

单词 strong earthquake
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The kinematics and dynamics of plate tectonics are the frontal subjects in geoscience, and the strong earthquake occurred along the plate boundary results directly from plate movement.
板块构造的运动和动力学是地学研究的前沿课题。板块边缘强震是板块运动的直接结果。 cnki

What seismologists can do is identify places where there is a high probability of a strong earthquake happening in the future.
地震学家所能做的,只是找出那些未来发生强震的可能性很大的地方。 ecocn

At least25 people were killed and dozens of buildings destroyed after a strong earthquake struck Burma near the Thai border on Thursday, officials said.
缅甸官方称在周四发生在缅泰边境地震发生后,当地造成了至少25人死亡,多幢房屋受损。 hjenglish

Precursors to volcanic eruptions include strong earthquake swarms and rapid ground deformation and typically take place days to weeks before an actual eruption.
火山喷发前兆,包括在实际爆发强震群和快速地面变形,通常发生几天到几周。 big5.gwytb.gov.cn




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