

单词 Stukeley
释义 Stukeley
Dr Stukeley sat at the dining- table and waited.
斯图克雷博士坐在饭桌边等候。 en211

Dr Stukeley waited such a long time he got very hungry.
斯图克雷博士等了许久,感到非常饿。 en211

I am afraid the myth was invented in1754 by the English antiquary William Stukeley.
我恐怕这个神话是由英国古董商威廉-斯图克利在1754年发明的。 dict

Stukeley wrote that Newton told him the notion of gravity popped into the scientist's mind as he was sitting in the same situation.
斯蒂克利在手稿中写道,牛顿告诉他,自己也是坐在苹果树下,灵机一闪,产生了万有引力的想法。 cri

Stukeley's manuscript recounts a spring afternoon in 1726 when the famous scientist shared the story over tea“ under the shade of some apple trees.”
斯蒂克利的手稿讲述了1726年春天的一个下午,这位著名的科学家坐在“几棵苹果树的绿荫下”一边喝茶,一边与他分享了这个故事。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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