

单词 stuffing
释义 stuff·ing 英ˈstʌfɪŋ美ˈstʌfɪŋAHDstŭfʹĭng ★☆☆☆☆高四八COCA¹⁶⁹⁷⁸BNC²³³⁸⁵iWeb¹⁴⁴⁸⁰Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetablespadding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furniturestuff,填满,塞满,-ing,动名词后缀。knock the stuffing out of sb挫败某人的傲气, 挫…stuff东西byte stuffing字节填充stuffing horn灌肠机肠衣套管…word stuffing字填充pulse stuffing脉冲塞入,脉冲填充…stuffing pulse填充脉冲metallic stuffing金属填料bit stuffing位填充stuffing process填料法stuffing gland填料函压盖stuffing character塞入字符hot stuffing热加脂stuffing cock灌馅阀drum stuffing鼓中加脂法…hand stuffing手工加脂stuffing box填料函lick the stuffing out of someone痛打某人一顿,狠狠地…whale the stuffing out of someone痛打某人一顿,狠狠地…knock the stuffing out of someone挫伤某人的傲气…
stuff-ing动名词⇒n.食品填塞物;物体填充剂动词stuff的现在分词.n.食物中的填料;装馅;馅;填充物;填塞物;填塞料;填塞;剥制;填料补白;装箱作业;填充剂_null.动词stuff的现在分词近义词 bulk体积lining衬里padding垫充packing包装dressing穿衣filling充填物wadding填塞物packaging包装insulation物绝缘体…
用作名词Howard, let me get you somestuffing.霍华德,我帮你放一些填料。
Chicken is often cooked with a sage and onionstuffing.烹饪鸡肉时常放洋苏叶、洋葱等填料。
We should dress and clean turkey and fill with chestnutstuffing.我们应把火鸡去毛洗净后,将栗子填充进去。
There's hardly anystuffingleft in the sofa.沙发里几乎没剩下什么填料。noun.material used to pad
同义词 fill,filler,packing,padding,quilting,waddingnoun.material used to stuff fowl, fish, etc.
同义词 dressing,fillingnoun.innards
同义词 dressing,fillingfeathers,filler,insides,padding,tomentum
contentsnoun elements of larger object
capacities,cargoes,chapters,connotations,constituents,details,divisions,essences,fillings,freight,furnishings,gists,guts,implications,ingredients,innards,insides,ladings,loads,meanings,nubs,packings,shipments,significances,sizes,spaces,subject matters,subjects,substances,sums,texts,themes,topics,volumes
dressingnoun a food mixture
fillnoun capacity
all one wants,ample,enough,filler,padding,plenty,satiety,stuffing,sufficiency,sufficient
fillersnoun something that takes up
bushings,capacity battings,cartridges,centers,contents,contents,cylinders,dressings,fill,guts,impletions,inlays,innards,insides,layers,liners,mixtures,packings,packs,paddings,pads,refills,replenishment,shims,stuffing,waddings,wads
fillingnoun contents
filling/fillernoun something that takes up
bushing,capacity batting,cartridge,center,content,contents,cylinder,dressing,fill,guts,impletion,inlay,innards,inside,layer,liner,mixture,pack,packing,pad,padding,refill,replenishment,shim,stuffing,wad,wadding And, when it comes to XML, users are notorious for stuffing the wrong data into a field or managing to fly by your validation with still- invalid data.
当涉及 XML时,用户经常在字段中填充错误的数据,或试图使用仍然无效的数据跳过验证。 ibm

The job search has come a long way since the days of printing resumes on high- quality, linen paper and stuffing them in matching envelopes.
自从把简历打印在高质量的亚麻纸上,并放入信封中来求职,找工作已经走过了很长的道路。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The stuffing is usually blown into the stuffed toy by a machine, but the insertion point is closed by hand.
填充物通常通过机器吹到填充玩具内,但玩具的填充口要人手工缝好。 yeeyan

A great deal of pocket- stuffing goes on.
大量的贪污腐败现象正在上演。 ecocn

As humans, we spend much of or existence stuffing our brains with stuff.
作为人类,我们花费了大量脑力,或者用东西填满大脑。 hxen

Don't pull out the stuffing from your cast, and never insert sharp objects to scratch.
不要让粉末、沙子和灰进入你的夹板中,不要把填料从夹板中拿出来,还有就是一定不要将尖锐的东西塞进去抓痒。 yeeyan

First, there are the actual costs of the materials used to manufacture the product, which would be the textile material and stuffing for the toy animal and the plastic resin for the Frisbee.
第一个,用于制造产品的原料的实际成本,如生产玩具的布料和玩具填充物,生产飞盘的塑料树脂。 yeeyan

He was kicked out of another school for removing all the furniture and stuffing it into the attic.
接着,他把另一所学校的所有家具给塞进了阁楼,校方对他的处理结果是勒令退学。 yeeyan

In China, says Mr So, firms assume that customers will only buy from someone they like. So they spend vast amounts of time stuffing and lubricating clients in private booths in swish restaurants.
在中国,苏先生给说,假设客户只买那些他们喜欢的公司的产品,所以公司会花大量的时间私下里与客户在豪华餐厅用餐,以搞好关系。 yeeyan

Instead he would weave dry grass and reeds into small nets, stuffing them with feathers and moss.
而他却会用干草和芦苇织成小网,然后塞上羽毛和苔藓。 ecocn

Keen toy-makers hoarded every scrap of material, if not for sewing outside then for stuffing within.
热心的玩具制造者们积存每一点材料,不是用来缝外皮就是做填充物。 putclub

Prepare stuffing first: mix the contents of the can with pressed onions.
首先准备馅料;把罐头和压过的洋葱混合. yeeyan

Put a layer of the stuffing on top.
放一层馅料在上面. yeeyan

She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings.

So, why are many Americans willing to go the distance to share turkey and stuffing, but less likely to share a family dinner daily?
那么,为什么很多美国人更愿意千里迢迢去分享充馅火鸡,而不是平时和家人一起吃饭? yeeyan

The most serious one is the ballot stuffing, our observers have observed in around280 centers, in28 provinces where the ballot stuffing did occur.
最严重的问题是填塞选票。我们的观察员在28个省的大约280个投票中心的确看到了填塞选票的现象。 voanews

The day is centered on a meal typically including turkey, potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
人们会准备火鸡,土豆,填料,小红莓酱汁和南瓜派。 iciba

The devotees who crowded the Puttaparthi ashram, hoping for Blessing or stuffing their letters of petition into His hands, never questioned who He was.
挤满普塔帕蒂静修处的信徒们,从未怀疑过他是谁。 他们期待着赐福,或将他们的祈祷文塞入赛巴巴的手里。 ecocn

This has not only meant abandoning oversightthe majority is forever stuffing bloated last-minute amendments into already bloated bills.
这不只意味着对监督主要经常是把多余的最后修正案加诸已经臃肿的法案里面去的放弃。 ecocn

Stuffing something into the session is a very common shortcut taken under duress of an impending deadline.
在最终期限即将来临的压力下,向会话中填充东西是一种常见的捷径。 ibm




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