

单词 strum
释义 strum 英strʌm美strʌmAHDstrŭm ★☆☆☆☆高GCOCA²⁹³⁵⁷BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb¹⁸⁷⁷⁰
sound of strumming;

the strum of a guitar

sound the strings of a string instrument;

strum a guitar

strum box吸入滤网箱
近义词 play玩jam果酱thrum织边twang弦声noodle面条improvise即兴创作

用作动词As she sang shestrummedon a guitar.她边唱边弹吉他。
He sat therestrumminga guitar.他坐在那儿漫不经心地弹吉他。
Mary can come home from any musical show andstrumevery tune on the piano.玛丽每听过一次音乐会,回到家里都能在钢琴上随意弹出其中的每一首曲子。verb.tweak
同义词 pick,pluck,plunk
droneverb making noise continuously
dronedverb making noise continuously
drumverb beat, tap a beat
drummedverb beat, tap a beat
humverb buzz, vibrate
bombilate,bombinate,bum,bumble,croon,drone,moan,mumble,murmur,purr,rustle,sing,sing low,sound,strum,throb,thrum,trill,warble,whir,whisper,zoom
hummedverb buzz, vibrate
bombilated,bombinated,bumbled,bummed,crooned,droned,moaned,mumbled,murmured,purred,rustled,sang,sang low,sounded,strummed,throbbed,thrummed,trilled,warbled,whirred,whispered,zoomed The Pop Guitar Course is one of these courses specifically catered to youngsters who wish to learn how to strum their favourite songs on the guitar!
流行吉他班很自然成为了这些课程之一。它特别迎合年轻人想要学习如何抱着吉他来演奏他们最喜欢的歌曲! deardeer

Along with three Chinese performers, I would strum my guitar and sing English songs, including“Clementine”, “Puff, The Magic Dragon” and “El Condor Pasa.”
我与三位中国歌手一起弹着吉他、唱英文歌,诸如《克蒂芒蒂娜》、《神龙璞夫》、《老鹰之歌》等等。 yeeyan

Due to this, the select, process, and strum of piano accompaniment for the classical dancing are extraordinary unique to those of ballet.
正是由于这种差异,使古典舞钢琴伴奏的选曲、乐曲处理方法和弹奏要领与芭蕾舞的钢琴伴奏有很大的不同。 boshuo

His uncle used to sing songs to him and pretend to strum an imaginary guitar in his lap.
他的叔叔曾经为他唱歌并且假装漫不经心地弹奏他腿上的吉他。 blog.sina.com.cn

It's certain to strum your heartstrings and touch your soul.
它肯定会触动您的心弦并能感动您的灵魂。 eooo

Janette Strum from Sweden weeps near her injured son while they wait to be airlifted out of Phuket, Thailand.
詹妮特由近她受伤的儿子,而瑞典哭斯特鲁姆等候被空运出普吉岛,泰国。 bugutang

Methods Hepatocytes obtained from the new born rabbit were cultured on the agar scaffold made up of agar, embryo cattle strum and antibiotics, then observed the growth and proliferation of the cells.
方法将营养琼脂、小牛血清、抗生素按一定比例制成固体支架,取乳兔肝细胞,作原代培养,观察细胞在固体支架上生长繁殖情况。 cnki

This is my opinion about the application of Hand Strum the Lute.
这是本人对这手挥琵琶演示的意见。 cryptozoologyvids

Strum's13-year-old son, Jonathan, is still missing after a quake- triggered tsunami swept into the popular tourist resort.
斯特鲁姆的13岁的儿子,乔纳森,仍然失踪后进入著名的旅游度假胜地席卷一地震引发的海啸。 bugutang




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