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stump·s 英stʌmp美stʌmp COCA²³⁸⁷⁶BNC¹⁸⁰³⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本双解英英搭配近义反义句型例句例句 n.残株¹²;烟蒂⁶;讲演台⁶v.受窘⁶;踏步⁶;演说⁶⁴原型stump的三单形容词stumpy名词stumper过去分词stumped现在分词stumping三单stumps n.名词 C 被砍下的树的树桩,树墩the base of a tree left after the rest has been cut down C 残余部分,残段,残根anything similar that remains after the main part has been cut or broken off,or worn down v.动词 vi. 僵直地行走;跺步行走walk stiffly or noisily vt. 把某人难住;使为难be too difficult for sb;puzzle Noun: the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felledthe part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removedcricket any of three upright wooden posts that form the wicketa platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it Verb: cause to be perplexed or confounded;This problem stumped her walk heavily;The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots travel through a district and make political speeches;the candidate stumped the Northeast remove tree stumps from;stump a field stump orator树桩演说家stump up不情愿地付出所…on the stump作巡回政治演说…stump wood明子stump fence树桩围培stump height伐根高stump pregnancy残端子宫妊娠…stump plant插条,萌条stump pain残端痛stump figure根株花纹stump pasture森林砍伐后牧地…stump rot根腐stump speech政治演说tree stump树桩stump veneer根材单板stump bur残根牙钻cabbage stump甘蓝残茬,甘蓝短缩茎…up a stump茫然失措(困惑不解…whip the devil round the stump投机取巧采用不正当…stir your stumps赶快(快走 近义词 run跑tree树end结束base底部stub烟蒂butt烟蒂dais讲台stamp邮票baffle困惑puzzle难题nubbin小瘤heel脚后跟mix up搅匀podium讲台ambo读经台mystify迷惑remnant残余campaign运动pulpit讲道坛perplex使困惑remains剩余物nonplus使困惑flummox使混乱confuse使困惑soapbox肥皂箱rostrum演讲坛stomp跺脚confound使困惑rest剩余的部分tree stump树桩bewilder 使迷惑remainder剩余物leftovers剩余物electioneer从事选举活动… 用作名词n.He used the stump as a table.他把树桩用作桌子。 Rocks and stumps supplied the place of chairs at the picnic.野餐时石头和树桩都充当了椅子。 He wore a broad grin, displaying twin stumps of teeth.他咧嘴笑着,露出一对残牙。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AShe stumped out of the room, deeply offended by his reaction.她重步走出房间,被他的反应深深刺伤了。 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.You've stumped me—what is the total mass of the moon?⎩你把我难住了——月球总质量是多少?We're all stumped—we can't work out how she escaped.⎩我们都被难倒了——无法想出她是如何逃脱的。⎫ 名词76%,动词24% 用作名词The code was no longer anything more than astumpin his hand.法典在他手里只是一根断株残桩了。 Just before starting the driver picked up in the street astumpof a cigar an inch long, and put it in his mouth.临出发前,赶车的在街头捡了截一英寸长的雪茄烟蒂,塞在嘴里。 He went on thestumpin his home state.他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。用作动词I'mstumped: I just don't know what to do.我很为难,简直不知如何是好。 Hestumpedangrily out of the room.他气愤地跺着脚走出了房间。 The candidate for governor willstumpthe state.那位市长候选人将走遍该州,到处发表政治演说。 She doesn't have enough funds tostumpthe country.她没有足够的资金到全国作巡回政治演说。 A look at this vast wasteland of charred stumps and dried-out peat makes the fight to save Indonesia’s forests seem nearly impossible. 放眼望去,岛上一片荒凉景象,烧焦的树桩和干硬的湿泥地能让所有试图拯救苏门答腊岛上这片热带雨林的人绝望。 yeeyan And the stumps that remain are often viewed as nuisances, chewing up property and stubbornly difficult to remove. 残留的红杉树桩通常被视为累赘,即占地方又难以根除。 yeeyan Beams from the flashlights bounced crazily among the trees, and the search party crashed through the undergrowth, stumbling over stumps and fallen logs, passing me by. 手电筒的光芒疯狂地在树林里跳跃,搜寻人员经过我的身旁,他们在灌木丛中跌跌撞撞,在树桩和倒下的树干间磕磕碰碰。 ebigear Mr. Milarch pays him for each of the stumps he finds, including the one at Fort Dick, a town near the Oregon border just north of Crescent City, Calif. 他每找到一个木桩米拉奇先生就支付他奖金,包括他在加利福尼亚州新奥尔良市背部俄勒冈边界附近的迪克堡镇发现的那个树桩。 yeeyan The swamp is much cleaner now than when it was still full of tree stumps and branches a decade ago, one player said. 一个球员说,十年前的沼泽里面满是树桩和树枝,现在则好多了。 hjenglish The towers themselves were reduced to jagged stumps; the atrium lobby arches looked like a bombed out cathedral. 双子塔已经变成了断壁残垣;中心大厅的拱门看着像一个被炸毁的大教堂。 yeeyan A nurse showed footage on a mobile phone of an Uzbek man who had been doused in kerosene and set alight. His head and arms were blackened stumps. 一位护士用手机展示一个被浇了煤油而后点燃的乌兹别克男子,他的头部和胳膊都是黑糊糊的斑块,眼睛已经没有了。 yeeyan Buying a card is never a problem for a man, it's what to write inside that stumps him. 对男人而言,买一张卡片不成问题,让他为难的是在卡片上写些什么。 yeeyan Clear remaining brassica stumps. 清除剩余的甘蓝树桩; yeeyan Here and there sat well- worn stumps and logs and the remnants of a campfire. 到处都是用旧了的树桩和圆木,还有篝火的灰烬。 ebigear Humans excel at extracting meaning and sentiment from even the tiniest snippets of text, a task that stumps machines. 人们善于从即使是最小的文字片段以及把机器都难倒的工作中发掘出意义和情感。 ecocn In Riau, even beside main roads there are bleak, blackened landscapes, shrouded in white smoke, where the peat soil still smoulders under charred tree- stumps. 在廖内省,即便是主干道旁,也是地貌焦黑,白烟缭绕,一派凄凉景象,烧焦的树木残桩下,泥炭土仍在闷烧。 ecocn It would fly wildly with the stumps of its burned wings towards that radiant portal. 这灵魂用它烧残的翅膀发狂地向光芒四射的大门飞去。 ebigear Material such as wood chip pellets will be imported from North America and Africa, while UK-sourced biomass like tree stumps and corn stubble will also be used. 能源材料,例如木片,会从北美和非洲进口;本土的生物质能,如树桩和玉米茎杆也会被使用。 yeeyan Milarch pays him for each of the stumps he finds, including the one at Fort Dick, a town near the Oregon border just north of Crescent City, Calif. 每找到一个树桩,米拉奇就会付钱给他,比如上文提到的那处树桩,这是泰勒在加州新奥尔良市北部靠近俄勒冈州边界的一个小城迪克堡附近发现的。 yeeyan My boyfriend still reminds me of the time I wore a pair of sassy heels out to see his favorite band and made him leave before they even went onstage because my feet had turned into bleeding stumps. 我男朋友到现在还在说我有一次穿了一双很时髦的高跟鞋,陪他去看他最喜欢的乐队,最后在乐队上台之前就不得不拖着他离开,因为我的脚已经撑不住了。 kekenet Researchers have learned that if villagers leave the stumps on the bare hillsides rather than hacking at them for firewood, the miombo woodlands will regenerate within five years. 研究人员发现,如果村民不把山坡上的树桩砍下来当柴烧,那么坦桑尼亚的林地在五年之内就能重生。 yeeyan Seated above on rocks and stumps and surrounding me were the faeries, as they called themselves, quietly talking together as if I were not even there. 坐在石头上,树桩上,围着我的是一群仙灵——他们就是这样称呼自己的——他们安静地聊着天,好像我并不在场。 ebigear Shrouded in white smoke, the peat soil still smoulders under the blackened tree- stumps. 笼罩在白烟中的泥炭土仍闷在一个个烧黑的树桩下。 ecocn Ski runs that were machine- graded and cleared of boulders and stumps tended to have small herbaceous plants growing on them and little else. 被机器平整过且清除了石头和树桩的雪道往往都生长着细小的草本植物,其它的植物则几乎看不到。 ecocn Some were still alive, and some were in the form of stumps left from logging that took place on the site at the beginning of the20th century. 其中一部分为仍存活的长叶松,及另一部分是20世纪初当地砍伐后留下的树桩。 ecocn The bank stumps up the cash, but the borrowing government picks the winner. 这样世行就提供了资金,却成全了那些借贷的机构。 ecocn The only way there was to do it was to dig up stumps but, of course, then you would have completely disrupted the habitat. 过去唯一的办法是挖入树桩内部,但这么做当然会完全破坏锹虫的栖息地。 yeeyan The ski slopes at such resorts are created in one of two ways: chopping down trees, leaving small stumps that are covered by snow; 这类雪场雪道的建法通常是下面两种的其中一种:1.砍树,但留下一小截树桩,冬天到来,树桩被雪盖住; ecocn Timber companies offered jobs. But wages from those jobs bought clear-cuts that reduced forests to stumps, destroying bear habitat and salmon spawning grounds. 后来木材公司为当地居民提供了工作,但代价是大片林地被购买去当作皆伐区,密林只剩树桩,熊的栖息地和鲑鱼的产卵地都遭到了破坏。 yeeyan To relax, they kick back in a giant' sofa' made of tree stumps and twigs. 想休憩一下的时候,他们就会躺到由树桩和树枝做成的一个巨大“沙发”里。 ebigear Today, some of those victims, their stumps hanging uselessly and conspicuously by their sides, wander along on the opposite side of the street from their former tormentors. 如今,当年的一些受害者,拖着垂在身侧的醒目的残肢,游荡在街道上,而对面,就是当年给予他们痛苦的施暴者。 ecocn We're going to skip past the obvious point that the Rocketeer here would be left with charred stumps below the thigh, since that exhaust is coming out at around2,000 degrees. 我们先不说最明显的一点,即那个火箭人的大腿会被烤得像截烧焦的树桩,因为火箭的气流会以大约2000度的高温喷出来。 yeeyan |