都发生了巨大的变化。 com




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