

单词 stroller
释义 stroll·er 英ˈstrəʊlə美ˈstrolɚAHDstrōʹlər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁶⁵⁷¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁹⁸⁴⁵

someone who walks at a leisurely pacea small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed aroundstroll,漫步,闲逛,-er,人。buggy多虫的pushchair 婴幼儿推车…
stroll-er名人|物⇒n.美婴儿车n.散步者⁶⁴;流浪者³⁶近义词 buggy多虫的go-cart童车pusher推进者saunterer漫步者pram英)婴儿车…Baby Buggy婴儿车carriage四轮马车perambulator巡视者baby carriage婴儿车pushchair婴幼儿推车…ambler以溜步法走的马…

用作名词The enrolled jollystrollerpolled on the trolley.被招收的快乐的散步者在无轨电车上投票。noun.(carriage
同义词 buggy,perambulator,pram
baby carriagenoun small wheeled carriage
baby buggy,carriage,perambulator,pram,pushchair
pedestriannoun person traveling on foot
pedestriansnoun person traveling on foot
walkernoun person who walks
wanderernoun person who travels aimlessly
adventurer,beachcomber,bum,drifter,explorer,floater,gad,gadabout,gallivanter,globetrotter,gypsy,itinerant,meanderer,nomad,pilgrim,rambler,ranger,roamer,rolling stone,rover,straggler,stray,stroller,traveler,vagabond,vagrant,voyager And you, if you had a baby, there’d be no stroller, right, because it would be oh so predictable? Absolutely no stroller?
你,如果你有了孩子,将没有手推车,好吗,因为这是多么的可预测阿,坚决不要手推车? yeeyan

The ladies of the evening were beginning their shift. And they would always see myself, this baby and the stroller.
晚上,女士来汽车旅馆上夜班,总是看见我、小婴儿和那辆推车。 ebigear

“ A stroller, ” she said. “To cart the baby around.”
“一个推车,”她说,“推孩子溜达。” yeeyan

A few years back Sarah Kelly,34, of Fairhope, Ala., loaded her two kids into the car at a store parking lot and forgot her double stroller in the space beside her, driving away and abandoning it.
几年之前,阿拉巴马州 Fairhope市的34岁的 Sarah Kelly,将她的两个孩子塞进停在商场停车场的汽车里后,居然忘记了她身后的双人婴儿推车,把汽车直接开走了。 yeeyan

A woman pushes a stroller down the sidewalk in front of us.
我们前面的一位妇女将一名流浪汉推倒在人行道上。 yeeyan

A6- month-old Australian boy has miraculously survived a train crashing into his stroller after it rolled onto the tracks, local Police said.
据当地警方称,日前,澳大利亚一婴儿车掉进铁轨后与一列车相撞,不可思议的是,婴儿车上6月大的婴儿竟幸存。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

An example: If Angelina Jolie put her kids in a certain stroller, it meant that stroller was good for humankind, which meant the stroller sold out everywhere.
举个例子:如果安吉丽娜朱莉给她的孩子用一款婴儿车,那就意味着这款婴儿车非常好,也就是说这款婴儿车在任何地方都会被抢购一空。 yeeyan

As I watched the stranger walking on the street and pushing her own child in a stroller, I remembered that time and those wishes.
当我看着着那位陌生人推着她自己的婴儿车时,就记起了那个时候,还有那些愿望。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Can I check this stroller at the gate?
我可以在登机门托运婴儿推车吗? www.english-corner.com.cn

Get up and join in the activities by pushing a jogging stroller, hitting the hiking trails, running the bases, biking the neighbourhood, climbing the jungle gym or swimming in the lake.
起来,加入到活动中去,推着婴儿车慢跑,设计一下徒步旅行,跑步,骑车去邻近的街区,爬爬山,去健身馆,或者到湖里游泳。 yeeyan

Hold the door open for a person pushing a stroller.
为推婴儿车的人扶门; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

How does a stroller's dress and hairdo become fashionable?
一个流浪汉的衣着和发型怎么成潮流的? xdf

How much you wanna bet they buy a stroller?
你赌多少他们会买一个推车? yeeyan

I wished for those things out loud one day, pushing my baby boy in a stroller through my neighborhood.
某一天,我的头脑拼命地想着这些东西,一边推着婴儿车走过我住的街区。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

I have to reinforce that after a trip to the mall yesterday. I saw one mom feeding her baby, who was in a stroller, a bottle with one hand while talking on her cell phone with the other.
在这儿我还得说说我昨天在一个购物中心看到的一幕:有个母亲一手讲电话,一手拿着奶瓶给在婴儿车里的宝宝喂奶。 yeeyan

I was browsing in a military surplus store when a young couple came in pushing a little boy in a stroller.
一次我正在逛一家剩余军品商店,这时候一对年轻的夫妇推着里面坐着一个小男孩的车子进来了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

If it is stroller, it must under no circumstances be ridden in without protest. It must be pushed by me instead.
如果它是手推车,无论在何种状况下我都不会乖乖坐在上面而不抗议。它应该要由我来推。 iyaya

Other brands use a standard assembly line process where multiple individuals remove the stroller frame from the line, complete their designated step and put it back on the line for the next person.
别的品牌通常适用一个标准的装配流水作业线,再由单独的工人把推车的框架拿下来,再完成制定好的工序,然后由下一个人放回流水线。 imamai

Our second, the little angel and Daddy's little girl, lays in her stroller in the aisle, sound asleep.
我们的第二个孩子,小天使,爹爹的小女孩儿,躺在过道里她的婴儿车里,酣睡着。 tianya

So every week they'd put their daughter in the stroller and discuss things from how frequently to clean their apartment to Ms.
以至于每个周末他们把女儿放在折叠式婴儿车里,然后讨论事情,从多久打扫一次女儿的房间到 Ms. yeeyan

The subject of“ After the Storm” is a boy who is trying to save a stroller after the tropical storm Hanna struck Haiti.
以“风暴之后”为主题的照片描述的是在热带风暴“汉娜”袭击海地后,一个男孩将一辆婴儿车推到安全地带。 hjenglish

These strollers were launched for2008 and offer several unique features including the mounting bracket that makes accessorizing your City Series stroller extremely easy.
这些婴儿车在2008年推出,并提供独特的特点,包括安装支架,使你的城市系列配饰婴儿推车变得极为简易使用。 imamai

This family includes the City Mini, the City Classic and the City Elite to fulfill three different stroller needs.
该系列还包括城市小推车,城市经典与城市精英实现三个不同款的车给不同需求的人。 imamai

Your strollerpram has been put at the boarding gate.
您的婴儿车已经放在登机口了。 blog.sina.com.cn




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