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词汇 strut
释义 strut 英strʌt美strʌtAHDstrŭt ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA¹⁷⁴⁵¹BNC⁴⁶⁶⁰⁷iWeb¹¹⁷¹³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

a proud stiff pompous gaitbrace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression
to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others;

He struts around like a rooster in a hen house









来自中古英语strutian,鼓起,膨胀,僵硬的站立。来自原始日耳曼语strut,鼓起,膨胀。来自原始印欧语*ster,僵硬的,生硬的,固定的,词源同stark, stare, stereo。引申比喻义高视阔步,趾高气扬等。最终来自原始印欧语*ster,僵硬的,生硬的,固定的,词源同stark, stare, stereo。引申词义支杆,支柱。 strut来自中古英语strutian,鼓起,膨胀,僵硬的站立。来自原始日耳曼语strut,鼓起,膨胀。来自原始印欧语*ster,僵硬的,生硬的,固定的,词源同stark, stare, stereo。引申比喻义高视阔步,趾高气扬等。最终来自原始印欧语*ster,僵硬的,生硬的,固定的,词源同stark, stare, stereo。引申词义支杆,支柱。 stark来自古英语stearc,僵硬的,严厉的,严重的,粗糙的,残酷的。来自原始日耳曼语*starkaz,僵硬的。来自原始印欧语*ster,僵的,硬的,固定的,词源同startle, sterile。引申诸相关词义。词义演变比较hard。stark-naked赤裸的来自中古英语start naked,光屁股的。来自古英语steort,屁股,尾巴。来自原始日耳曼语*stertaz硬的,直的。来自原始印欧语*ster,僵的,硬的,固定的,词源同startle, sterile。后拼写受stark影响俗化。引申词义赤裸裸的。 stare来自古英语starian,凝视,目不转睛。来自原始日耳曼语*staren,僵硬,变直。来自原始印欧语*ster,僵的,硬的,固定的,词源同stark, startle, sterile。 stereo缩写自stereophonic,立体声的。stereo-固定的,三维的,立体的来自希腊语stereos,固定的,固体的。来自原始印欧语*ster,固定的,坚固的,僵硬的,词源同sterile, stark。strut your stuff显身手表演拿手好戏…brace strut撑杆inclined strut斜撑drag strut阻力撑杆diagonal strut斜支柱,对角撑…slanted strut斜撑jury strut应急支柱compression strut压缩支柱,压杆…angle strut角铁支柱lateral strut横支柱,侧向支撑…timber strut木支柱shock strut减震支柱cross strut剪刀撑propeller strut人字架,尾轴架…balance strut平衡支柱tapered strut锥形支柱transverse strut横向支撑braced strut联结支撑oleo strut油缓冲支柱,油压减震…strut member支柱件,支撑件…
GRE红宝书读: 死抓它: 如果你从飞机上掉下来, 说什么也要死死的抓住strut, 不然非死即残, 就不能strut了.
strong out 壮汉出门,或street + out 出门在街,趾高气扬;structure 构架, 建筑→架子→走路摆架子;
近义词 rod杆bar酒吧walk步行beam微笑cock雄禽crow乌鸦pace速度step步骤march行军brace防备parade游行prance腾跃tittup跳动ruffle褶饰stroll闲逛support支持stride大步走sashay到处走动crosspiece横木girder建大梁swagger大摇大摆地走…

用作名词Thestruthas a positive angle when the prop shaft points upwards towards the water surface.高视阔步有一个正面角度当支柱轴指向向上往水表面。
Remove the steering knuckle from thestrut.自支柱拆除转向关节。
On this second impact the left wheelstrutbroke and the right tire blew out!这第二次接舰的时候,左起落架支柱折断,右轮胎也爆了!用作动词The circulation economy development needs the green science and technology innovation as thestrut.循环经济的发展需要绿色科技创新生态化作为支撑。
Total vertebrectomy and repair were performed with fibularstrutgrafts and placement of rigid anterior and posterior instrumentation.患者进行了全椎体切除,腓骨支撑植骨,前后坚强内固定。verb.(walk pompously
同义词 prance,sashay,stalk,stride,swaggerflaunt,flounce,grandstand,mince,parade,peacock,swank,sweepplay to audience,put on airs,show off
反义词 conceal,hide
actverb entertain by playing a role
be on,bring down the house,burlesque,characterize,do a turn,dramatize,emote,enact,feign,go on,go over,ham,ham it up,impersonate,lay an egg,make debut,mime,mimic,mug,parody,perform,personate,personify,play,play act,play gig,play part,play role,portray,pretend,put it over,rehearse,represent,say one's piece,simulate,star,stooge,take part,tread the boards
beamnoun length of material used as support
blusterverb bully, intimidate
badger,boast,brag,brazen,browbeat,bulldoze,cow,crow,domineer,gloat,hector,rant,rave,ride the high horse,roar,roister,shoot off one's mouth,show off,storm,strut,swagger,swell,talk big,vapor,vaunt,yap
blusteredverb bully, intimidate
badgered,boasted,bragged,brazened,browbeat,bulldozed,cowed,crowed,domineered,gloated,hectored,ranted,raved,roared,rode the high horse,roistered,shot off one's mouth,showed off,stormed,strutted,swaggered,swelled,talked big,vapored,vaunted,yapped
boastverb brag
advertise,aggrandize,attract attention,blow,blow one's own horn,blow smoke,bluster,bully,cock-a-doodle-doo,con,congratulate oneself,crow,exaggerate,exult,fake,flatter oneself,flaunt,flourish,gasconade,give a good account of oneself,gloat,glory,grandstand,hug oneself,jive,lay on thick,prate,preen,psych,puff,shoot,shovel,show off,showboat,shuck,sling,sound off,strut,swagger,talk big,triumph,vapor
boastedverb brag
advertised,aggrandized,attracted attention,blew,blew one's own horn,blew smoke,blustered,bullied,cock-a-doodle-dooed,congratulated oneself,conned,crowed,exaggerated,exulted,faked,flatter oneself,flaunted,flourished,gasconaded,gave a good account of oneself,gloated,gloried,grandstanded,hugged oneself,jived,lay on thick,prated,preened,psyched,puffed,shot,shoveled,showboated,showed off,shucked,slung,sounded off,strutted,swaggered,talked big,triumphed,vapored A few hundred strong at most, they no longer strut the streets with their guns or blow up cafés but are lying low.
这批人最多约一百人,他们如今已不敢再在街上拿着枪耀武扬威或炸毁咖啡馆了,而只有潜伏起来。 ecocn

Cyber models do not strut the catwalk. They pose for pictures that get posted online for stores to showcase their products.

The chassis was changed slightly to increase frame stiffness Nissan claimed50% torsional, 100% bending rigidity increase and utilize higher rear strut mounts.
底盘的强度略为加强尼桑声称抗扭强度增加了50%,抗弯强度增加了100%,后轮支柱略为加高。 yeeyan

Blue- footed boobies are aptly named, and males take great pride in their fabulous feet. During mating rituals, male birds show off their feet to prospective mates with a high-stepping strut.
蓝脚鲣鸟真是名副其实,男性常常为自己极好的脚所自豪,在交配仪式中它们趾高气扬地走来炫耀自己的脚给未来的侣伴,总之脚越蓝,侣伴越具有吸引力。 yeeyan

But they also had another reason to strut: each year, streams of economics students would pour into jobs in western governments and corporations, to positions of power, status and wealth.
但同时,他们之所以自负,还有另一个原因:每年,大批经济学学生涌入西方政府与企业,占据拥有权力、地位与财富的职位。 enfamily

But what about the growing cohort of Chinese companies starting to strut the world stage?
但是,越来越多的中国企业开始在国际舞台上崭露头角,这又怎么解释? ecocn

Check out this AE86 with motor, body kit, and strut bar!
看看此 AE86运动,身体试剂和支柱酒吧! dg-car

Frame rail or strut tower out of position or damaged.
车架梁或支柱塔位置不正或损坏。 fathomer

How I should like to follow each movement of the graceful Hamlet, each strut of the hearty Falstaff!
我多想领会优雅的哈姆雷特的每个动作,热忱的伏尔斯塔夫的每一个昂首阔步地样子! jukuu

Mice twitch their noses at potential mates, colorful peacocks strut around for admiring peahens, and pigeons puff their chests to look buff.
老鼠在遇到自己的潜在伴侣时会抽动鼻子,雄孔雀在遇到心仪的雌孔雀时会开屏,鸽子则会鼓起胸脯使自己看起来很健壮。 yeeyan

Nonetheless he wanted at his court appearance to strut about in some kind of military uniform.
尽管如此,在出庭审判时,他还是想穿某种军装以显其姿态。 yeeyan

Or Mr Kim now determined to strut his stuff regardless?
或者金先生现在已经决定不顾后果的大显其身手了? ecocn

Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow.
孔雀在周围的草地上昂首阔步。 yeeyan

Remove the steering knuckle from the strut.
自支柱拆除转向关节。 dictall

Replaced nose gear shock strut charging valve, no leakage in GND check.

THE cockerels strut and stamp, heads jerking, chests puffed, in a swaggering display of mock aggression.
降旗士兵们昂首阔步,用力跺着脚,头抽动着,胸口鼓足了气,大摇大摆地表演着故意为之的挑衅。 ecocn

The peacock has to accept his raucous voice but he can still' strut his stuff' and display his beautiful plumage.

The results show that the shrinking and maximum temperature stresses correspond to1/3 and 1/5 of the total strut axial forces respectively.
结果表明,收缩引起的应力相当于整个支撑轴力的1/3,而温度变化引起的最大应力相当于支撑轴力的1/5。 iciba

Then he'd strut off to the studio and work all night.
然后他退回工作室,整晚作画。 yeeyan

This was a dance where the participants would quite literally just strut around like a turkey, in circles around one another.
参加这种舞蹈的人必须保持安静,像火鸡一样昂首阔步,互相绕圈。 yeeyan

This behavior is similar to buckling of strut.
这种状态类似于压杆的屈曲。 jukuu

When you strut your stuff, you’re not being a show-off.
当你高视阔步的时候,你并不是在炫耀。 yeeyan

Wiener represents the city's Castro District, where a group of men locals refer to as “ the naked guys” is known to strut its stuff, and some residents have grown weary of uncensored views.




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