

单词 stubs
释义 stubs 英s'tʌbz美s'tʌbz COCA³⁸⁹⁶⁶BNC⁴¹¹³⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 stub:
a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is losta small piecea torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receiptthe part of a check that is retained as a recordthe small unused part of something especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking
动词 stub:
pull up weeds by their rootsextinguish by crushingclear of weeds by uprooting themstrike one's toe accidentally against an object用作名词I mean I could show them my previous lotterystubs.我可以把以前所有的彩票存根给他们看。
That's your baggage claimstubs.那是您的行李申报存根。 The likes of ONC RPC, CORBA, and XML- RPC can be comprised either through the language- specific stubs that drive their common usage or through their wire formats.
像 ONC RPC、 CORBA和 XML- RPC之类的技术,通过驱动其一般应用的特定于语言的存根,或者通过它们的在线格式,从而组合起来。 ibm

The generated code includes the stubs on the client side implementing the required interface, and the skeleton on the server side.
生成的代码包括客户端的存根实现必要的接口和服务器端的基干。 ibm

Also, these stubs are not portable because they depend on implementation classes and should not be packaged as part of an application.
另外,这些存根不是可移植的,因为它们依赖于实现类,并且不应该作为应用程序的一部分进行打包。 ibm

As such, a typical JAX- RPC runtime maintains the session data separately for each individual stub even though stubs may talk with services running at the same back-end server.
同样,即使存根可能与运行在相同后端服务器的服务进行对话,典型的 JAX- RPC运行时也分别为每个单独的存根维护会话数据。 ibm

As mentioned above, one of the challenges in SOA testing is creating stubs and simulators.
正如前面提到的, SOA测试中的一个挑战是创建存根和模拟器。 ibm

Develop the client application from the client-side stubs to invoke the service.
根据客户端存根开发客户机应用程序,以调用服务。 ibm

For EJB3.0 applications, it is not required to generate EJB client stubs during or prior to deployment.
对于 EJB3.0应用程序,在部署期间或之前生成 EJB客户端存根不是必需的。 ibm

For every model and controller you create, corresponding test stubs are created.
对于您创建的每个模型和控制器,都会创建对应的测试存根。 ibm

For these reasons, it is essential to define the interfaces that the stubs and skeletons use.
出于这些原因,定义存根和骨架使用的接口是最基本的要求。 ibm

Generate client and service stubs in various languages.
采用各种语言生成客户端和服务存根。 ibm

I mean I could show them my previous lottery stubs.
我可以把以前所有的彩票存根给他们看。 ebigear

If she's an hourly employee, check her pay stubs to see if she really is racking up the overtime.
如果她是每小时雇员,检查她的收入存根,看她是否真的在额外加班。 yeeyan

If you're doing command- line development, you can easily create stubs for commands.
如果您正在进行命令行开发,您就可以轻松地创建命令存根。 ibm

In the next dialog Figure9, you can create method stubs for the particular methods you want to implement.
在下一个对话框图9中,您可以为您要实现的特定方法创建方法存根。 ibm

IRAD assists developers by automating the creation and deployment of host and target-based component test harnesses, test stubs, and test drivers.
IRAD辅助开发人员自动化建立、开发主机、面向目标的组件测试控制、测试存根和测试驱动。 ibm

It contains the remote stubs and complex types that are needed to interact with your server-side components.
它包含远端存根和与服务器端组件进行交互所需的复杂类型。 ibm

Note that the definition of JAX- RPC client is relative to the service which the client communicates with, and stubs for different services are deemed as different clients.
请注意 JAX- RPC客户端的定义是相对于服务的,这些服务与客户端进行通信,并且不同服务的存根被认为是不同的客户端。 ibm

Testing requires creation of stubs, which would substitute the legacy applications in a production environment.
要进行测试,需要创建存根,用于替代生产环境中的遗留应用程序。 ibm

The necessary client stubs are generated and propagated dynamically when EJB methods are invoked by application clients.
所需的客户端存根将在应用程序客户端调用 EJB方法时动态地生成和传播。 ibm

There can be different implementations of stubs based on the binding requirements.
根据绑定要求可以存在不同的存根实现。 ibm

These stubs are provided by the generated classes, which are created by tools.
这些存根是由生成的类提供的,它们是由工具创建的。 ibm

These stubs use a default port for the actual service invocation.
对于实际服务调用,这些存根使用缺省端口。 ibm

This approach also breaks up the code into manageable pieces and minimizes the integration code, in the form of stubs and drivers, required for testing.
这种方法也将代码分解成了易于管理的片断并最小化了以存根和驱动程序形式的、被测试需要的代码集成。 ibm

This stub interface provides APIs to configure stubs by setting properties like endpoint address, session, user name, password, etc.
这个存根接口通过设置诸如端点地址、会话、用户名、密码这样的属性来提供 API以配置存根。 ibm

Understand the system context diagram to draw requirements for stubs.
了解系统上下文关系图,以确定对存根的需求。 ibm

What this means in practice is that developers create stubs for remote objects by writing compatible interfaces by hand, processing WSDL files, or even dynamic methods and introspection.
在实践上,这意味着开发人员必须通过手工编写兼容接口、处理 WSDL文件甚至动态方法和自我度量,以便为远程对象创建存根。 ibm

You can use the generator wizards to generate these client stubs entirely.
您完全可以使用生成器向导来生成这些客户机存根。 ibm

You will need to add the client stubs JAR file so this standalone client can invoke the remote EJB.
您需要添加客户机存根 JAR文件,这样这个独立的客户机才能调用远程 EJB。 ibm

Stubs and simulators substitute the legacy applications in a production environment and other external applications, which are required as back-end systems in production.
存根和模拟器替代生产环境中的遗留应用程序和其他外部应用程序在生产中作为后端系统。 ibm




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