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strutting 英'strʌtiŋ美'strʌtiŋ 高COCA³⁵⁶³⁴BNC⁴⁸⁷⁷⁰ 基本英英记法例句Thesaurus例句 n.支撑物³³;支撑²²;加固³⁴动词strut的现在分词形式¹¹.原型strut的现在分词 名词 strut: a proud stiff pompous gaitbrace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compressionstrutt-,-ing动名词⇒n.支撑物³³;支撑²²;加固动词strut的现在分词形式. 名词100% as in.boastful 同义词 arrogant,bombastic,cocky,exultant,pompous,pretentiousbig,big-headed,conceited,crowing,egotistic,egotistical,full of hot air,highfalutin,hot stuff,know-it-all,loudmouth,on ego trip,puffed-up,self-aggrandizing,self-applauding,smart-alecky,snooty,stuck-up,swaggering,swanky,swollen-headed,too big for one's britches,vainglorious,vaunting,windbag 反义词 humble,modestunconceited,deprecatingas in.vainglorious 同义词 arrogant,blowing one's own horn,boasting,bragging,cavalier,cocky,conceited,egotistic,egotistical,haughty,high-and-mighty,high-handed,huffy,overbearing,pompous,presumptuous,pretentious,puffed up,self-important,snobbish,snooty,stuck-up,swaggering,vainas in.vainglory 同义词 arrogance,boastfulness,bragging,cockiness,conceit,condescension,egoism,egotism,haughtiness,huff,overconfidence,patronage,presumption,pretension,self-importance,smugness,snobbery,swagger,vanitybig-headedness,swelled head 反义词 humility,meekness,modesty,truth boastfuladjective bragging arrogant,big,big-headed,bombastic,cocky,conceited,crowing,egotistic,egotistical,exultant,full of hot air,highfalutin,hot stuff,know-it-all,loudmouth,on ego trip,pompous,pretentious,puffed-up,self-aggrandizing,self-applauding,smart-alecky,snooty,stuck-up,swaggering,swanky,swollen-headed,too big for one's britches,vainglorious,vaunting,windbag vaingloriousadjective boastful, proud arrogant,blowing one's own horn,boasting,bragging,cavalier,cocky,conceited,egotistic,egotistical,haughty,high-and-mighty,high-handed,huffy,overbearing,pompous,presumptuous,pretentious,puffed up,self-important,snobbish,snooty,strutting,stuck-up,swaggering,vain vainglorynoun pride arrogance,big-headedness,boastfulness,bragging,cockiness,conceit,condescension,egoism,egotism,haughtiness,huff,overconfidence,patronage,presumption,pretension,self-importance,smugness,snobbery,strutting,swagger,swelled head,vanity walkingadjective on foot afoot,ambulate,ambulatorydigitigrademarchingplantigradepromenading,roaming,strolling,strutting,wandering At regular intervals, deafening rock music erupts and the crowd rushes to ogle skimpily clad dancers strutting their stuff. 每隔一定时间,震耳欲聋的摇滚音乐如火山喷发,人群纷纷涌去观看穿着金属外衣的舞者如何展现自己的舞技。 ecocn Chimney swallows were darting swiftly across the yard, and chickens, ducks and turkeys were waddling and strutting and straggling in from the fields. 家燕轻快地在院场上空飞来飞去,小鸡、鸭子和火鸡都纷纷从田地里回家来了。 kekenet However, men who set out to rape a comatose woman know that if they simply target a very drunk woman, preferably strutting her stuff in view of a CCTV camera, they will have a ready-made defence. 那些犯过事的男人们知道,如果他们瞄上了一个烂醉如泥的女人,只要用闭路设备拍下她的裸体,那么在法庭上就可以高枕无忧了。 yeeyan Now that his secret identity has been revealed and world peace achieved, he's reduced to strutting in the spotlight, singing his own praises with mock humility. 他的秘密身份已经泄漏,世界倒也恢复了和平,他便尽力不再暴露在闪光灯的聚焦之下,自嘲般地称颂自己。 yeeyan The famous fashion show, with legendary supermodels strutting in lavishly jeweled bras and feathered wings, became a cultural moment. 著名的维秘时装展,经典的维密超模晃着镶满珠宝的文胸和羽毛翅膀妖娆地走T台,都已成为一种文化符号。 yeeyan The French liked the way their hyperactive president was constantly in the thick of diplomatic action, strutting from Georgia to the Middle East and making France count again in the world. 法国人乐于看到他们极度活跃的总统总是在从事最激烈的外交活动,昂首阔步地穿梭于格鲁吉亚和中东之间,使法国再度成为有影响力的世界性大国。 ecocn A pigeon on the half- frozen pond strutting to the edge of the ice and looking a duck in the face. 一只鸽子在半解冻的池水上大摇大摆地走向冰块的边缘,凝视着对面的一只母鸭。 douban Check out this police officer strutting his stuff. He is a retired Providence police officer who is known as the “ Dancing Cop”. 看看这位警察官的表演﹐他是一位以舞蹈警察而闻名的资深退休警察。 putclub Check out this police officer strutting his stuff. 看一下这名拉风的警官。 putclub For the most part, March is a time for strutting your stuff, getting creative, and enjoying yourself. 就绝大部分时间而言,三月正是你大显身手和创作以及享受其中的时候。 blog.sina.com.cn He was strutting the hall of business when the boss talked to me. 老板跟我谈话时,他在营业大厅里大摇大摆地走过。《21世纪大英汉词典》 High School Musical: Summer Session is like a high-school version of American Idol, with contestants between the ages16 and22 strutting their singing and dancing prowess. 高校音乐剧:暑期补习班就像美国偶像的高中版,由年龄在16-22岁之间的参赛者们展示他们的歌唱和舞蹈能力。 hjenglish I was strutting, I was smiling, I was bursting with energy. 我在高视阔步,在微笑,在爆发能量。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn In the same unlit alleyway, Awa Ndiaye was strutting in a dress as tight as cellophane. 在同一个没有灯光的小巷里, Awa Ndiaye穿着像玻璃纸一样紧身的裙子大步走着。 career.51youcai.com There were no drag queens in sexy ensembles with heavy makeup strutting down the streets in platform heels or buff shirtless sailor boys splayed like starfish on moving floats. 既没有化浓妆,穿松糕鞋、性感套装的女王范儿的在街上晃的,也没有像是移动漂浮物上的海星似的穿无袖牛皮水手装的男孩。 yeeyan There they can find the full set of pictures of Vladimir “The Body” Putin strutting his stuff, bare- chested, along the banks of a Siberian river during a fishing expedition. 在那里她们可以看到普京总统的全套“性感照”,照片上的普京总统赤裸着上身,大显他那健壮的身材,在西伯利亚的河畔钓鱼。 kekenet This has resulted in what Mr Moses describes as behaviour ranging from “ strutting to outright stumbling”. 这样导致了摩西先生形容的一种行为就像“大摇大摆直接走到绊脚石”。 yeeyan When we first met on Thursday, Hammond had been strutting his stuff for nine hours. His plan was to continue almost non- stop for the duration of the festival. 我跟他初次见面是在星期四,此前他已经连续跳舞长达9个小时,并打算在节日期间持续不停地跳下去。 yeeyan While Al Gore has been strutting his stuff on stage, behind the scenes America's quieter greens have been successfully lobbying powerful interests. 当 Al Gore在台前趾高气扬地卖弄他那一套时,在幕后环保保护主义者们已经悄无声息地在游说那些强大的利益集团了。 ecocn |