

单词 studded
释义 stud·ded 英'stʌdɪd美'stʌdɪd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁸²⁴¹BNC²⁶⁵⁴⁰iWeb²⁹⁰⁷⁶Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
dotted or adorned with or as with studs or nailheads; usually used in combination;

star-studded heavens

diamond-studded belt

近义词 adorned动词adorn的过去式,…
China has a coastline which isstuddedwith islands.中国有一个岛屿星罗棋布的海岸线。
The sky wasstuddedwith stars.天空中缀满了星星。
He hadstuddedthe sword hilt with jewels.他在剑柄上镶嵌了宝石。as in.covered
同义词 carpeted,dotted,overgrownbejeweled,flowered,overspread,peppered,powdered,sown,spangled,spattered,spotted,starreddusted over,flowery,scattered with,spread with,sprinkled over,starry with,strewn with
反义词 bare,empty,exposed,open,passed over,revealed,unfurnished,unheeded,unnoticedas in.speckled
同义词 flecked,mottled,sprinkleddappled,flaked,freckled,motley,peppered,spotted,stippled,variegatedbrindled,mosaic,particolored,patchy,punctate,spotty
反义词 plainunspeckled
coveredadjective plentifully bestrewn
bejeweled,carpeted,dotted,dusted over,flowered,flowery,overgrown,overspread,peppered,powdered,scattered with,sown,spangled,spattered,spotted,spread with,sprinkled over,starred,starry with,strewn with
speckledadjective dotted
brindled,dappled,flaked,flecked,freckled,mosaic,motley,mottled,particolored,patchy,peppered,punctate,spotted,spotty,sprinkled,stippled,studded,variegated At the premiere of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azaban in NYC, Emma wore a strapless beige ruffled dress with studded white pointed flats.
《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》纽约首映礼上,艾玛穿着无肩带的米色荷叶边礼裙,搭配白色铆钉平底鞋。 cri

Copies of the red leather jacket Jackson wore in the “ Thriller” video sell well, and compete with replicas of the studded black outfit Jackson wore on the cover of his1987 album“Bad.”
杰克逊在《颤栗》 MV中所穿的红色皮夹克仿品销量很好,堪比杰克逊在1987年的专辑《真棒》封面上所穿的那套布满饰钉的黑色礼服。 iciba

In Gu Changwei's star- studded new film, Love for Life, a beautiful Aids sufferer, Qinqin, explains how she sold her blood to buy expensive shampoo.
顾长卫的新作《最爱》是一部众星云集的巨作。影片中有一位美丽的艾滋病患者琴琴,她为了买好的洗发液而卖血。 yeeyan

Mr Goolsbee’s departure is yet another loss from a once star- studded economic brains trust.
古斯比的离职也是曾经“众星云集”的奥巴马经济智囊团的一大损失。 ecocn

The trouble with this idea: Barcelona's star- studded lineup is about as good as they come, but Argentina are no slouches, particularly up front.
这种说法的缺陷是:巴塞罗那的巨星云集的阵容尽善尽美,但阿根廷也实力不俗,特别是锋线。 yeeyan

A chart hanging from a cabinet shows a man in what looks at first glance like an electrode- studded diaper.
橱柜里挂着一幅画,画上的人在一个看上去像布满电极的尿布的东西上。 yeeyan

A windowless structure, it is studded with rows of dozens of gleaming access chutes. Tapes of alluring music tempt the flighty gadabouts to make themselves at home.
这种无窗式的建筑结构钉入数排发光的斜槽入口,迷人的音乐诱使这些轻浮的游荡者们安居在此。 ecocn

But the provinces of North and South Kivu, studded with gold and other metals, are in turmoil.
但是遍布黄金和其它矿藏的北方省份和基伏南部却仍处于混乱状态。 ecocn

But the princess gave him a sword which was studded with gold coins, and these he could use.
但是公主送给他一把剑,上面镶着金币,而这对他特别有用处。 ebigear

Each Hydrogenase airship is covered with flexible photovoltaic cells and features a smoothly sculpted form studded with20 wind turbines.
每一个“氢化酶”飞艇表面都覆盖着柔韧的光电电池,同时光滑的外墙上镶嵌着20个风力涡轮机。 yeeyan

Each strand is studded with feeding polyps that reach tiny tentacles into the currents to grab floating food.
每一串上都布满进食的息肉,息肉上细小的触须伸进洋流捕捉飘浮的食物。 yeeyan

Every year, more than140,000 tourists descend on the isolated archipelago to ogle its cactus- studded scenery and bizarre wildlife.
每年有140,000多游客涌向这座偏僻的岛屿,向布满仙人掌的风景和奇异的野生动物传递深情。 yeeyan

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pale yellow rock studded with honey-colored crystals.
他把手伸进衣袋,从里面掏出一块如同蜂蜜般晶莹剔透的浅黄色石头。 yeeyan

Instead, the central hall's floor“was studded with rubies, sapphires and topazes” on his orders.
结果,在他的命令下,中央大厅的地板镶嵌满了红宝石、蓝宝石和黄宝石。 yeeyan

It was made of gilded bamboo, and the poles were of vermilion lacquer studded with brass peacocks.
它以镀金的竹子做成,轿杆以朱红真漆漆成,镶嵌着黄铜孔雀。 yeeyan

It's like hiking on the road, even wearing a dirty old shoes, black satin than the diamond- studded heels even more appropriate properly.
这就像是在健行的路上,即使是穿着脏旧的运动鞋,都比黑色缎面的镶钻高根鞋还要来得适切得宜。 yeeyan

' Jewelry is really the easiest way to transform from day to evening,' she says, noting that she carries a little studded or jeweled clutch in her daytime bag when she has evening events to attend.
加西亚女士说,珠宝首饰真的是将日装变成晚装的最简单的方法。她说,每当有晚间活动需要出席的时候,她总是会在白天的手袋里装上一只饰有金属或珠宝的晚装包。 tingvoa

But fewer economists agreed with Ms Romer's assertion that the CEA's staff in2009 was of a calibre not seen since those star- studded days.
但是对罗默提出2009年 CEA的成员,有着自那些星光闪耀日子以来未曾见过的卓越,没有经济学家赞同这一点。 ecocn

It began, of course, at the height of the Cold War, when the Arctic was studded with more nuclear weapons than virtually any other part of the world.
当然,这是在冷战的巅峰时期开始的,那时北极实际上有比世界上任何地方都多的核武器。 yeeyan

Mr Moore is a showman, and his film is studded with trademark stunts.
穆尔是一个艺人,他的电影里穿插了有很多特技。 ecocn

People who read text studded with links, the studies show, comprehend less than those who read traditional linear text.
这项研究显示,人们在阅读那些嵌满了链接的文本时,理解得不如那些传统的线性文本。 yeeyan

The back of the dress was studded with tiny silk- covered buttons.
礼服的背面还镶嵌了小小的丝质纽扣。 hjenglish

The star- studded study appears in the Journal of Human Capital.
关于这些明星的研究已经刊登在《人力资源》杂志。 yeeyan

This cartoon is studded with excellent caricatures, for instance, the wonderful executive secretary in the first frame.
这幅漫画中满是出色的人物形象,例如,第一格中惟妙惟肖的女秘书。 edu.sina.com.cn




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