

单词 stuff up
释义 stuff up stʌfʌp 短语¹⁵⁷⁰⁴
塞住; 堵住
Assange may be a computing genius but he comes across as a half-baked intellect that has picked stuff up as he goes along without putting anything together coherently or critically.
Assange或许会是个计算机天才但是他却有点逻辑能力,这使得他一路走来不断的积累而从不连贯的或者批判的将它们聚合在一起。 yeeyan

But you know, rationalization has a funny, bad reputation. Most people think of it as making stuff up.
你也知道合理化注释1这个概念,名声并不好,大多数人觉得根本是捏造。 yeeyan

He's not a great fighter, but he makes up for it in the amount of pleasure he takes just in blowing stuff up.
虽然他的能力不是最强大的,但是他总是很强劲和拼命,为的是享受炸毁汽车人的快乐。 the-arker

Most CEOs will make stuff up about themselves to sound way smarter and cooler and people are disappointed to find out otherwise.
大部分 CEO都会瞎编一些话,让自己显得很聪明、很酷。但人们一旦发现不是那么回事,就会感觉很失望。 yeeyan

Well, yeah, that's why I'm translating, but I think it is good form to cite my source so I don't look like I'm making stuff up.
嗯,是啊,所以我才翻译的,但是我想提供新闻出处是一个很好的行为,这样大家就不会以为我是编造的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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