

单词 strung together
释义 strung together短语⁵⁰¹⁵⁶
The units of meaning, word, can be strung together in different ways, according to rules, to communicate different meanings.
根据各种规则,表意的单元组合、词汇能以不同的方式被串连起来,传递不同的含义。 italki

Boom most often looks like huge, floating sandbags strung together in a line, and either absorbs oil or deflects it toward a collection point.
浮动档栏往往是连在一条线上的巨大浮动沙袋,要么能够吸收石油,要么使石油向某个石油收集点聚集。 yeeyan

Composite applications are the actual running services that have been assembled and strung together to support what a business does.
组合应用程序是为了支持业务的各项功能而装配和组合到一起的实际运行的服务。 ibm

His sentences were so badly strung together that it was difficult to grasp their meaning.
他这些句子是如此拙劣地拼凑而成,使人难以理解其意义。 iciba

These are amino acids, the “ beads” that form proteins when strung together, and chemicals needed to allow cells to create a membrane barrier.
这两种被称为“玻璃粉”的氨基酸物质压缩时可以形成蛋白质,并形成用于帮助细胞生成黏膜屏障的化学物质。 edu.sina.com.cn

These shapes became the first letters strung together to make words.
这些形状又变成首批字母串成字。 yeeyan

Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music.
这样连贯的话语听起来有音乐感。 iciba




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